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Special Notices.

Notices for this column inserted at 3 cents a word for one insertion, payable in advance. Copy must he received by the 20th of the previous month to insure publication in the next number.

IN THE ADVERTISEMENT IN MAY ISSUE OF C. F. Summy Co., on page 116, the compositions of Mrs. Crosby Adams should read—Op. 2, No. 1, for four hands, and Op. 3, Nos. 1 and 2, for two hands.

WANTED.—POSITION IN A COLLEGE AS Teacher of Violin. Best references. L. B. K., care of The Etude.

WANTED.—A LADY WITH SEVERAL YEARS’ successful experience as Teacher of Piano and Theory in a College, and who is now studying in Europe, desires a position in School, College, or Conservatory. Excellent references. Salary reasonable. Address L. H., care of The Etude.

NOTICE.—THE COMMITTEE ON LITERATURE of the Woman’s Department of the Music Teachers’ National Association desires names of women who are or have been at any time actively engaged in literary work pertaining in any way to music, with a brief biographical sketch of each and typical specimens of work. It is imperative that all communications be written upon one side of the paper only, and if possible typewritten. Address Mrs. Marie Merrick, Chairman of the Committee on Literature, Woman’s Department of the M. T. N. A., 540 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

SUMMER SCHOOL, HAGERSTOWN, MD., AUG. 2d to 27th. Special features: Virgil Clavier Method for Piano; Root’s Method of Voice Culture; Shaftersbury Method of Elocution. All the usual branches of music study. For beginners as well as advanced pupils. Faculty of eight teachers; B. C. Unseld, Principal. Full particulars in circulars. E. C. Hoover, Hagerstown, Md.

SOUTH GERMAN TEACHER, WHO SUCCESSfully studied at a seminary, and with first distinction absolved the Royal Academy of Music in Munich, scholar of Rheinberger, master of Theory and able manager, Organ Virtuoso, good Piano and Violin Player, desires suitable situation in America. Address N. 548, care of Haasenstein & Vogler, A. G., Nuremberg, Germany.

AN EXPERIENCED ORGANIST AND TEACHER wishes to locate in a southern town where there is a good opening for Piano Class. Mason’s Technic taught. Address W., in care of The Etude.

MADAM A. PUPIN, TEACHER OF ARTISTIC Piano Playing. Special Summer Term in New York City in July and August. The old and the new Keyboard and the Virgil Practice Clavier taught. Terms for 12 lessons, three per week, $12.00, $16.00, and $24.00. Teachers visiting the M. T. N. A. will find this a good opportunity. Pleasant rooms with board secured at reasonable rates; also the use of Piano and Clavier for practice. Address Madam A. Pupin, No. 222 West 15th Street, New York City.

SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 2d, Eliot, Maine, in connection with the Greenacre Lectures. Principal, Miss Mary H. Burnham. Piano: Miss Burnham, Miss Mary G. Burd, Miss Katherine E. Weeks, Miss Bertha Rockwell. Vocal: Miss Lila Juel, Mr. Franz H. Armbruster. Violin : Miss Helen L. Reynolds, Mr. Carl Hugo Engel. Violoncello: Miss Mabel O. Reynolds, Mr. George E. Clauder. Classes in Harmony, Concentration, Ear Training, etc. Send for circular. Address Miss Mary H. Burnham, 106 East 74th St., New York City.

FOR SALE—A VIRGIL PRACTICE CLAVIER, IN first-class condition; cheap. Address J. M. D., 604 Bellefontaine Street, Indianapolis, Ind.

A FEW FINE TEACHERS OF PIANO, VOICE, and Violin desire positions for next year. Central Musical Agency, Indianapolis, Ind.

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