The Etude
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Publisher's Notes.

The Etude can be procured through any newsdealer. If your newsdealer does not keep it on sale ask him to do so. The Etude does not want for admirers when it has an opportunity of presenting itself.

The time of year is at hand when teachers make an effort to procure a list of subscribers for The Etude from pupils and friends. In suggesting this idea to our friends, we claim no great attraction aside from the journal itself, although our premium list offers inducements to those who wish premiums or cash deductions. We will publish next issue a revised premium list for ‘87-‘88. We have added many new works to the list. Anyone, with a little effort, can procure either a year’s subscription free, or any of the works on the list.

Teachers find pupils will work with greater zeal, and accomplish more and better work by reading The Etude. A teacher may not hit on the hidden spring that will start the activities of the pupil’s mind, which might be accomplished by a hint given from some other teacher in The Etude. The music is always of a high character, and within range of ordinary pupils. Our aim is always to give the best thoughts on the art of studying and of teaching music, and particularly the piano-forte. Our field is large enough and broadens as the work goes on. If you wish to sustain a high standard of teaching, and be a means of disseminating musical knowledge, support The Etude. It has always been a puzzling question why one teacher in a town will send us a club of twenty subscribers yearly, while the teacher in the next town only keeps up his or her own subscription? If it enhances the interest of one teacher’s class, why not in another’s? When we were in active work teaching, it was our pleasure to procure subscribers to a journal that would give our pupils good, nutritious, musical food.

With this issue most of the subscriptions to extra copies of The Etude music will expire. We will not renew any more subscriptions for extra music, but will substitute a new plan with the music. We propose to furnish the music published in each issue in regular sheet music to subscribers at a low rate. Our proposal, in definite form, is this: We will furnish the music published each month in The Etude in separate pieces, in regular sheet music style, for one-fifth of the price. Thus, a thirty-cent piece of music will be furnished for six cents. The following are the details of the arrangement: 1st. Subscriptions can be commenced with any issue, but must be continued a year. 2d. A bill will be sent monthly, which is due on delivery of music, except where special arrangements are made for quarterly settlements. 3d. Postage on the music is charged to each subscriber. 4th. If incomplete works appear in the journal, the publisher will either send to each subscriber the complete work, or the equivalent in other sheet music. 5th. No sheet music of back issues will be supplied at this rate. 6th. A remittance of not less than fifty cents must be sent as a guarantee of good faith.

We intend to make the music of The Etude more of a feature hereafter. We have been publishing many pieces from “The Musician” set which is now about finished and will give place to greater variety. The music in this issue is almost a fair specimen of what it will be in the future.

Adelung’s Studies.—The aim of these studies is to offer an ample substitute for Duvernoy & Heller, to prepare the pupil in an effective and complete manner for Cramer’s fifty studies. Particular attention has been paid to force the hands into the correct position, and secure thereby the ability to finger easily and correctly. While the other book offers special exercises for the Scale, the Arpeggio, the Repeat and the Trill, as well as the contraction and expansion of fingers, the second book deals with other difficulties, such as the acquisition of a delicate yet firm touch, the development of muscular power and of rhythmic feeling. All the studies are comparatively very short, easy to read and vie in melodic treatment with those of Heller.

We make our place the headquarters for all appliances connected with piano teaching and playing, such as the Technicon, Techniphone, Manumoneum, Metronomes, Musical Games, Charts, etc. These can be forwarded through The Etude at much lower rates than regular market price. Send for prices.

We still have a lot of Music Teachers’ Class Books which were injured during the summer by dampness. 25 cents will pay for one, including postage. The books cost more than that to make.

All subscribers whose paid-up subscriptions have expired either with this issue or any previous issue, can have November and December issues free, if remittance is received before December issue is out. The December issue will be unusually attractive and large. We fully expect it to be in the hands of our readers by the 10th prox

We begin two very important serials with this issue: “Piano Teaching,” by Le Couppey, and “The Study of the Piano,” by H. Parent. The former is intended more for the teacher, while the latter will be more useful to pupils and young teachers. We strongly urge on all to carefully study the articles, which will be continued for some months.


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