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The Etude Educational Cartoons

Willie has been studying just three months. Teacher is working her hardest to get Willie to take the least gleam of interest in some really good music. Just at the moment when she sees promising signs of budding appreciation Willie's mamma appears upon the scene. Although she admits that she knows nothing about music she does not hesitate to insist upon the use of a trashy piece which will put Willie back months in his progress What shall the teacher do?
Gladys has just returned from Leipsic and is giving an exhibition of what she has to show for the mortgage that Dad put on the farm to send her abroad. She laughs at Beethoven, calls Haydn "old-fashioned" and Chopin "effeminate." Liszt is "superficial brilliance" and Mozart "child's play." The only pieces she knows are things which appealed to a coterie of super-educated specialists abroad. She has come back with a determination to secure engagements and incidentally a few pupils, by means of a repertoire composed of artistically arranged discords. Something is going to happen to Gladys.

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