I received the "Normal Course of Piano Technic," by W. B. Wait, yesterday, and like it the best of any work of the kind I have examined. J. A. Wallace.
The copy of Heller Studies received. I am very much pleased with it and shall use it in my teaching. W. A. Chalfant.
I believe that the 30 selected Heller Studies are as nearly perfect as human genius can make them for the purpose for which they are intended.
Henry A. Roehner.
I am delighted with your new game of "Musical Authors;" shall take great pleasure in recommending it to all my musical friends.
Mrs. John P. Walker,
Freehold, New Jersey.
"First Studies in Phrasing," by Mathews, received. It is a most elegant and valuable publication forming an excellent transition from the elementary instruction book to the music of Ridley Prentice's 1st grade.
C. Seitz.
The 30 Selected Studies from Heller will be a very great help to inexperienced teachers, myself among the number, because of the phrasing and annotations. Will surely use the book whenever I can.
Alice Carner.
Dear Sir:—I was formerly a subscriber of The Etude, but allowed my subscription to lapse for nearly a year. I now have it again and wonder how I ever could have been so foolish as to be without it. The March number is running over with good things.
I have used the Mason "Touch and Technic," with my pupils ever since it came out in The Etude, and find it equally helpful to beginners and to advanced pupils.
Very sincerely,
Katherine P. Norton.
To-day I send $1.50 for my Etude, and wish to let you know that I have been very successful in my work as a teacher during the past few years, and much of my prosperity has accrued from the knowledge gained (besides much enthusiasm) from the reading of The Etude. I have never missed a number from the first, and never expect to miss one; I read every word in it.
J. M. D.
I am using Studies in Melody Playing, First Lessons in Phrasing and School of Four-Hand Playing, in my school, and must tell you that in the twenty-two years of music teaching I have had nothing better than these works. The music sent on approval arrived in good order and gives satisfaction. I can use almost every piece, and find it a pleasure to teach them.
Mrs. Mary McDowall.
The examination of your beautiful edition of "Selected Pianoforte Studies from Von Bülow's Cramer has afforded me much pleasure. These selections will well fill the "Cramer epoch" in a pianoforte course, as much of the complete work could be arrived at by other means. The selected edition is as full and comprehensive as is possible when narrowed down to twenty-one numbers.
C. F. Thomson.
I have very carefully examined the "Normal Course of Technic." It contains advice and exercises that every good teacher gives his pupils orally. When studied by a young intelligent pupil, under a thorough teacher, the best of results will certainly follow. I would advise all teachers who have not had the advantages themselves of modern school of technics, to study it. I shall use it in our Conservatory for young students.
W. V. Jones.
Dear Sir:—Your game of Musical Authors was duly received, and I wish to express my appreciation of the same. The topics cover a wide range of musical biography,—not confined to any one class, and including modern composers as well as those of the past. I find that I can use them to the best advantage after having given them to the class as topics to be learned.
Nettie Birdsall, Monticello Seminary.
The "Normal Course of Piano Technic," by William B. Wait, which you forwarded to me, is thankfully received. It is a most complete and carefully graded and planned work for Piano Technic, which every student should secure, and by thorough practice develop flexibility and musical understanding. In this he will not fail, if he intelligently follows the prescribed course. I heartily endorse and recommend "Normal Course," and shall use it among my pupils.
Clara Schuette.
I have just finished my first reading of "Chats with Music Students," and I wish to express my hearty appreciation of the plan and purpose of the book; for it seems to me that among your various publications, so beneficial from an educational point of view, this will rank among the best. Every earnest, thoughtful teacher has felt the force and value of many of the ideas contained in the volume and has endeavored to impress them upon pupils. Henceforth the placing of so readable a book in the hands of pupils will be gladly welcomed as a real privilege, and the number of more correct and thoughtful students will be necessarily increased, to the comfort of the teacher, the truer progress, of the pupil and the elevation of the art in which we delight.
E. B. Story.
"Twenty-one Selected Pianoforte Studies," by J. B. Cramer, received and I wish to congratulate you upon the selection that you have made. The volume contains as many of these excellent studies as most teachers desire.
You have begun a work which, I believe, will be appreciated by the best teachers, of selecting and condensing the works of the standard composers so that the best only may be procured, thus saving the student much expense, as quality and variety is much more important than quantity in musical development.
"Selected Studies," by Heller, recently issued by you is just the thing along the same line, and I hope that you may continue in this good work of selection and condensation. H. E. Crouch.
I have read and partly re-read this little volume, not only with interest, but, I believe, with decided profit. It is one of those books that every music teacher having the best interests of his pupils at heart can heartily recommend for their perusal.
To the earnest music student it furnishes a series of valuable lessons ; lessons which though not technical in character are none the less practical, as having a direct bearing upon his moral and intellectual welfare, his professional success and his highest enjoyment of life ; lessons which may serve to form a sort of supplementary lecture course to instruction derived in the ordinary way from a music teacher. While these "Chats" are supposed to be intended especially for students, teachers may derive from them many useful and practical hints, and may very possibly be inspired through them to aim at higher ideals of excellence in their daily tasks.
Edward Fisher.