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Home Notes.

The Musical commencement exercises of the Luther Academy, Neb., included an oratorio evening, May 23,. at which Handel’s “Messiah” was given by the Oratorio Society, Mr. Albin O. Peterson, director.

Mr. Joseph Hesse, organist of St. Peter and St. Paul’s Cathedral, Providence, R. I., died May 21. He had occupied the post for a number of years.

The Commencement exercises of the Broad Street Conservatory of Music, Philadelphia, were held June 5. There were six graduates and six who received teachers’ certificates.

The Commencement exercises of the Platte School, Edgerton, Mo., were held June 5. A musical contest was a special feature.

A Bach concert was held at Gardner, Ill., by a chorus of pupils of Mr. Charles Lagerquist. The program consisted of vocal and instrumental works.

The Western Conservatory, Chicago, gave a recital of ensemble works for the piano, May 10. the pieces being arranged for four grand pianos and pipe organ.

A Choral Society has been organized at Coudersport, Pa. Mr. Theodore Stearns has been selected as director.

The Spring Festival of the Northwestern Normal Choral Club, Alva, Okla., was held April 19 and 20. Innes’ Band assisted. The local conductor was Mr. E. C. Marshall.

The Beloit College Musical Association, Abram Ray Tyler, conductor, gave Cowen’s cantata, “The Rose Maiden,” May 15, assisted by the college orchestra.

The Choral Union of the First Congregational Church, Chicago, Mr. H. Augustine Smith, director, gave Cowen’s cantata, “The Rose Maiden,” May 22.

The Stretto Club, of Southington, Conn., gave a concert April 24, for the benefit of the Public Library. The Club is composed of eight young ladies.

Mr. Alexander Henneman gave a lecture recital at the Troy (Mo.) Conservatory of Music, April 24.

The Spring Music Festival of Columbia. Mo., Messrs. T. Carl Whitmer and George Venable, directors, was held April 30 and May 1, in Stephens College Auditorium. The chorus numbered 100 voices, the orchestra 32 players. The principal choral works were “The Death of Minnehaha,” by Coleridge-Taylor; “Scenes from Olaf Trygvasson,” by Grieg.

The Clef Club, of Redlands, Cal., gave its third concert this season, May 2. The leading choral work, Macfarren’s May Day cantata. Mr. Harry Risser Patty is the conductor.

The Mendelssohn Club, of St. Louis, gave a musical May 18. Miss Ferrell Buchanan was in charge of the program.

The Commencement exercises of the Chicago Piano College were held June 21. There were eleven graduates.

Mrs. George H. Brickett gave an organ recital at St. Mark’s Church, Augusta, Me., May 21.

The Conservatory of Music, Scio College, O., Dr. S. Leonard Bell, director, held its commencement exercises, June 19. There were four graduates.

The Stockton (Cal.) Choral Club, fifty voices, directed by P. A. R. Dow, of San Francisco, gave a successful concert May 15, assisted by the Zoellner Family String Quartet.

Mendelssohn’s music to Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream” was given for the benefit of a public school art fund at Baker City, Ore., under the direction; of Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke.

The Ninth annual commencement of the Enna Conservatory of Music, Des Moines, Iowa, was held May 24. Three pupils were graduated, and four received teachers’ certificates.

The Strassberger Conservatory of Music, St. Louis,, held commencement exercises June 10. The graduating* class was divided into three sections. Artists’ Course, two; Post Graduate Course, twelve; Teachers’ Course* eighteen.

The Dayton (O.) Choral Society. W. L. Blumenschein, director, gave its third concert this season, May 31. Mendelssohn’s “42d Psalm” was the principal choral work.

 Mr. Frederick Maxson, of Philadelphia, gave an organ recital at the Ashbourne, Pa., Presbyterian Church,. June 5, assisted by Miss Abbie R. Keely.

Pupils of Miss Emma Reiter, Piqua, O., gave a recital of compositions by Mr. W. L. Blumenschein, of Dayton, O.

The People’s Concerts at East End Carnegie Music Hall, Pittsburgh, are drawing large audiences. These concerts are free to the public. Leading Pittsburgh artists assist. Mr. Fidelis Zitterbart, a well-known local musician, was honored by having a place on recent programs, his string quartet in A minor being well received.

A May Music festival was held at the Washington State College, Pullman. Wash., April 30 to May 2. Mr. W. B. Strong, musical director, Mr. Herbert Kimbrough, business manager. Handel’s “Messiah,” by the college” chorus of 125 voices, was the principal work given during the festival.

Edward Baxter Perry has finished his season of hundred Lecture-Recitals and settled at his summer home in Camden, Me., where he will remain till early Fall preparing programs for next season’s concert work.

Mr. Alexander von Fielitz, the well-known composer, who was connected with the Chicago College of Music, has resigned and will devote his time to his private students. He will also conduct a series of out of town concerts for the Chicago Orchestra, when the latter is on its tours.

The following composers will be represented in a series of five Lecture-Recitals to be given during the summer course of The Walter Spry Piano School, Chicago: Bach, Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Chopin, Brahms, Schumann, Liszt, Saint-Saens, Debussy, Ravel, Smetana, MacDowell and Whiting.

The Commencement Exercises of the West Side Musical College, Cleveland, O., Mr. Stephen Commery, director, were held June 18. Six pupils received teachers’ certificates.

The Graduating Recital of the Missouri Conservatory of Music, St. Louis, J. C. Eisenberg, director, was held June 7. There were four graduates in the teachers’ course.

Mr. George L. McMillan, formerly of the Texas Presbyterian School for Girls, will be associate director of the music department of the Polytechnic College, Ft. Worth.

The Annual Commencement concert of the American Violin School, Chicago, was held. June 1.

The Commencement of the Waynesburg (Pa.) College of Music was held June 20. Mr. C. W. Best is director.

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