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Special Notices.

Notices for this column inserted at 3 cents a word for one insertion, payable in advance. Copy must be received by the 20th of the previous month to insure publication in the next number.

TWO ladies desire positions as Teachers of Languages and Music. Graduates. Diploma, F. S. C., German Method, Mason’s Technic. Several years’ experience. Best reference. South preferred. Address “F.” 161 Third Street, Muskegon, Mich.

MR. TAPPER will be in Europe until September 15th. All correspondence may be addressed, as usual, to 156 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., and will receive as prompt consideration as the forwarding of letters will admit.

THE EXPRESS DUPLICATOR is used by many MSS writers of music and ordinary writing. It produces a very large number of copies from every original. Bensinger Duplicator Co., New York. Send free informa­tion, or Theo. Presser, Philada., Pa.

BOSTON TRAINING SCHOOL OF MUSIC.—In­corporated according to the laws of the State of Massachusetts. Special object: Training Teachers of Music. Courses of Instruction. The Normal Course for Teachers,—a well-defined curriculum; systematic training and broad education, providing for a thorough equipment in the teacher’s profession. Teaching under supervision. Entrance examination required for the Nor­mal Course. Preparatory Course, in which beginners are received. Intermediate and Advanced Courses—Sing­ing, Piano, Organ, Violin, Music in Public Schools, Guitar, Mandolin, and all Orchestral Instruments. Piano taught by means of the Virgil Clavier Method. Department of Elocution, Emerson College of Oratory. Department of Art, in charge of the well known artist, Henry Sandham, R. C. A. Lectures and Concerts by eminent men. Tuition, $5.00 to $25.00 per term. For calendar and further in­formation address George H. Howard, A. M., Director.

FIRST-CLASS ACCOMPANIST would like engage­ment for Concert party. “Reader,” Etude office.

A TRIO FOR PIANO, VIOLIN, AND CELLO, by Michael H. Cross, price $4.00. This work is one of high merit, and is recommended to lovers of class­ical chamber music.

AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER, having certificate from Mr. Jacobsohn, desires position as Director of Conservatory or Violin Teacher for the coming year. Address Jennie Gratz, La Grange, Ill.

SUMMER NORMAL MUSIC SCHOOL, to be held in Ohio Pyle, Pa., commencing Tuesday, July 25th, and closing Friday, August 18th. W. H. Pontius, Mans­field, Ohio, Principal and Teacher of Vocal Culture and Singing, Harmony, and Chorus Director. A full corps of eminent teachers has been engaged, including J. M. Dungan, Piano and Organ; Mrs. W. H. Pontius, Piano; D. Wilson, Sight-reading, Elocution, and Music in the Public Schools, and Daisy Gertrude Market, Physical Culture. For circulars giving full particulars, send to W. H. Pontius, Mansfield, Ohio.

A GOOD Vocal Teacher and Chorus Director can learn of a desirable field for work in a town of 20,000 by addressing “H. W.,” care of Etude.

WANTED—Teacher of Violin and Voice. For particulars, address J. Alleine Brown, Chapel Hill, Texas.

“THE LAST FAREWELL,” the latest and best song, by W. H. Pontius. Very effective, and becoming quite popular. Sung by W. H. Rieger and other eminent artists. Arranged for high or low voice, and can be obtained from any first-class music house. Price 60 cts. Published by The John Church Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

HARPIST desires position in Orchestra. Best of references. Address M. Lessing, 43 Coleman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

“THE YEAR’S SWEETHEART.” Ballad. Music by Leila France, words by Madeline S. Bridges.
“All things beautiful love her
The Sweetheart of all the year.
For sale by all music dealers. The Chicago Music Co., Chicago, Ill.

A GENTLEMAN with an extended reputation as an instructor on the Piano, Organ, and Vocal Music, and whose compositions are widely known, desires a position in a school in Philadelphia or neighborhood. “T. M.,” 2125 Bellevue Ave., Tioga, Phila.


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