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The “Celebrated Pianists of the Past and Present” has been received, and I do not know how to express my appreciation. I am delighted with the work, and would not be without it.              Miss K. E. Blosser.

I have received the “School of Reed Organ Playing,” Grade III, by Chas. W. Landon, and I can recommend it to all teachers who are teaching the reed organ.   J. H. Coffey.

Will you please mail me another copy of Landon”s “Organ Method.” It is superior to anything I have before found for organ pupils.   Bertha E. Chamberlin.

I cannot refrain from congratulating you on the value of The Etude. It is getting better every month. The January number is worth $5.00 to any teacher or student of music. Success to you.           J. M. Bowman.

I like “Anecdotes of Great Musicians,” by W. F. Gates, better than anything I have seen in this line for a long time. It is so different from other works. Nearly every “Anecdote” contains something of historic value, and this being presented in such a unique and attractive style, helps to impress it upon the reader’s mind.   Beryl Umstot.

The “Anecdotes of Great Musicians” has been received, and I am delighted with it. Every teacher and pupil should have a copy of it, as much interest in musicians is awakened by such anecdotes of them and their writings.   Ada F. Nowlan.

Received “Studies in Phrasing,” and am happy to have them in our possession. We consider the contents worth more than the price of the book, and have always found satisfaction in the use of Mr. Mathews’ works.   Benedictine Sisters.

I received one copy of Landon’s “Organ Method,” Mathews’ “Grade X,” and Wilson G. Smith’s “Eight Measure Studies.” I consider them all valuable works, and would mention specially, Mathews’ “Graded Course.” Have used the different grades in teaching, and find them very satisfactory and pleasing to both teacher and pupil.                            Louie M. Eighmy.

Xaver Scharwenka, the eminent pianist and composer, has the following opinion of Wilson G. Smith’s “Eight Measure Studies,” Op. 60: “The studies are highly instructive, and fulfil perfectly the author’s intentions; they are extraordinarily ingenious in invention and will be of great value to students. Mr. Smith, has certainly, exceptional pedagogic talent.”   Xaver Scharwenka.

Received “Selected Studies from Concone,” by C. W. Cady, also two volumes of “Eight Measure Studies,” by Wilson G. Smith, and Grade X of “Standard Graded Course of Studies for the Pianoforte,” by W. S. B.  Mathews, all of which I can testify in the highest terms for the advancement of pupils, and shall take great pleasure in giving them publicity by using them as a teacher.               A. M. Sutherland.

I have appreciated the prompt and careful attention which my orders have always received, and the many special offers which you make to teachers. I shall take pleasure in recommending your music house to my friends, and shall always order from you when in need of music for myself.    Mrs. Gertrude H. Walsh.

I am greatly pleased with the first book of “Graded Course,” by Mathews Shall continue to order them until I get the ten grades. Studies in phrasing are especially fine. As for The Etude, I cannot say enough in its favor. I have taken many different journals, but I think The Etude furnishes more practical information than any other musical journal I have ever seen.    Mrs. Lodosea D. Stone.

I received the “School of Reed Organ Playing,” by C. W. Landon, Grade III, and I am well pleased with it.   Anna Hertzler.

Mr. Louis Arthur Russel has explained thoroughly and worked over carefully the field of Musical Ornamentation in his valuable manual, “Embellishments of Music.” It can be said that this is one of our most important works on embellishments. The rules and examples are many and cannot fail when understood to enable the pupil to give a consistent rendering in the true spirit.   Miss Jean Octavia Young.

Russel’s “Embellishments of Music” must be considered an indispensable handbook for every music teacher. It is decidedly more practical than Germer’s, and more concise than Wagner’s respective works. While it treats upon ornamentation at the time of the old classical composers, the embellishments of to-day are explained according to present needs. I appreciate it highly. Brown’s “First Studies in Reading, Rhythm and Expression, for the Pianoforte,” is, I hold, the best Piano School published since Emory’s “Foundation Studies.” It is full of pedagogical hints and suggestions, and a great help both to teachers and pupils. Calvin B. Cady is an editor par excellence, as is proven by his “Selected Studies from Concone.” I know no better ones for acquiring style, at least not in that grade.   E. M. Goldberg.

I find Mathews’ “Graded Studies” are just what I have been looking for. Every one has its purpose, and if the pupil has any talent at all for music, he will become very much interested. The print and paper are both splendid. “The Anecdotes of Great Musicians,” as well as “Celebrated Pianists of the Past and Present,” are very interesting. In the past those things were to be found only in the largest and most expensive Dictionaries, but these books contain so much of the cream of information and you sell them at such low figures it makes them very desirable.   Chas. V. Barker.

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