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Special Notices

Professional Want Notices are inserted at a cost of five cents per word, cash with order. Business Notices, ten cents per word, cash with order. Do not have replies directed to this office.

FOR SALE—Bound volume of The Etude, year 1889. Price upon application. Address B. B., care of The Etude. 

IRISH MUSIC by Francis O’Neill. See advertisement in front of this issue. Selections unique of their kind, of interest to every singer, public or parlor.

A COMPETENT TEACHER WANTED in every city and town to introduce the Russell Methods of Music Study—Voice, Pianoforte and Choral Class Work. These works are bringing results everywhere. References, etc., required. Address Headquarters, The Normal Institute of Music, Carnegie Hall, New York.   

THE TAUSIG HAND EXPANDER, an aid to pianists with small or stiff hands. One dollar postpaid. Essex Publishing Co., 853 Carnegie Hall, New York.

SUMMER RESORT HOTEL.—Will anyone having knowledge of hotel suitable for and desiring two refined women musicians (violinist and pianist) address A. W., care of The Etude. 

SEND FOR (FREE) “How to Make Technic Fascinating,” “The Secret of the Artist” and other new ideas for teachers. See Shepard System Advertisement.  

STORY OF THE CROSS, short musical setting for churches. Albert W. Borst. Price 15 cents. Write for sample copy and discount. Hamilton Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

FOR SALE—Lyon & Healy harp. F. E. Williams, Janesville, Wis.   

THAT WORTH COUNTS is proven by the reception accorded Reiff’s “Scales, Key Signatures and Related Keys” by teachers and musicians generally. Price 35 cents. Testimonials mailed. Order from dealer or The Musical Press, Box 1602, Philadelphia, Pa.

E. T. PAULL MUSIC CO. are offering to the readers of The Etude lower prices on their celebrated March publications than they have ever given before. Every one using a good grade of popular music should take advantage of the special offers they make in their half-column “ad” found in this issue. The list includes all of E. T. Paull’s latest and best march compositions.

FOR SALE—Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians; five volumes; edition 1900; dirt cheap. Ernest Cosby, Richmond, Virginia.    

VALUABLE MUSICAL LIBRARY, principally literature. List on application. Box 1914, Bradford, Pa. 

WANTED—A first-class music teacher (man) as Director of the Conservatory of Central Plains College and Conservatory of Music, Plainview, Tex. A man who understands and can teach both voice and the different instruments, and who is himself a real good pianist. Write at once to L. L. Gladney, D. B. Pres., Plainview, Texas.   

AN ORGANIST AND CHOIR MASTER, teacher of piano, organ and theory, pupil of W. Wolstenholme, of London, desires church position or position as teacher in a college or school. Excellent references. Address F., care of The Etude.


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