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Special Notices

Special Notices

RATES—Professional Want Notices five cents per word. All other notices eight cents per nonpareil word, cash with orders.

TELEPATHY applied to Music. The Soul of Music. Its Healing Power. Individual instructions. Ellen Price, Holton, Kans.

HARPIST WANTS POSITION or locate in a good city; also have Harp for sale. D. Asselta, 434 Bleeker St., Utica, N. Y.

DEBUSSY REVERIE DU SOIR—THE Piano Piece of the Decade. Special 20c. Washington Music Co., Washington, D. C.

CORRESPONDENCE LESSONS in Harmony and Counterpoint. Stanley T. Reiff, Mus. Bac., Lansdowne, Pa.

UP THE INCLINE, March and Two-step. Ripples of the Rhine, Waltz. The Granger, March. Castle Echoes, Waltz. 15c each; the four 40c. A. S. Hood, Manchester, N. H.

TEACHERS WANTED. Teachers of Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory wanted for January and September openings. Address The Interstate Teachers’ Agency, Macheca Building, New Orleans.

MUSIC TEACHERS can earn additional “pocket money” selling to their pupils our Automatic Sheet Music Binder. Send business card and ten cents for sample to Leo Feist, Feist Bldg., New York, N. Y.

“ETUDES” WANTED. Mr. Joseph Singer, Musician, of Chicago, would be grateful to hear of any one who has a complete or large file of The Etude. Address 27 E. Randolph St., Chicago, 111.

$1.00 CREDIT CERTIFICATE FREE for addresses of five piano teachers and stamp. “Your Memorizing System never fails. James Martin, Ohio. It’s guaranteed. 25c. System, St. Joe, Indiana.

EVERY ORGANIST NEEDS MY TEN LESSONS explaining all about stops, combinations, easy way to find pedals, easy modulation, harmony, collections of organ music, etc. Sent anywhere in the world for $5. Satisfaction guaranteed. Francis J. O’Brien, 20 years organist of The Gesu, 857 Corinthian Ave., Philadelphia.

PROGRESSIVE TEACHERS invited to Correspond with LOUIS ARTHUR RUSSELL, Carnegie Hall, New York City, or the Publishers, regarding the introduction and use of the Russell Systems of Music Study for Pianists, Vocalists, and Theory Class Work. The Russell books are coming into use among earnest musicians throughout the country.

NEW EDITION RUSSELL BOOKS at Special prices. “Singer’s Practice Material. 30 cents; “Hand Culture” 40c; “Pianist’s First Reader” 30c; “Graded Studies” 30c; “Rhythm and Accent” 30c; “Scales” 30c; “Arpeggios” 30c: “Sight-Singing” 30c; “Tausig Hand Expander” $1.00. All postpaid. Essex Publishing Co., Carnegie Hail, New York City.

“THE MUSICIAN’S LETTERS TO HIS NEPHEW” which have been appearing in The Etude during the last few months were originally published in “The American History and Encyclopedia of Music,” issued by Irving Squires. This work is a series of volumes compiled by foremost musical thinkers and includes many original contributions from teachers, composers and artists of a similar standing with Mr. Bowman.

AMERICAN MADE VIOLIN circles the globe. Miss Nicoline Zedeler, who toured the world with the Sousa Band, played exclusively upon a “Gemünder Model” violin—an instrument costing only $500 and said to possess qualities of endurance, tone, finish, etc., making it superior in many cases to some old Cremona violins. The fact that Miss Zedeler’s violin withstood all kinds of climatic conditions is most creditable. August Gemünder & Sons, 42 E. 23d St., New York.

“LOST IN DREAMS,” the famous musical picture by Lautenschlager, which is to be found reproduced on page 54, is published by Franz Hanfstaengel, 28 W. 38th St., New York. This very beautiful picture is particularly suited for studio decoration. It is made in the following styles and sizes: Fine Carbon Prints, Folio size, $1.50 per copy; Royal size, $3.00; Imperial size, $5.00; Imperial Gravure, $5.00. Hand colored Gravure, $12.00. Because of its rarity and high artistic value it is particularly suited for a high-class musical present.

EDUCATIONAL WORK with the Victor Talking Machine has assumed such an importance that it has been necessary for the company to issue a little booklet of twelve pages describing the use of the machine for educational purposes in the home and the school. This, together with the 32-page illustrated booklet describing the wonderful new records by Paderewski, Elman, de Pachmann, Kubelik, de Gogorza, Victor Herbert, Dalmores, Boris Hambourg and many others, will be sent gratis to all who send a postal request to the Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J.

EVERY LADY DESIRES to keep her attractive appearance, while at the theatre, attending receptions, when shopping, while traveling, and on all occasions should carry in her purse a booklet of Gouraud’s Oriental Beauty Leaves. This is a dainty little booklet of exquisitely perfumed powdered leaves which are easily removed and applied to the skin. It is invaluable when the face becomes moist and flushed and is far superior to a powder puff, as it does not spill and soil the clothes. It removes dirt, soot and grease from the face, imparting a cool, delicate bloom to the complexion. Put up in White and Pink and sent anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamp or coin. F. T. Hopkins, 37 Great Jones St., New York, N. Y.

<< The New Presser Building. December, 1911.     Wall Known Composers of To-Day: Tod B. Galloway >>

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