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Special Notices

Professional Want Notices are inserted at a cost of five cents per word, cash with order. Business Notices, ten cents per word, cash with order. Do not have replies directed to this office. 

THE TAUSIG HAND EXPANDER, an aid to pianists with small or stiff hands. One dollar postpaid. Essex Publishing Co., 853 Carnegie Hall, New York.

A COMPETENT TEACHER WANTED in every city and town to introduce the Russell Methods of Music Study—Voice, Pianoforte and Choral Class work. These works are bringing results everywhere. References, etc., required. Address Headquarters, The Normal Institute of Music, Carnegie Hall, New York.

25 NEW PUPILS FROM ONE RECITAL, the record of teacher of Shepard Piano System. Booklet. Also, Harmony by Mail. Culture classes. Shepard Schools, Orange, N. J.

MUSIC TEACHERS send four cents for sample book “Pupil’s Record of Piano Lessons,” containing blank pages and helpful suggestions. W. F. Strong Dixon, Illinois, Publisher “Buds and Blossoms.” 

ALYAH GLOVER SALMON—Pianist, Lecturer, Recitals (Russian music), (material obtained in Moscow and St. Petersburg) for available dates. Address 106 Huntingdon Chambers, Boston, Mass.

MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS revised and corrected for publication. Bay State Music Co., Upham’s Corner. Boston. 

SEND 25 CENTS FOR 25 ASSORTED POST CARDS. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Birthday, Historical View of Philadelphia, Washington, Boston and New York. Quaker City Post Card Co., 1512 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.

FOR SALE—Virgil Clavier. Good condition. Price, $30.00. Address H., care Etude.

WANTED—Music Directors, Piano, Voice and Violin Teachers needed for next year’s openings. Write now to The Interstate Teachers’ Agency, Macheca Building, New Orleans.

YOUNG LADY, conservatory graduate, wishes position as teacher of piano and branches. Best references. Address N. V., care of Etude.

READERS OF THE ETUDE should notice the special offers made by the E. T. Paull Music Co. in their advertisement in this issue. A specially selected list of the best marches at greatly reduced rates. The list includes all of E. T. Paull’s march compositions, universal favorites with all.

WHICH are the choicest Anthems and Organ Voluntaries? Question answered by 25 distinguished organists. Send for circular. The Frank C. Wade School for Organ, 2216 E. 93d street, Cleveland.

A MOST SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT for pupil or musical friend, “Scales, Key Signatures and Related Keys,” by Stanley T. Reiff. Comprehensive—Concise—Practical—Invaluable. A copy on approval to responsible parties sending references. Price, 35 cents, net. No stamps. Order direct or through dealer. The Musical Press, P. O. Drawer 1602, Philadelphia, Pa.

THE BEETHOVEN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ST. LOUIS, one of the oldest and best known musical institutions in this country, has placed during the past summer many of its graduates and post-graduates as music instructors in prominent institutions. Its aims are high, only the best teachers are employed and yet the rates of tuition are very reasonable. A handsome annual catalogue which will be sent free by addressing the Brothers Epstein, directors.


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