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Special Notices

Notices for this column inserted at 3 cents a word for one insertion, payable in advance. Copy must be received by the 20th of the previous month to insure publication in the next number.

A VOCAL TEACHER IN A NORTHERN COLLEGE wishes a similar position in the South. Conservatory graduate also in piano. Address “Vocalist,” care of The Etude.

CONTRALTO SINGER AND ACCOMPANIST OF experience desires position with first-class Ladies’ Quartet Company. References. P. P. R., care The Etude.

CORRECTION OF MUSIC MSS. A SPECIALTY. Albert W. Borst, 3600 Hamilton Street, Phila., Pa.

DR. ROBERT GOLDBECK, AT 4104 DREXEL Boulevard, Chicago, desires to say to the readers of The Etude that he will be glad to help them in their musical studies, if they will write to him.

FOR SALE, CHEAP—VIRGIL CLAVIER AND Technicon. In perfect condition. Address (Miss) F. Carbutt, 2107 Venango Street, Phila., Pa.

MR. HENRY W. DUNHAM WISHES AS FAR AS possible to secure the addresses of his former pupils. Will all such who chance to read this kindly reply? Address New England Conservatory, Franklin Square, Boston, Mass.

THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MUSICIANS. Notice in Regard to Examinations. The examinations of the A. C. M. will be held in New York city and such other places as may be desirable, on June 21st to 24th, inclusive, instead of on June 13th to 17th as heretofore announced. For information address Wm. B. Wait, Secretary, 412 Ninth Avenue, New York.

T. CARL WHITMER DESIRES A POSITION AS Organist and Choirmaster. References. Address 452 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa.

WANTED—A SPINET OR HARPSICHORD IN good condition. Address, with particulars and price, E. F. W., care of The Etude.


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