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On Transient Musicians and Teachers

THE past two or three years have brought to this country a number of musicians and teachers who will, for a time at least, be connected with American musical education. Some of these men have international reputation and, by all precedent, should be a distinct acquisition; others are of mediocre calibre and will fit into the musical life of various cities in which they may locate, but will never be leaders. A man’s nationality is no basis for a judgment as to his ability as a musician, his fitness for a responsible educational position, or his selection as a teacher and concert player. Many American musicians are just as good as many foreign-born musicians, some are better than some foreigners. Let us try to be just and form our opinions on ability, experience and personal worth. Let us welcome the foreign musician who comes to the United States to live here and to work with us. On the other hand there is no reason why we should be active patrons of those who come over to us, stay a few years and then return to their native shores and indulge in sneers at our musical taste and acquirements, as is the case in more than one instance. The United States is big enough for both native sons and adopted sons, but has no place, and should have but scant welcome, for the transient dweller.


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