Often a teacher wishes to review the work of the year in musical history only to find that the words “review and examination” are not pleasant in the ears of her students. Here is a plan I have tried and found very helpful, and at the same time a delightful way to spend the Club afternoon.
Give to each pupil the name of one composer. This name is to be known only to the teacher and the pupil. Tell the latter a week before the Club meeting so that she may review the composer’s life and be well up on all points of interest.
At the Club meeting let one girl at a time converse as though she were the composer assigned to her for study. Let her make reference to some incident in his life, speak of some of his works, how long he lived, when and where, who his friends were, etc. The other members of the class are required to guess the name. Give cards bearing the name of each participant, and the young people may write their guess concerning each just opposite.—Katherine Morgan.