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Special Notices

Professional Want Notices are inserted at a cost of five cents per word, cash with order. Business Notices, ten cents per word, cash with order. Do not have replies directed to this office.

THE TAUSIG HAND EXPANDER, an aid to pianists with small or stiff hands. One dollar postpaid. Essex Publishing Co., 853 Carnegie Hall, New York.

FREDERICK MAXSON, whose advertisement appears in another column, is a teacher who always works along practical lines. His organ pupils are prepared for practical work as church and concert organists. Mr. Maxson is in demand himself as a concert organist. The musical services at the First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, where he is organist and choir master, are deservedly popular and well attended.

VIOLINIST DESIRES POSITION in college city or town where he can make enough playing and teaching to pay his way through college. Address, Harry S. Robinson, 29 Vine street, Gallipolis, Ohio.

WANTED—A position as soloist or leading soprano in quartette. Address. 818 North Clark St., Carroll, Iowa.

A COMPETENT TEACHER WANTED in every city and town to introduce the Russell Methods of Music Study—Voice, Pianoforte and Choral Class work. These works are bringing results everywhere. References, etc., required. Address Headquarters, The Normal Institute of Music, Carnegie Hall, New York.

YOUR ATTENTION is called to the “Ad” of E. T. Paull Music Co., on another page in this issue. Mr. Paull is one of the best-known writers of popular marches of the present time, and the “Ad” contains a complete list of his march compositions and arrangements.


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