The Etude
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Selected Content from the April 1900 Edition of The Etude

    Questions and Answers

    The only exponent of this delightful form of art in this country, to the knowledge of the writer, is Mr. A. Victor Benham, a New York musician. Several years ago the writer attended a concert at which Mr. Benham improvised a sonata in four movements on a theme given by de Pachmann or Van der Huchen (the writer is not quite sure which). It was an unusually clever piece of work, and gave rise to the desire that Mr. Benham would devote himself more frequently to the practice of improvisation in public. Read More

    Home Notes.

    The last concert of the Kneisel Quartet in Philadelphia for this season was given on March 26th. The soloist was Mary Hallock, pianist. This will be Miss Hallock’s last appearance in Philadelphia this season, as she will immediately begin the study of the Paderewski “Concerto” under this great maestro’s instruction, in which she will be heard next season in concert. Read More

    Musical Items

    Theodore Thomas has determined to make the Newberry Library, of Chicago, heir to his collection of music. Apart from hundreds of valuable scores and manuscripts preserved, the most interesting part of the collection is the complete series of programs of concerts dating as far back as 1855. These programs show the evolution of music in the United States, and will be a treasure to the future historian of music in this country. Read More


    The tendency in the musical world to demand that musicians shall be “specialists” in what they profess to do is becoming more marked every year, and many musicians have fallen by the wayside in their attempts to do too much…. Read More

    Five-Minute Talks With Girls.

    BY HELENA M. MAGUIRE.  Reading Between the Staffs.On glancing carelessly at a sheet of music one receives the impression that all the music is on the staffs, but closer observation proves that that which is between the staffs is just… Read More

    “What Method Do You Teach?” An Answer.

    Method is nothing but a sharper and clearer artistic perception which some people possess over the rank and file. The happy few who have it see farther and dig deeper than the ordinary mind does. Voilà tout! Read More

    Recent Reminiscences of Liszt.

    By the term the “pupil of Liszt” was not to be understood a pupil in the ordinary sense of the word. Liszt never accepted remuneration for his lessons. They were given to artists or rising stars who desired the honor of playing before Liszt. Liszt could refuse no one, the consequence being that much chaff was found among the wheat. Bülow wanted to bring a change Liszt saying he did not have the heart to be harsh to anyone, Bülow replied: “Then leave it to me.” Read More

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