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Special Notices and Announcements


FOR SALE—130 Standard anthems octavo, about 28 copies each, excellent condition, less than half price. E. D. Keck, 21 Rich Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.  

ORGAN FOR SALE—Second-hand 2 manual Hook and Hastings 16 speaking stops—price reasonable. Apply Gilmore Ward Bryant, Box 406, Durham, N. Car. 

FOR SALE—Complete Course Progressive Series (music and literature). Will sell for less than half price. Blanche Redkey, Leesburg, Ohio.

20cents.jpgFOR SALE—Small upright Mahogany piano, beautiful tone. Direct from factory. Terms. Braumuller Co., W. Hoboken, N. J.

NEW PIANO SOLOS—Samples Free. Emerick & White, Box 16, Fordham Station, New York, N. Y.

CORRESPONDENCE HARMONY AND COMPOSITION—Simple, practical, thorough, under personal instruction of Dr. Wooler; no substitute teachers. Small monthly payments. Musical manuscripts corrected. Music composed, send poem, price reasonable. Write for prospectus. Alfred Wooler, Mus. Doc., 171 Cleveland Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.

MUSIC COMPOSED; manuscripts revised. Band and Orchestra arranging. Complete and guaranteed instruction in Harmony by mail. J. Rode Jacobsen, 2638 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ill.

TO PIANO TEACHERS sending their printed card, we will mail free “Moonlight on the Plaza,” a fine teaching piece. To Violin Teachers—“Blue Danube Waltz,” for 2 viol and piano. Watch this space. Louis Retter Music Co., 5507 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo.


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