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Success Or Failure--Which?



This young musician has no time to waste in telling what he is going to do. Like Schubert in his garret-room, the present is his chief consideration. He is not afraid of poverty nor “what people say.” He knows that if he keeps on working he will some day be a great artist and will hold thousands of music lovers captivated. He is tasting of the sacrifices of which Great Masters are made.




Prof. Capital I is obliged to tell, Oh, ever so many people every day just exactly how important he is. He is not compelled to practice daily, for has he not the “God given” talent which exempts him from hard work; and has he not received a diploma from Prof. Gizinskyovitch, whose very presence confers virtuosity upon all who pay him $15.00 a lesson? He does not see that his indolence and conceit will secure him the position of concertmeister in a “mud-gutter” band.

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