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Special Notices

RATES—Professional Want Notices five cents per word. All other notices eight cents per nonpareil word, cash with orders.

VIOLIN TEACHER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A good opportunity for the right man. Apply and give references to The Cumberland Conservatory of Music, Cumberland, Md.

LADY VIOLINIST, soloist and teacher of much experience desires position in University, Conservatory or private school. Best references. Far Northwestern or Southwestern location preferred. Address “Teacher,” care The Etude.

WANTED—A position as musical entertainers. Tour preferred. Best references. Address, Antioch College Male Quarette, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

LIFE OF LOWELL MASON. Friends of the late Dr. Lowell Mason who have letters from him, or any memorabilia, are earnestly requested to communicate with Henry L. Mason, 188 Bay State Road, Boston. Mr. Mason is the grandson of Dr. Lowell Mason, and is at work writing a “Life of Lowell Mason.”

SUMMER HOME with musical advantages, in a physician’s family, situated in the historic “Land of Evangeline.” Large and handsomely furnished, with every convenience. Fine fruit farm in connection, tennis, croquet, etc. An ideal place to rest and tone up. Mrs. Woodworth is medallist London Academy, England, and pupil of de Pachmann in piano. Badia, Picciotto (Paris), voice. Will give lessons if desired. Address Mrs. Dr. Percy Woodworth, Kentville, Nova Scotia.

BUSH TEMPLE CONSERVATORY, CHICAGO. The summer normal term of the Conservatory, which will begin June 22d, promises to be the largest in the history of the institution. M. Ballmann, who was for eighteen years associated with the Thomas Orchestra, will be in charge of the orchestral school of the Conservatory next season.

JOHN W. NICHOLS, tenor and teacher of singing, will keep his New York studio open during the coming summer, and offers a Special Course to teachers and students wishing to brush up their work. Mr. Nichols returned last season from Paris, where he had been studying with Jean deReszke. Mr. Nichols was tenor soloist in the American Church on rue de Berri. Apply for information regarding terms, voice trial, etc. See Professional Directory on Page 504.

A CHURCH MUSIC SCHOOL conducted in New York by J. Warren Andrews, organist and teacher, is advertised elsewhere in this issue. A special lecture course is a peculiar advantage to Etude readers. By means of lectures and illustrations this course commends itself to those who desire to obtain a quantity of information quickly to be used in self-study upon their return home. Mr. Andrews can also be engaged as organ soloist and has an extended experience as an adviser in organ construction.

CHAS. W. LANDON, the well known author and founder of Landon Conservatory, has taken as associate Directors with him Mr. Carence C. Robinson, tenor, of New York, and Mr. Giovanni Ottaiano, violinist, of Boston. These artists begin their duties in July of the present year. The Conservatory is established at Coffeyville, Kansas.

“SCALES, KEY SIGNATURES, RELATED KEYS” is endorsed by leading teachers. 35c. net. Testimonials mailed. Address The Musical Press, Box 1602, Philadelphia.

SEND FOR (FREE) “How to Make Technic Fascinating,” “The Secret of the Artist” and other new ideas for teachers. See Shepard System Advertisement.

A COMPETENT TEACHER WANTED in every city and town to introduce the Russell Methods of Music Study—Voice, Pianoforte and Choral Class Work. These works are bringing results everywhere. Reference, etc., required. Address Headquarters, The Normal Institute of Music, Carnegie Hall, New York.

A NEW IDEA IN MUSIC STANDS. The Trinity Music Stand (3 in 1) stand, case, folio. The best and only complete one in the world. Send for handsome illustrated folder which shows you why. Hope Music Stand Co., Mashapaug St., Providence, R. I.

THE TAUSIG HAND EXPANDER, an aid to pianists with small or stiff hands. One dollar postpaid. Essex Publishing Co., 853 Carnegie Hall, New York.

THE VICTOR IN THE HOME. Most of the great artists who have taken part in this Woman’s issue of The Etude may be heard in your own home as many times as you choose by means of the Victor Talking Machine. The educational importance of hearing such artists as Sembrich, Homer, Schumann-Heink, Eames, Melba, Tetrazzini, da Gogorza, Maud Powell, Mischa Elman, Geraldine Farrar, Caruso and countless others is of indisputable significance. Schumann-Heink calls the Victor records “mirrors of the voice and the best vocal instructors of the day.” Several attractive little booklets describing the Victor records and illustrated with miniature portraits of the great singers and performers may be secured from the Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden N. J. The vocal teacher who does not possess a Victor is handicapped in the race for success. The music lover who cannot hear the great singers at first hand need not regret lost opportunities. The Victor goes anywhere and the records do not suffer from indisposition, whims or imperfect health.

STEINWAY & SONS, realizing the trend of the times after an exhaustive investigation of all the inside players in the market, have selected the Pianola Player as the very highest type of automatic player action. Consequently an agreement has been reached with the ½Æolian Co. to give them the exclusive right to install the Pianola Player into Steinway Pianos, thus combining the Standard Piano with the Standard Player. For sale by all the Steinway Agencies as well as Lyon & Healy, of Chicago.

HOPE-JONES ORGAN CO. Mr. R. P. Elliot has taken up his new duties as President. He is well known to the organ world for his association with the Votey Organ Co. and the Austin Organ Co. Mr. Langdon retains the treasurership and Mr. Hope-Jones the designing and superintending of voicing and construction. This new arrangement will enable Mr. Hope-Jones to complete certain inventions and improvements.

LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. One hundred thousand pianos sold in forty-five years for a total of $30,000,000. The total business in all departments of the concern reaches the enormous figure of $75,000,000. This record is remarkable and no other house in the musical instrument trade can produce figures to compare with it.

MT. CLEMENS MINERAL SPRINGS. Many are the attractions of Michigan’s famous “Bath City.” Her health-giving waters of marvelous power, her unique location, delightful climate and scenery, varied amusements, with accommodations to suit everybody, and at reasonable rates, are features which attract thousands of people from all over the country. Mr. F. R. Eastman, Chamber of Commerce, Mt. Clemens, Mich., will mail a beautiful descriptive book free to inquirers.



A. W. BORST, 1505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Composer of Cantatas: John Gilpin, Mrs. Speaker, etc.


BANJO and GUITAR MUSIC FREE-A 48 Page Catalogue—FREE. Send 10 Cents for a sample copy of The Cadenza (Established 1864) a monthly magazine—36 pages of reading matter and 16 pages of absolutely new music for MANDOLIN, BANJO and GUITAR. WALTER JACOBS, Publisher, 167 Tremont St., BOSTON


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