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Special Notices

A STUDENT of the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, Ill., desires position as teacher of Pianoforte for September 1st. Best references. Address, Room 420, No. 131 53d St., Chicago, Ill.
KARL BERGSTROM begs to announce that he intends giving a summer course in Piano Tuning, Stringing, etc., to teachers and students of both sexes. Also by mail, at reasonable terms. Address, K. Bergstrom, No. 10 N. Fifteenth St., or Steinway Hall, New York City.
FOREIGN MUSIC CLERK WANTED.—An experienced music clerk who is acquainted with the German and English language can find employment in a well-established house. Address particulars, X. Y. Z., The Etude Office.
RETAIL MUSIC CLERK wanted in a large music store in one of our leading cities; none but those having extended experience need apply. Address, Music House, care of The Etude Office.
Summer Teaching. — Mr. Michael J. Kegrize will continue teaching during the summer months, on Piano and Organ. Hour and half-hour private lessons. Address, 1718 Master Street, Philadelphia.
The Music Teachers' National Association has done much, and will accomplish still more in the grand work of educational progress.
But as the good cause advances it should ever be remembered that the work of musical institutions is a factor in the educational growth of our country, whose value cannot be over-estimated.
The splendid curriculum of the Boston Training School for Teachers, an outline of which is before us, offers courses which we can heartily and unreservedly commend. This new institution undoubtedly has a career of great usefulness before it.

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