The Etude
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The tragic death of President McKinley caused a universal revival of two familiar hymns which were special favorites with the late president. These tunes, by spontaneous and universal consent, were sung in most of the Protestant churches of the whole country on the Sunday after the death of the president and in most cases repeated in the memorial services on the day of the funeral.

Cardinal Newman’s hymn, “Lead, Kindly Light,” was written in 1833, and the popular tune which was associated with it, “Lux Benigna,” was written by Rev. John Bacchus Dykes, in 1861.

“Nearer, My God, to Thee” was written by Sarah Flower Adams, in 1840, and the tune “Bethany” was arranged by Lowell Mason in 1858 from an old Saxon melody.

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“You’re a country boy, I see,” said the milkman who had advertised for an assistant.

“Yes, sir.”

“What experience have you had?”

“Well, I’ve pumped the organ down to our church for several years.”—Philadelphia Press.

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The question of who shall preside at the organ in Westminster Abbey at the coronation of Edward VII is arousing considerable controversy in England. The Bishop of London, in his capacity as dean of the royal chapel, has the right to appoint a “composer to his majesty’s chapel,” and this composer is entitled to the place at the organ on Coronation Day, regardless of who the regular Westminster organist may be.

At the coronation of William III Purcell retained his place at the organ, and at the coronation of Victoria Sir George Smart obtained the function. Both organists, for a goodly sum of money, allowed a number of wealthy people to sit in the space behind the instrument. The latter organist passed them off as musicians and gave them instruments, which they feigned to play. The secret leaked out, and there was a pretty scandal, but the sly organist kept his boodle.

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