Selected Content
from the Etude Gallery Department
Content is listed chronologically in the order originally published by "The Etude". To be alerted of new content posted to this department, subscribe to the RSS feed.
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - February, 1909
GIACOMO MEYERBEER. The famous dramatic composer was born in Berlin, September 5, 1791; died in Paris, May 2, 1864. Of Jewish family, his real name was Jakob Liebmann Beer. A wealthy relative made him his heir on condition that he... Read More
The Etude Gallery Of Celebrated Musicians - March, 1909
THE AIM OF THIS BIOGRAPHICAL PORTRAIT GALLERY This page is designed to furnish the teacher, student and music lover with portraits and concise biographies of musical celebrities of the past and present. The lives of the great composers, pianists,... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - April, 1909
EDVARD GRIEG.(Greeg) Grieg was born June 15, 1843, at Bergen, Norway, where he died, September 4, 1907. His first instructor was his mother, a highly gifted musician. The influence of Ole Bull, the violinist, to whom the lad became passionately... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - May, 1909
EDUARD SCHUTT (Schueet) Schütt was born in St. Petersburg, October 22, 1856. Quite early in life he came under the influence of Anton Rubinstein, with whom he was on terms of personal friendship. It was through the influence of the... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - June, 1909
VLADIMIR DE PACHMANN. (Pahk-man.) De Pachmann was born at Odessa, Russia, July 27, 1848. His father was a Professor at the University and had considerable reputation as an amateur violinist. He had, when in Vienna, been on friendly terms with Beethoven... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - July, 1909
MAUD POWELL. Maud Powell was born at Peru, Ill., 1868, but shortly after her family moved to Aurora. After studying with William Lewis, of Chicago, she was taken to Leipsic, where she studied under Schradieck. After graduating at Leipsic she... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - August, 1909
MORIZ ROSENTHAL.(Ros'-n-tahl.) Rosenthal was born December 18, 1862, at Lemberg, where his father was professor at the chief academy. At eight years of age he commenced his piano studies under Galoth, who did not pay much attention to technic, but... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - September, 1909
ETHELBERT NEVIN. Nevin was born at Vineacre, Edgworth, Pa., November 25, 1862, and died at New Haven, Conn., February 17, 1901. Quite early in life he showed signs of great musical talent, and his father saw to it that he... Read More
Gallery of Musical Celebrities - October, 1909
GIACOMO PUCCINI. (Poo-tchee'-nee.) This brilliant composer was born at Lucca, Italy, June 22, 1858. Angeloni, of Lucca, was his first instructor, but he subsequently studied under Ponchielli at Milan Conservatory. The success of his Sinfonia-Capriccio prompted Puccini, on the... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - December, 1909
JEAN SIBELIUS.(Si-bay'-lius.) Sibelius was born at Tavastehus, Finland, December 8, 1865. He originally intended to study law, but his musical proclivities proved too strong for him. He became a student at the Musical Institute at Helsingfors in 1885, where he... Read More
"The Etude" Portrait Gallery and Its Educational Importance - January, 1910
With this issue the first year of the Gallery is complete. Seventy-two portrait-biographies of the masters have appeared and thousands of teachers and students have cut these out as indicated and made scrap books of them. We are pleased... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - February, 1910
The widespread satisfaction which these portrait-biographies have given to our readers during the past year has decided us to continue the feature for another year. The portraits and biographies published during the past year may now be secured in... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - March, 1910
CÉSAR AUGUSTE FRANCK. (Frahnk.) César Franck was born at Liège, Belgium, December 10, 1822, and died at Paris, November 8, 1890. He studied first in the town of his birth, but in his fifteenth year he went to Paris... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - April, 1910
NICCOLO PAGANINI. (Pah'-gah-nee'-nee). Paganini was born at Genoa, February 18, 1784, and died at Nice, May 27, 1840. He was the son of a poor man, who had shrewd ideas of making a fortune from his son's talent, and obliged... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - May, 1910
MICHAEL WILLIAM BALFE. Balfe was born at Dublin, May 15, 1808, and died October 20, 1870, at Rowney Abbey, Hertfordshire. His father was a dancing master, and young Balfe obtained his first musical experience as a violinist at his father's... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - June, 1910
SIGISMUND THALBERG. (Tahl'-bairg.) Thalberg was born at Geneva, January 7, 1812, and died at Naples, April 27, 1871. He was nominally the pupil of Hummel and Sechter, of Vienna, in pianoforte playing, though he was wont to declare that he... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - July, 1910
THEODORE SPIERING. Spiering was born at St. Louis, Mo., in 1871, and showed aptitude for the violin at an early age. His first teacher was his father, but in 1886 he was sent to Henry Schradieck in Cincinnati, Ohio. He... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - August, 1910
FRANZ LACHNER. (Lahch'-ner, ch gutteral.) Franz Lachner was born April 2, 1803, at Rain, on the Lech, in Bavaria. He was a member of a large family, many of whom attained distinction as musicians. Franz was well educated in... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - September, 1910
JAMES HOTCHKISS ROGERS. Mr. Rogers was born at Fair Haven, Conn., February, 1857. After studying for awhile in his own country, in 1875 he went abroad and continued his studies in Berlin. He was a pupil of Loeschhorn and Ehrlich... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - October, 1910
REGINALD DE KOVEN. Mr. de Koven was born at Middletown, Conn., April 3, 1859. His education was received mainly in Europe, whither he went in 1870. He graduated at Oxford University, England (St. John's College), in 1879. His musical... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - November, 1910
GEORGE P. UPTON. Mr. Upton was born in Boston, Mass., October 25, 1834. He was brought up in a musical atmosphere, and possessed a talent for observation. Apart from this he had no regular musical education. He graduated from... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - December, 1910
CÉSAR ANTONOVITCH CUI. (Quee.) Cui was born at Vilna, Poland, January 18, 1835. His father was a French officer, left behind in the retreat from Moscow, in 1812, afterwards becoming professor of French at the High School, Vilna. He early... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - January, 1911
J. EDWARD GERMAN. German was born at Whitchurch, February 17, 1862, and was educated at Chester until 1878, when he returned to Whitchurch, and organized a local band. A little music study in Shrewsbury followed, but in 1880 he went... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - February, 1911
ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK. (Hoom'-perdink.) Humperdinck was born at Siegburg, in the Rhine provinces, September 1, 1854. In 1872 he entered. the Cologne Conservatory under Ferdinand Hiller. In 1876 he won a scholarship which enabled him to go to Munich, where he... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - March, 1911
FÉLICIEN CÉSAR DAVID.(Dah-veed.) David was born at Dadenet, France, April 13, 1810, and died near Paris, August 28, 1876. He composed hymns, motets, etc., when a child. His early education was received at Aix, where he also commenced his musical... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - April, 1911
PAUL FELIX WEINGARTNER.(Vine-gart-ner.) Weingartner was born June 2, 1863, at Zara in Dalmatia, Austria. He studied composition at Gratz under Remy, but gave up his musical work in 1881 to enter the University of Leipsic, where he studied philosophy. He... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - May, 1911
LUDWIG SPOHR. Spohr was born at Brunswick, April 5, 1784, and died at Cassel, November 22, 1859. He played the violin when he was five, and for a time studied with Kunisch, of the Duke's orchestra. Thanks to the assistance... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - June, 1911
EMILE SAURET.(Soh-ray). Sauret was born at Dun-le-Roi, Cher, France, May 22, 1852. His first and only teacher was de Bériot. He commenced his career as a virtuoso when quite young, and visited nearly all the principal cities of Europe. He... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - July, 1911
The Story Of The Gallery In February, 1909, THE ETUDE commenced the first of this series of portrait-biographies. The idea, which met with immediate and enormous appreciation, was an original project created in THE ETUDE offices and is entirely unlike... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - August, 1911
CARL AUGUST PETER CORNELIUS.(Kor-nay'-le-oos.) Cornelius was born at Mayence, Germany, December 24, 1824, where he died, October 26, 1874. His failure as an actor caused him to turn his attention to music, and though his training was incomplete, he soon... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - September, 1911
FRANK VAN DER STUCKEN. Van der Stucken was born at Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas, October 15, 1858. His father was a Belgian and his mother a German. After the Civil War the family returned to Europe during his eighth year.... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - October, 1911
FELIX MOTTL. Mottl was born at Unter-St. Veit, near Vienna, August 29, 1856, and died July 2, 1911, at Munich. As a boy he possessed a fine soprano voice and obtained admission to the preparatory school of the Imperial Court... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - November, 1911
MICHAEL IVANOVITCH GLINKA. Glinka was born at Novospasskoi, Smolensk, June 2, 1803, and died in Berlin, February 17, 1857. He was brought up on his father's estate, and saturated with the peasant music of Russia. His musical training was desultory,... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - December, 1911
MARIA LUIGI CHERUBINI.(Keh-roo-bee'-nee.) Cherubini was born at Florence, Sept. 14, 1760, and died in Paris, March 15, 1842. He studied with his father, and others, and finally with Sarti, in Milan. For a time he travelled, visiting and for a... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - January, 1912
CLEMENT PHILIBERT LEO DELIBES. (Day-leeb') Délibes was born at St. Germain du Val, France, February, 21, 1836, and died in Paris, January 16, 1891. He went to Paris in 1848 and studied solfège at the Conservatoire, also singing in the... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - February, 1912
WILLIAM VINCENT WALLACE. Wallace was born at Waterford, Ireland, July 1, 1813, and died at the Chateau de Bergen, in the Pyrenees, Oct. 12, 1865. The family migrated to Dublin, and Wallace soon became known as a violinist, organist and... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - March, 1912
FRITZ SPINDLER. Spindler was born at Wurzbach, Lobenstein, November 24, 1817, and died at Niederlössnitz, near Dresden, December 26, 1905. He was originally intended for the ministry, and studied theology with that in mind, but eventually gave it up in... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - April, 1912
ERMANNO WOLF-FERRARI. (Vohlf-Fayr-rahr'-re.) Wolf-Ferrari was born in Venice, January 12, 1876. His father was a German painter, and it was originally intended that the son should adopt his father's career. Music always claimed his attention, however, though he was self-taught until... Read More
Great Pianists at the Keyboard. Series I. A Lesson in Position. - May, 1912
Franz Liszt. Dr. William Mason. Josef Hofmann. Harold Bauer. Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler. Freeucio Busoni. Read More
Gallery of Celebrated Musicians - World Famous Violinists - June, 1912
MISCHA ELMAN. Elman was born at Talnoi, Russia, January 21, 1891. He studied at the Royal Music School in Odessa under Fiedelman, first appearing in public in 1899. Professor Leopold Auer was a member of the audience, and at his... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - July, 1912
SIR JOSEPH BARNBY. Barnby was born at York, August 12, 1838, and died at London, January 28, 1896. As a boy he sang in the choir of York Cathedral, and was an organist and choirmaster at the age of twelve.... Read More
Great Pianists at the Keyboard. Series II. A Lesson in Position. - August, 1912
Ignace Jan Paderewski, Theodore Leschetizky, Eugen d'Albert, Antoinette Szumowska, Arthur Foote, William Sherwood. Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - September, 1912
EMIL LIEBLING. Mr. Liebling was born in Pless, Silesia, April 12, 1851. He came to America early in life, and was soon engaged in teaching in schools and colleges. As soon as circumstances permitted he returned to Berlin, where he... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - November, 1912
HUGO RIEMANN. Dr. Hugo Riemann was born at Grossmehlra, near Sondershausen, July 18, 1849. He was educated in law and other subjects at Berlin and Tübingen. After going through the Franco-German war he decided to devote his life to music,... Read More
Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - January, 1913
Special Notice to Etude Readers During the past four years THE ETUDE has presented, in its original feature page, "The Gallery of Musical Celebrities," over two hundred and fifty portrait biographies of famous musicians of the past and present,... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - February, 1913
PAUL ETIENNE VICTOR WACHS. (Vahks) Wachs was born at Paris, Sept. 19, 1851. He studied at the Paris Conservatory, where he was a pupil of César Franck, Duprato, and Victor Massé. He showed particular talent as an organist, and in 1877... Read More
The Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities - March, 1913
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH ILYINSKY.(Il-yins'-ke.) Ilyinsky was born at Tsarkoe Selo, January 24, 1859. His musical education was received in Berlin, where he first studied pianoforte under Theodore Kullak at the Conservatory and afterwards studied theory with Bargiel at the Königliche Akademie.... Read More
Gallery of Musical Instruments - October, 1916
The Violin The string instruments, first and second violins, violas, 'cellos and double-basses, form the main body of the symphony orchestra. They can play sustained or detached tones at all speeds; their compass from the lowest tone of the... Read More