Mr. Charles H. Maskell, organist of the Church of the Restoration, Philadelphia, gave a well-attended recital, October 22d. He was assisted by Mrs. H. C. Lee, soprano, and Dr. G. Conquest Anthony, baritone.
Mr. C. Rupprecht, of St. Louis, inaugurated the organ in Trinity Church, Wellsville, N. Y.
The first performance of a new song-cycle, music by Harry Girard, text by William H. Gardner, will be given in New York early this month, by Mrs. Seabury Ford, soprano; Miss Marguerite Hall, contralto; Mr. McKenzie Gordon, tenor; and Mr. Harry Girard, bass.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hoffman, lately of the Baptist Female College, Raleigh, N. C., have joined with Mr. W. Whitney Hubner, violinist, and Mrs. C. B. Summers in establishing a new music-school in Pittsburgh, to be known as the Pittsburgh Musical Institute.
Miss Mary Fidelia Burt will give an illustrated exhibition of her class-work in sight-singing, ear- training, and musical stenography in her studio in Carnegie Hall, New York City, December 7th and 14th.
Madame Schumann-Heink, the well-known contralto of the Grau Opera Company, has been engaged for a recital at the Western College, Oxford, Ohio, to be given December 17th.
Mr. Herve D. Wilkins, of Rochester, gave an organ-recital in the M. E. Church, Cohocton, N. Y., November 6th, assisted by Mr. Edward Adreansen, basso.
The faculty of the West-Side Musical College, Cleveland, 0., gave a recital November 15th.
A successful concert was given in Williamsport, Pa., October 28th, by Miss Mary Hallock, of Philadelphia; Mr. H. C. Saylor, baritone; and the Haydn String Quartet.
Mr. Perley Dunn Aldrich’s late recital in Rochester, N. Y., included von Fielitz’s song-cycle, “Eliland.”
Mrs. H. H. A. Beach assisted the Kneisel Quartet in their opening recital in Boston, October 28th, playing the piano part in the “Sonata for ‘Cello and Piano,” opus 69, by Beethoven. The ‘cello part was played by Mr. Alwin Schroeder.
Mr. Frank J. Benedict has arranged a series of organ-recitals to be given in the Fourth Church, Hartford, Conn.
A faculty concert was given at the Broad Street Conservatory of Music, Philadelphia, October 30th, by Mr. R. E. S. Olmsted, baritone; Mr. Stanley Addicks, pianist; and Mr. John Witzemann, violinist. A recital by the advanced pupils of the conservatory was given November 6th. The work of those taking part was highly creditable to the director and his corps of teachers.
Miss Mary Peck Thomson gave a vocal recital at the Knox Conservatory of Music, Ill., the program being made up from leading modern composers.
Miss Rosa Warren Hicks, a Joseffy pupil, gave a recital at Trenton, N. J., October 24th.
Mr. George Pratt Maxim is giving some fine programs at the recitals in Limestone College, S. C.
The first studio musicale of the Walker-Severn School of Music, New York City, took place at Mr. Walker’s Studio, November 11th. Mr. Walker, Miss Charlotte Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Severn took part.