Selected Content
from the World of Music Department
Content is listed chronologically in the order originally published by "The Etude". To be alerted of new content posted to this department, subscribe to the RSS feed.
News of the Month. - November, 1887
Teresina Tua made her début in New York last month and had a most flattering success with the public, although the critics cavil greatly at her style, which is thoroughly French and very brilliant... Still another prodigy--young twelve-year-old A. Edwin Farmer, a pupil of Mr. Bowditch Clapp, of Richmond--has been surprising musical people with his excellent renditions of good classical music... Miss Lulu Yeling is a young pianist, residing in Boston, who expects to be heard this winter. Read More
Correspondence. - November, 1887
A new prodigy has appeared to dispute the laurels of the nine-year old pianist Josef Hofmann. An eleven-year-old girl, Pauline Ellice, from London... Arma Senkrah, who, as all know, is a Boston girl that spells her name backward, has been made violinist to the Grand Duchess of Saxony... It is reported from Weimar that a new piano concerto, with string orchestra from Liszt, has been discovered. It is written in E minor and is similar in form to the A major Concerto. Liszt named it "Malediction." Read More
World of Music - July, 1891
HOME. The Seidl concerts, at Brighton Beach, began on June 27th. The sixth annual examination of the American College of Musicians was held at the New York University on June 24th. The Ovide Musin Concert Company closed a... Read More
Musical Items. - August, 1891
[All matter intended for this Department should be addressed to Mrs. Helen D. Tretbar, Box 2920, New York City.] The Ohio M. T. A. met at Cincinnati on July 1st, 2d and 3d. Remenzi, the violinist, will revisit this country... Read More
Musical Items. - December, 1891
After a phenomenal European success, Paderewski made his brilliant American debut in New York on Nov. 17th. He played Saint-Saens' G minor concerto, his own concertos, and several Chopin numbers. Read More
Musical Items - July, 1893
HOME. Dr. Pachmann returns to America and plays in Chicago in November. The Conductorship of the Boston Symphony Orchestra is still unsettled. Gustav Heinrichs is giving various Eastern cities good opera at popular prices. Materna has renewed her artistic triumphs... Read More
Musical Items. - October, 1894
Puccini, the composer of "Manon," was arrested as a spy at Malta a few weeks ago, because he was taking photographs near the fortifications. When his identity was discovered, the officers gave him a dinner. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1895
HOME. It is said the keys most used in composition are C, G, and F major, because they suit all instruments better. Henry Schradieck, the eminent violinist and teacher, long connected with the Leipsic Conservatory, has settled in New York.... Read More
Musical Items. - May, 1895
A pupil, Miss Antoinette Sgumowska--the only pupil,--of Paderewski has been giving piano recitals in this country and has been quite successful... Signor Demetrio Alata, a telegraph operator in Milan, claims to have invented a method of transferring musical notation by wire... Herr Sauer, the German pianist, who has won so much success in London lately, agrees with Paderewski that Brahms "is not a great composer." Rubinstein, he says, far surpasses him as a writer for the piano. "I am a great admirer of Anton Rubinstein as a composer. It is true he was unequal, and suffered from an over-luxuriance of thoughts. The man who could write the "Dramatic Symphony," the "Fourth" and the "Fifth Concertos," and such beautiful things as "The Demon" and "The Maccabees" contain, and so many masterpieces for the piano and voice, was, in spite of all weakness, a great composer. Read More
Musical Items - October, 1895
The latest bit of advice from Mme. Patti to girls who are anxious for success as singers is well worth repeating to all aspiring musicians. She tells them: "You must be a good workman at your trade before you can be an artist in your art." ... On August 11th the remains of Paganini were exhumed at the Communal Cemetery, Parma. The countenance of the celebrated violinist was in perfect preservation. Read More
Musical Items. - January, 1897
Sickness and death have wrought serious havoc of late in the musical realm. Frau Klafsky, Campanini, and Mr. William Steinway, the greatest manufacturer of pianos the world has known, have recently passed into the land beyond the veil. Max Alvary and Brahms are slowly dying of painful and incurable maladies, and Moritz Rosenthal is still suffering from the effects of his serious attack of typhoid fever. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1897
EDOUARD REMENYI, the violinist, is giving concerts in the South. Miss NEALLY STEVENS, the accomplished pianist, is giving farewell recitals in California. CHAS. KLEIN and John Philip Sousa are well advanced on their new opera, “The Bride Elect.” THE Minneapolis... Read More
Musical Items. - May, 1897
It is probably not generally known that a son of the great pianist, Muzio Clementi, is still living. This is the Rev. V. Clementi, settled as a clergyman in Peterboro', Ontario, Canada. Read More
Musical Items - June, 1897
HOME. Ysaye, the Belgian violinist, will return to this country next fall. The two De Reszkes, Calvé, and Melba received this season about $500,000. H. Woolson Morse, the composer of "Wang," "Panjandrum," and "Dr. Syntax," is dead. Indiana's Music Teachers'... Read More
Musical Items - July, 1897
Blind Tom, once so prominent a figure on the concert stage, is now described as a "tall, broad shouldered, neatly dressed colored man, whose gray hair and sightless eyes increase the impressiveness of his appearance." .... In the south walk of the old cloisters of Westminster Abbey in London there is an old, simple gravestone, lying flat on the ground, bearing this inscription: "Muzio Clementi, called the Father of the Pianoforte; his fame as a musician and composer, acknowledged throughout Europe, procured him the honor of a public interment in this cloister. Born at Rome, 1752. Died at Evesham, 1832." Thus runs the world away. The best man living, let him die to day, to-morrow may be forgotten, and his tombstone be cracked and covered with moss. Read More
Musical Items - October, 1897
HOME. MR. S. BECKER Y. GRABILL has opened a conservatory of music in Lancaster, Pa. AUGUST HYLLESTED, the great Danish pianist, will make a concert tour through Canada in the early fall. PROFESSOR E. VON ADELUNG, formerly of East... Read More
Musical Items - December, 1897
CHAMINADE played in public last month in London. CLARENCE EDDY will make a European tour this year. THE Czar will knight Eduard and Jean de Reszke, the well-known singers. JOSEF HOFMANN will be substituted for Rosenthal in most of... Read More
Musical Items - February, 1898
Mme. Patti, it is announced, will give a series of concerts in Scandinavia. Marcella Sembrich has signed a contract for twenty concerts in this country next season. The son of Wilhelmj, the famous violinist, is meeting with success as an... Read More
Musical Items - March, 1898
GREAT interest has been manifested, in the few large cities in which Franz Rummel has appeared, in the playing of this "veritable giant," as one of the New York papers calls him. The historical recitals which he gave, on a previous visit to this country, made a profound impression upon the musical public. A demand is made that he duplicate that series. Read More
Musical Items - May, 1898
Alexander Siloti, the Russian pianist, who met with such marked success in the United States this season, sailed for Europe early last month. He was greatly pleased, and will return next year. Read More
Home Notes. - May, 1898
Pugno, the great French pianist, discovered a new musical genius in the person of Master Ralph Wetmore, a fourteen-year-old violinist of Springfield... A CONCERT in aid of the Peabody House, the pioneer in kindergarten work in the United States, was given in Boston lately. The entire program was made up of compositions by Mrs. Beach... EDWARD BAXTER PERRY played at a matinee at Kullak's Academy of Higher Pianism in Berlin on March 22d, and gave a recital in Saal Bechstein on the 24th. Read More
Musical Items - July, 1898
The real name of Remenyi, the violinist, was Hoffman. Mme. Marchesi was reported to be seriously ill during the past month. Josef Hofmann is said to have cleared more than $30,000 by his recent tour. The foreign trip of the... Read More
Woman's Work in Music - July, 1898
Pauline Viardot-Garcia was born July 18, 1821. A life of Adelina Patti is being prepared by a London journalist. Marie Wurm produced her concerto in G minor, with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin, in March. A wish frequently expressed at... Read More
World of Music - November, 1898
Berlin has 118 music schools. Franz Rummel will teach in Berlin this winter. A new opera by de Koven is announced. The title is " The Three Dragoons." Chaminade's projected visit to the United States has... Read More
Home Notes. - December, 1898
Mme. A. Pupin, of New York City, has prepared a lecture recital illustrating the progress of music during the present century, which includes a recital on the new Janko keyboard, forming an evening's entertainment of great value to schools, colleges, and music clubs. Read More
Musical Items. - December, 1898
Sousa, when a boy in Washington, D. C., played with the colored children of the neighborhood. He says he learned from them the peculiar melodic and rhythmic swing that his compositions have. Read More
Home Notes. - June, 1899
Mr. Charles B. Hawley, of New York City, gave a most enjoyable concert, of his own compositions, during the past month. The program included vocal solos, duets, trios, and quartets, and choruses for male and female, as well as mixed voices. Read More
Musical Items - June, 1899
The compositors on the daily papers often make sad havoc of the titles of compositions. One transformed a "Benedictus" into "Benedictine," which was certainly not the right thing for use in a church service. Handel's "Largo" was made "Large," and on another occasion "Lager," which would scarcely do for an organ recital; then a "concerto" appeared in the guise of a "concertina," a most woeful descent in the artistic scale. Read More
Musical Items - September, 1899
The tearing down of the old Music Hall in Boston has been begun. Sir Arthur Sullivan's memoirs are announced as nearly ready. The Dresden, Germany, Conservatory had 1210 pupils the past year. "Cyrano de Bergerac" is the... Read More
Musical Items - October, 1899
MR. FIDELIS ZITTERBART, composer, died recently in Pittsburg, Pa. He was a musician of unusual gifts, a violin virtuoso, a most prolific composer. Scarcely any of his higher works have been published. He worked solely for the love of art, and leaves a great mass of manuscript, such as operas, symphonies, and a string quartet, which may some day be heard and ranked among the highest art creations. Read More
Home Notes. - October, 1899
After a careful investigation of the actual results obtained, the New England Conservatory of Music has arranged to establish a department of foundation technical training for the pianoforte, embracing the theories of Mr. A. K. Virgil, inventor of the practice clavier. Read More
Home Notes - November, 1899
Signor ARTURO NUTINI, the blind virtuoso, by his remarkable skill has won the title of "Blind Paderewski." His genius was early recognized by Rubinstein. Read More
Musical Items - January, 1900
Gablonz, Bohemia, is about to erect a statue to Schubert. Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust" was played in Stuttgart for the first time last month. Berlioz' "Prise de Troie" has lately been given (November 16th) as a novelty in Paris. Humperdinck's... Read More
Home Notes. - January, 1900
The sixth conversational lecture-recital of the regular Thursday evening series was given at the Clavier Company's Piano School on November 23d. The lecture was one of the most interesting of the series, and very valuable to teachers and students of... Read More
Musical Items. - February, 1900
Mr. Ysaye is playing in London. Mark Hambourg has lately published two piano pieces: "Espièglerie" and "Minuet in F" Lillian Blauvelt and Frangcon Davies are singing in London. Rimsky-Korsakoff's new opera "The Bride of the King" has been successfully produced... Read More
Home Notes - March, 1900
On February 13th a concert was given by the Pittsburgh Orchestra, assisted by J. Melville Horner, baritone, of Boston. A recital was given at the studio of Mr. Ad. M. Foerster, Pittsburgh, Pa., on February 21st, by the Misses Minick... Read More
Musical Items - March, 1900
Ignatz Brull has nearly finished the score of his new romantic opera, "The Master of the Mountains." Pepito Rodriguez Arriole, aged 3 years, has lately astonished an audience of musicians and amateurs in Madrid, as a pianist, improvisator, and composer. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1900
Theodore Thomas has determined to make the Newberry Library, of Chicago, heir to his collection of music. Apart from hundreds of valuable scores and manuscripts preserved, the most interesting part of the collection is the complete series of programs of concerts dating as far back as 1855. These programs show the evolution of music in the United States, and will be a treasure to the future historian of music in this country. Read More
Home Notes. - April, 1900
The last concert of the Kneisel Quartet in Philadelphia for this season was given on March 26th. The soloist was Mary Hallock, pianist. This will be Miss Hallock's last appearance in Philadelphia this season, as she will immediately begin the study of the Paderewski "Concerto" under this great maestro's instruction, in which she will be heard next season in concert. Read More
Musical Items - June, 1900
Pictures of the human voice thrown upon a screen at the Academy of Natural Sciences, in Philadelphia, created enthusiasm among the scientists present. It was demonstrated that the vibrations of each separate tone of the human voice possessed its own individual geometric figure. Read More
Musical Items - July, 1900
Vladimir de Pachmann will, it is stated, write a new life of Chopin for a New York publishing house. This ought to interest the Chopin biographers. The highest soprano voice on record was that of Lucrezia Agujardi (1743 to 1783).... Read More
Musical Items - October, 1900
There is still living in Vienna an old lady in her ninety-first year who sang in the chorus at the first performance of Beethoven's "Choral Symphony." Read More
Musical Items - January, 1901
Grieg is reported to be very ill. Mascagni is at work on an intense spiritual drama. The Pittsburgh Orchestra will make a tour in April and May. Paderewski's new opera is named "Mauru," and is in... Read More
Musical Items. - February, 1901
A Rubinstein museum is to be opened in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. New York teachers are receiving pupils from Cuba, Porto Rico, and Hawaii. Jean de Reszke sang in New York last month. Critics say he was never in better... Read More
Home Notes - March, 1901
Edward Baxter Perry returned to Boston for the holidays after a tour of forty-five concerts and recitals in the Western States. He started the first of January on a Southern tour of seven weeks, to be followed by a trip in the New England and Middle States. Mr. Perry will fill a hundred and five engagements between October 17th and the first of April, which is the largest number of concerts ever played by any pianist in the same length of time. Read More
Musical Items - March, 1901
Ethelbert Nevin, one of the best-known and most popular of American composers, died at New Haven, Conn., February 17th. He had but recently been associated with Prof. H. W. Parker in the musical work of Yale University. Mr. Nevin was born in 1862 at Edgeworth, Pa., near Pittsburgh, of cultured parents, and early showed signs of a love for music. At the age of four he was often found at the piano thrumming tunes. It was not until 1884 that he began to take music seriously, when he commenced his studies with Karl Klindworth, with the intention of becoming a concert pianist. His teacher, however, persuaded him to give the major part of his attention to composition. Read More
Home Notes - April, 1901
At the five-hundredth organ-recital at Carnegie Music Hall, Allegheny City, a suite written by Mr. Joseph Carl Breil, and dedicated to Mr. Carnegie, was played. It is called "Castle Skibo." ... Mr. Gustav L. Becker has been very successful with his lecture-musicales in New York City. The last lecture was by Mr. A. J. Goodrich on "Practical Musicianship." One of Mr. Becker's pupils played the illustrations... Mr. Leo Kofler, for many years organist and choirmaster of old St. Paul's Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York City, has retired on a pension, and will give his time to private teaching at 5 E. Fourteenth Street. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1901
Josef Hoffmann is remarkable in other ways than music, being an inventor and a student of chemistry and astronomy... Mr. Leopold Godowsky is to become a resident of Leipzig, where he has already established a home. Mr. Godowsky will give his whole attention to concert-work, we are told... Sembrich says, in an interview, that Americans seem to know of but two opera-houses in Europe, London and Bayreuth, whereas every great city of Europe has its opera-house and a season which lasts nearly the whole year round. Read More
Musical Items - May, 1901
Paderewski's son, a cripple from birth, to whom the pianist was passionately devoted, died in March. Foreign papers announced that all of Paderewski's engagements for this season and next were canceled... D'Oyly Carte, a well-known operatic manager of London, died April 3d. He was best known for his successful combination with Gilbert and Sullivan to produce their operas... It is expected that the new building for the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, which is to be erected at Huntington Avenue and Gainsborough Street, will be ready in September, 1902. It will contain two auditoriums with a seating capacity, one of 400, the other of 1000. Read More
Home Notes - July, 1901
Mrs. Caroline Washburn Rockwood will have a studio at Asheville, N. C., until October. Mrs. Rockwood’s talks on “Songs and Their Composers” were very successful during the past season. The Commencement Concert of the School of Music, Doane College, was... Read More
Musical Items - July, 1901
The estate of the late Sir John Stainer was valued at $170,000. A new book, “The Pianoforte and its Music,” by Mr. H. E. Krehbiel, is to be issued shortly. A London report says that Victor Herbert and W. S.... Read More
Musical Items - September, 1901
Bruckner's "Ninth Symphony," like Beethoven's, is to be performed with a choral finale, for which purpose, according to the composer's wish, expressed in his will, his "Te Deum in C" is to be used. Read More
Musical Items - October, 1901
Dr. William B. Pape, known a number of years ago as Willie Pape, pianist and composer, died at Mobile, Ala., August 30th. He was born in Mobile... The Moody-Manners Opera Company, of London, offer a prize of $1250, and 10 per cent. of net profits made by the company, for an original opera, the offer open to anyone... The favorite instrument in Spain is the mandora, of the guitar family... Stavenhagen, a well-known pianist and composer, has been appointed to the presidency of the Royal Academy of Music in Munich. Read More
Home Notes - November, 1901
MR. OTTO PFEFFERKORN has accepted the position as head of the piano-department of the Gottschalk Lyric School, of Chicago... THE Pittsburgh Leader of October 20th contains an account of an autograph collection of famous musicians, the property of Mr. Ad. M. Foerster, among which photographs of Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt are especially noteworthy; also a letter from Adelina Patti... DR. HENRY G. HANCHETT reports a successful summer season at the Monteagle, Tenn., Assembly. He had fifty students in his class and a chorus of ninety-nine; twelve concerts a week were given. Read More
Home Notes. - December, 1901
Mr. Perley Dunn Aldrich's late recital in Rochester, N. Y., included von Fielitz's song-cycle, "Eliland." ... Mrs. H. H. A. Beach assisted the Kneisel Quartet in their opening recital in Boston, October 28th, playing the piano part in the "Sonata for 'Cello and Piano," opus 69, by Beethoven. The 'cello part was played by Mr. Alwin Schroeder. Read More
Musical Items - December, 1901
A direct descendant of J. S. Bach, Hermann Bach by name, is said to be living in Erfurt. He is a piano-teacher and is gifted with a fine memory for compositions that he has heard... The New York Sun says that Carnegie Hall has been engaged for a piano recital by Paderewski, on February 14th. The composer's opera "Manru" is to be produced February 12th. Walter Damrosch is to conduct the opera... A New York paper says that Mr. Grau has decided to engage legitimate musical stars to play upon the high-class vaudeville stage, believing that there is a good field and a demand for the best singing and playing under conditions which can appeal to a large public. Read More
Home Notes. - January, 1902
Dr. Charles R. Fisher is giving a series of piano-forte-recital talks in the Western College Conservatory of Music. The leading classical and modern composers are represented in the program. Miss Clara Maclean and her pupils gave a Schumann recital last... Read More
Musical Items - January, 1902
One of the most distinguished of modern composers, Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger, died in Munich, November 25th, of heart and lung trouble. Professor Rheinberger had recently resigned from his position in the Royal School of Music at Munich, which he had filled for the past thirty years. Read More
Musical Items - February, 1902
An organization has been effected in St. Louis, by Mrs. Albert L. Hughey and Miss Marion Ralston called the St. Louis Union Musical Club, whose object is to provide for the musical education of talented young persons who are without means to pursue their studies. The expenses are borne by members of the club, the fee being $3.00 a year. So far the effort has been very successful. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1902
MR. HENRY G. MARQUAND, a wealthy art-patron of New York City, who died recently, some years ago paid between $40,000 and $50,000 for a specially made Steinway concert grand piano, decorated by Alma Tadema, the celebrated painter. This instrument is said to be the highest priced and most artistically decorated piano ever made. Read More
Home Notes - April, 1902
Members of the Senior Class of the Western Conservatory of Music, Chicago, gave an "Afternoon with Chopin," March 12th. President E. H. Scott gave a lecture of instructive criticism. A series of Vesper Services, historically arranged, have been given in... Read More
Home Notes. - May, 1902
The advanced pupils’ recitals of the Sherwood Music School, Chicago, show a large proportion of young players capable of doing artistic work. A branch of the school has been established in Milwaukee. Miss Kate Vannah’S song, “My Bairnie,” published by... Read More
Musical Items - May, 1902
American automatic piano-players are winning their way in England. The city council of Saint-Denis has voted the sum of $240,000 for the building of a municipal theater. The magistracy of Munich have given a subvention of $1500 to the well-known... Read More
Musical Items - July, 1902
An association has been formed in Poland to bring Chopin's ashes to his native land. He was buried in Paris, in Pére Lachaise Cemetery. Mr. James Huneker, the well-known writer and critic, has begun a new work, to be called "Franz Liszt: His Art and His Times." A music-building is to be erected on Holmes Field, Cambridge, for the music-students of Harvard College, at an expense of $75,000. A large concert-hall equipped with a pipe-organ is to be one of the features. Read More
Home Notes. - July, 1902
Edward Baxter Perry has completed his season of a hundred lecture-recitals and will be located for the summer months at his cottage at Camden, Maine. He will complete during leisure this summer his book of fifty descriptive analyses of pianoforte compositions, to be published by Theo. Presser, under the title of "Interpretation of Piano-Music." Read More
Musical Items - August, 1902
Raoul Pugno, the French pianist, is to make a concert-tour in the United States next season. Read More
Musical Items - September, 1902
The governmental subvention of the Prague Conservatory is $8000 a year. An opera has been written by an Italian composer in which Lord Byron is the central figure. Johannes Weidenbach, one of the oldest teachers in the Leipzig Conservatory, died... Read More
Musical Items - November, 1902
Marcella Sembrich is here again. The German Vocal Union has a membership of 109,399. Weber's "Freischütz" had its six hundredth representation at Dresden this year. The daughter of the composer Dvorâk recently made her debût as... Read More
Musical Items - March, 1903
The Wagner heirs received in 1902, $115,000 in royalties from his operas exclusive of the Bayreuth profits. "Lohengrin," the most popular, returned $68,000. It was given in the United States 312 times, for which about $20,000 was paid in royalties. Read More
Musical Items - April, 1903
A memorial to Sir Arthur Sullivan was unveiled in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, last month. A German exchange, in praising the playing of Godowsky, calls him "The American pianist." The latest report about Paderewski is that he has sold his... Read More
Home Notes. - April, 1903
Edward Baxter Perry returned March 3d from a trip of forty dates in the Gulf States, having played eighty-five lecture-recitals since the concert season opened. He will make a trip through the Middle and New England States during this month. Read More
Musical Items - May, 1903
The Musical Standard of London announces a series of articles on living British composers. Reyer, the French composer, is still living, at the age of eighty. "Salammbo" is probably his most successful opera. Marc Burty, a French composer, whose pieces... Read More
Musical Items - June, 1903
An Italian composer, Gallignani, director of the conservatory at Milan, has written a large choral work with the Latin title, "Quare" or "Wherefore." The titles of the sections of the work are "Humanity," "The Stoics," "The Epicureans," "Skeptics and Atheists," "Mystic Chorus," "Song of the Sun," and "Invocation to Supreme Love." Read More
Musical Items - August, 1903
In a sale of old violins in London, a Strad, dated 1717, brought $2200. A letter from Beethoven to Bettina von Amini was recently sold for $250. The meeting of the Illinois Music-Teachers' Association at Galesburg was rather poorly attended.... Read More
Home Notes - September, 1903
The Dallas School of Music, Mrs. A. E. Smythe, director, gave a Midsummer Recital July 28th. Mr. Frank B. Williams, of Newark, N. J., will give some organ recitals at the St. Louis Fair next year. Mr. J. J. Davis... Read More
Musical Items - September, 1903
Madame Cosima Wagner bitterly opposes Conried's determination to give her husband's opera "Parsifal" in New York. In a recent interview she said: "If 'Parsifal' is presented on the stage in New York it will be the desecration of a sacred work for the sake of money and an insult to the memory of its creator. I can only hope that artists will refuse to sing it and that American society will not approve the sacrilege." Read More
Musical Items - November, 1903
The house in which Beethoven died, the so-called Schwarzspanierhaus, formerly a cloister--the monks who lived there being called Schwarzspanier--is to be torn down to make room for a modern building. It is expected that a memorial tablet will be placed on the new building to mark the site of the house in which the great composer paid the debt of Nature... Mr. John Philip Sousa makes the prediction that "rag-time has come to stay." Perhaps it may; but the average musician feels sure that the so-called popular successes can have but an ephemeral vogue. "Rag-time" may stay in some form, but not one of the typical "rag-time favorites" will be recognized as worthy a permanent place in a musical repertoire. They may appear on programs fifty years hence as a curiosity. Read More
Musical Items - December, 1903
A small full score of "Tannhäuser" is announced by a Berlin publisher. The new auditorium of the New England Conservatory of Music was dedicated October 20th. It is announced that Edward Elgar, the noted English composer, is at work on... Read More
Musical Items - January, 1904
H. P. Danks, a composer whose songs were widely known and used a number of years ago, died in Philadelphia. November 20th, aged 79 years. He was the composer of "Silver Threads Among the Gold," and "Don't Be Angry With Me, Darling," He wrote a great deal of church music. Read More
Musical Items - February, 1904
A few musicians living at the present time link us with the great names of the past. A notable instance is Mr. Edward Silas, organist and composer, of London, who knew Berlioz well and was intimately connected with him when the latter came to London in 1852 to direct the concerts of the newly organized Philharmonic Society. Mr. Silas is seventy-six years old, and is still in active work, being professor of composition at the Guildhall School of Music. Read More
Home Notes - February, 1904
The first private concert of the New York Manuscript Society was given at Æolian Hall, November 30th. Messrs. H. Brooks Day, Smith N. Penfield, Gustav L. Becker, William E. Bassett, Reginald Barrett, and August Walther were represented on the program. The second concert was given December 14th. Read More
Musical Items - March, 1904
The Indiana State Music Teachers' Association is to meet at Fort Wayne this year. Considerable interest is manifested in Mr. Sam Franko's "Concerts of Antique Music," given in New York City. The surplus available for the General... Read More
World of Music - April, 1904
There is a movement in London in favor of a permanent subsidized national opera. Ysaye, the great violinist, has been engaged for a series of concerts in the United States next season. The Neue Musikalische Presse, a... Read More
Musical Items - May, 1904
INSURANCE contracts for musical artists show some interesting provisions. Mme. Patti insures every one of her concerts for $5000; Paderewski has insured his hands for $50,000, taking out a temporary policy of $7500 for each of his concerts; Josef Hofmann carries heavy insurance on his hands and each finger; Kubelik has insured his right hand for $10,000, with a policy for $50,000 against total disablement. Read More
Musical Items - June, 1904
For the first time in four centuries a choir, which included women, sang in the Vatican, April 16th. The occasion was the performance of the Abbé Perosi's new oratorio, "The Last Judgment," before the Pope, cardinals, and other church dignitaries. The Pope, carrying out his purpose to revive Gregorian music, has established at Rome an international college for training boy singers. It is under the direction of the Abbé Perosi, who is master of music at the Vatican. Read More
Home Notes. - June, 1904
An 8-year-old pianist, Maurice Robb, has been brought out by Mrs. Oscar Mansfeldt, in San Francisco. A program recently given contained numbers by Beethoven, Grieg, Schubert, Chopin, Moszkowski, and Mendelssohn. Read More
Musical Items - July, 1904
Richard Barth, conductor of the Hamburg, Germany, Philharmonic Concerts, will retire at the end of this season's work. He was one of the few left-handed violinists who attained to eminence. An accident to his left hand after he had been studying the violin for a number of years prevented the free use of his fingers. Thereupon he readjusted his violin and took the bow in his left hand, and began his practice anew. Read More
Musical Items - August, 1904
The statement is made that Jean de Reszke will ask $40 per hour for instruction in his newly established school for singers. There will be four pupils in each class, each member receiving the lesson in rotation, the other three listening. This is certainly a high price to pay for the name of having received instruction from the great tenor. He has yet to prove that he is an instructor of the first rank. Read More
Home Notes - August, 1904
Mrs. Gertrude Elizabeth McKellar, organist and choir director of the Thirteenth Street Presbyterian Church, New York City, is the first member of the fair sex to receive the Fellowship degree of the American Guild of Organists. She has been engaged for the Guilmant Organ School, New York City. Read More
Musical Items - September, 1904
The bodies of Johann Strauss (elder) and Joseph Lanner, the famous waltz composers, were exhumed in Vienna. Strauss' violin, which was buried with him, had entirely fallen away to dust, but the body was in fair preservation. *** In the trial of three music students arrested at a concert in Paris for persistent hissing, on account of the introduction of a piano concerto in one of the programs of the Colonne Orchestra, the judge dismissed the case on the ground that since approval was not objected to, disapproval could not be restrained. Read More
Home Notes. - September, 1904
Mr. E. B. Story, after twenty-three years of service as organist and choirmaster at Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass., has resigned. Mr. Story's duties at Smith College have increased, and he feels it essential to give more time there. Read More
Musical Items - October, 1904
A spinet that belonged to Jenny Lind has been found in Denver. The instrument was made in London in 1784. When the great singer was a child she took her first lessons by the aid of a spinet. Read More
Musical Items - December, 1904
TOLSTOI'S latest pronouncement is against folk song, which he thinks is undeserving the attention recently turned toward it. "A folk song," he says, "is exactly the same thing as a bottle of brandy or a pipe of tobacco, an empty pastime, a commonplace entertainment, which moreover incites men to evil deeds, to squabbles, etc." As America has no folk song of its own, perhaps that may be the reason it is better off than Russia, which has so great a store. Read More
Home Notes. - December, 1904
Mr. Walter De Prefontaine, organist of the First Presbyterian Church, Norristown, Pa., arranged a series of four musical services for October 30th, November 27th, January 29th, and February 26th. They will include works by American, English, German, and French composers. Read More
Musical Items - February, 1905
Wassili Safonoff, the noted Russian conductor, who directed several of the concerts of the New York Philharmonic Society this season, advocates dispensing with the baton. He claims that since Lully introduced the baton the length of the stick has become gradually shorter, and that a conductor can convey his ideas to an orchestra without a baton. When he conducted Tschaikovsky's Pathetic Symphony last year he used the baton but little. Read More
Home Notes. - February, 1905
Madame A. Pupin gave a concert in New York City January 11th. The first part, consisting of music by Bach, Mozart, and Paradisi, was played on a pianoforte made 110 years ago, the second, works by modern composers, on a piano with 22 octaves. The proceeds of the concert are to be devoted to Mme. Pupin's plan to aid talented girls, without means, to secure a musical education. Read More
Musical Items - March, 1905
According to a German exchange, Richard Strauss' "Sinfonia Domestica" has a predecessor. In the program of a concert given at Jena, in 1845, is listed a composition by a French composer, Chelard, entitled "The First Harmonies of Life," fantasy for orchestra. The program of the work is: Birth, Baptism, Cradle Song, Nurse's Song, The Mother, The Child, The Child's Play, The First Instruction, Childhood's Years, Choral. Read More
Home Notes - March, 1905
An address was delivered before the National Society of Musical Therapeutics, February 2d, by Prof. C. H. A. Bjerregaard, on "The Metaphysics of Music." Previous lectures were "The Aim and Scope of the National Society of Musical Therapeutics," by Miss Eva Augusta Vescelius; "Music as a Medicine," by Francis S. Kennedy, M. D. March 2d, Dr. Alfred W. Herzog will give a lecture on "The Value of Mechanical Musical Treatment and Suggestions Through Music," illustrated by vocal and instrumental music; April 6th, Rev. Dr. John Harrington Edwards, author of the recent work, "God and Music," will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Musical Altruism." Read More
Musical Items - June, 1905
Rosenthal is to play in concert in the United States next season. A monument is to be erected in Paris to the memory of Beethoven. The week preceding Easter in Berlin was devoted to Bach's and Beethoven's... Read More
Musical Items - July, 1905
A new string quartet by Sinding was played in Berlin recently. Carl Goldmark, the veteran Austrian composer, celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday, May 18th. The Biennial Meeting of the National Federation of Musical Clubs was held at Denver,... Read More
Home Notes - January, 1906
The orchestra of the Broad St. Conservatory of Music, Phialdelphia (sic), gave a concert of popular music, under the direction of Mr. Combs,' November 22d. A recital by members of the faculty was given at the Sprankle Studio of... Read More
Musical Items. - January, 1906
European correspondence reports that Paderewski has recovered from the nervous breakdown of a year ago. He is not to reappear in public until next March. He is, at present, busy on an opera, and has recently finished some important works,... Read More
Musical Items - March, 1906
Cesar Franck's "Beatitudes" have been given in Leipzig. The Pittsburgh Orchestra, Emil Paur, conductor, has upwards of forty out-of-town dates this season. Working people's symphony concerts are given in Vienna; seats, 8 cents, standing room, 4 cents. The Institute of... Read More
Home Notes. - July, 1906
The Spring Music Festival of Columbia. Mo., Messrs. T. Carl Whitmer and George Venable, directors, was held April 30 and May 1, in Stephens College Auditorium. The chorus numbered 100 voices, the orchestra 32 players. The principal choral works were "The Death of Minnehaha," by Coleridge-Taylor; "Scenes from Olaf Trygvasson," by Grieg. Read More
Musical Items - July, 1906
Max Reger, who divides musical attention in Germany with Richard Strauss, is still quite young, being in his thirty-third year. He is a Bavarian by birth and was a pupil of Riemann. He now lives at Munich, and teaches organ and composition in the Royal Academy of Music in that city. Read More
European Musical Topics. - July, 1906
The Bach number of Die Musik brought forth the expected panegyrics upon the works of that great master, which by their excess of zeal rather displeased the reviewer of the Kunstwart magazine. Read More
Home Notes. - August, 1906
The Monroe School of Music gave its seventeenth annual concert June 15. The Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Mr. A. W. Gale, director, assisted. The Annual Concert of the Silliman Collegiate Institute gave its annual concert June 11. Miss L. L. Topping... Read More
Musical Items. - August, 1906
A great niece of Franz Liszt, Charlotte Liszt by name, has made her debut in Paris as a singer. Read More
Musical Items - October, 1906
Mr. Edward Zerdahelyi, who died at Philadelphia in August, aged eighty-four years, was an interesting figure in musical affairs. He was a Hungarian by birth and a member of a prominent family. When the rebellion broke out in 1848 he and his father joined the patriot cause and lost all their property, which was confiscated by the Austrian Government. In 1861 he came to this country and won distinction as a pianist. For the past thirty years he lived in Philadelphia, teaching at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Torresdale. He was a warm friend of Liszt, who dedicated to him the "First Hungarian Rhapsody." Read More
Musical Items. - December, 1906
Alexander Scriabine, the popular Russian composer and pianist, is to make a visit to this country this month. He will play in New York City on the 20th. He has been characterized as the "Russian Chopin." Pepito Arriolo, the Spanish boy, a protége of Arthur Nikisch, played in London in October, and created quite a sensation. He uses a specially constructed piano, with smaller keys than usual and a lighter touch. Read More
World of Music - August, 1907
Wilhelm Ganz, the composer, recently celebrated his seventy-fourth birthday. He settled in London, in 1857. Mr. Walter Damrosch and his orchestra have been very successful in their concerts at Ravinia Park, near Chicago. Orchestral matters in St.... Read More
The World of Music - May, 1908
At Home. OWING to lack of space, it is frequently necessary to omit many desirable notices kindly sent to us by our readers. Whenever our space permits we are glad to print notices without charge, providing we deem... Read More
The World of Music - August, 1908
Miss Jessie Shay, a most talented and admirable young American pianist, who had played with our leading American orchestras, toured with Kubelik and met with success in Europe, died on June 21st. Miss Shay had been on a tour to Mexico. On her return from that country the steamship in which she was traveling was seized by a terrific storm. Read More
The World of Music. - December, 1908
A clever swindle has been perpetrated on the Omaha public by an enterprising gentleman named Mr. Rice. By paying for newspaper articles in advance, and exercising a blandishing manner he persuaded some prominent business men in that city to support him in securing a brilliant reception for one "Zamona"--a violinist of world-wide fame, who was to honor Omaha with a recital. It was to be a brilliant function, and the tickets sold like hot cakes, the sales amounting to something near eight hundred dollars. On the night of the concert it was discovered that "Zamona" was the suave Mr. Rice himself with the addition of a mustache. Read More
Musical Items - January, 1909
Mrs. Clara Gottschalk Peterson, of Asbury Park, N. J., has presented to the City of New Orleans a number of interesting mementos of her brother, Louis Moreau Gottschalk, the celebrated American pianist. Among the collection is a bust in marble, made by Francheschi, a distinguished Italian sculptor, a few years after the pianist's death. Read More
Home Notes. - January, 1909
Mr. Walter Spry, of Chicago, gave his annual piano recital March 3d, his program made up of compositions by Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Saint-Saëns, Liszt, and novelties by Liapounov, Rossetter G. Cole and Mr. Spry. Read More
The World of Music - February, 1909
ADELE AUS DER OHE has had conferred upon her the title of "Royal Prussian Court Pianist," she being probably the first woman pianist to be so honored by the Emperor William II of Germany. Read More
The World of Music. - May, 1909
The death is recorded of Mr. E. Silas. He was born in Amsterdam, 1817, trained in Paris, and later went to England. He was regarded as a coming force by musicians of his day. His compositions were full of graceful fancy, but he never came to anything. His later years were mainly spent in the British Museum, London, where he was a familiar figure in the reading room. He always appeared very busy with piles of books around him, but there was never any outcome of his learning. Such figures are not uncommon, and many grey-haired human derelicts foregather in this wonderful storehouse of knowledge, and end their days in peaceful--and often quite useless--research. Read More
The World of Music. - June, 1909
A medical authority has been inquiring into the early deaths of the creative musical masters. He ascribes it to mental overstrain, to the immense difficulty of conceiving and carrying out of ideas, and to the irritating necessity of bargaining with publishers, which is peculiarly distressing to musical geniuses. Schubert, Mozart and Mendelssohn are cited as having died young, on these accounts, but the deaths of the first two at least, was probably due to neglect and semi-starvation. Read More
The World of Music. - July, 1909
The prison at Sing-Sing has an excellent orchestra made up of convicts. They play selections from the works of Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, etc., and regard their rehearsal hour as an inestimable privilege. No mention is made of there being any choral work done, though the name of the prison would lead one to expect some efforts to be made in this direction. Read More
The World of Music. - August, 1909
Massenet, the French composer, states that he never ceases composing in his waking hours, and shapes all his music in his mind before he sets pen to paper. He is 67 years of age, goes to bed at eight, rises at four, works till ten, then reads his letters and receives his friends. He never goes to evening performances. Read More
The World of Music - September, 1909
At Home. Caruso has been engaged for the Metropolitan opera for another five years. Mme. Liza Lehmann, the gifted English pianist-composer, will visit America this season. The growth of musical education in America may be gauged by the fact that... Read More
World of Music - January, 1910
At Home. Myrtle Elvyn, the Chicago pianist, made a successful début in New York. DALMORÉS, the French tenor, is a first-rate athlete and boxer as well as a singer. Louise Homer recently gave a recital of her... Read More
World of Music - February, 1910
At Home. It is said that certain high Society people are trying to persuade Congress to appropriate the sum of $5000 for a presidential box at the opera. Gustav Mahler is now engaged in writing his first opera entitled... Read More
World of Music - March, 1910
At Home. The Diapason, a new publication devoted to organ music and organ interests, has just commenced its career in Chicago. New York Symphony patrons are complaining that they are hearing too much of Debussy's music. Mr.... Read More
The World of Music - April, 1910
AT HOME. Max Fiedler has been re-engaged to conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra for two more years—much to everybody's satisfaction. An American opera called Sarrona, by Legrand Howland. has been produced at the New Amsterdam Theatre in New... Read More
The World of Music - May, 1910
At Home. Mme. Schumann-Heink will remain in America another season, and has canceled her European engagements. Mr. Frederick W. Wodell has recently completed an oratorio, entitled The Song of Faith, which will be produced in Boston shortly. ... Read More
World of Music - June, 1910
At Home. Sousa's Band was the first to make a tour of the world. It is said that Caruso has extended his engagement with the Metropolitan company for four years. The famous "Henry Wolfsohn" bureau has now... Read More
The World of Music - July, 1910
A contemporary journal reports the death of Benjamin Cutter, a well-known Boston musician and educator... A well-known figure in New York band circles has passed away in the person of Luciano G. Conterno. He came from France when a child, and was made bandmaster of the Old Guard in 1882... Mr. Alvah Glover Salmon, the well-known pianist and authority on Russian music, has just closed a very successful season, playing under the auspices of large clubs, musical organizations and colleges... The Clutsam Piano Keyboard, with its bowed arrangement of the keys, as distinguished from the straight keyboard, has been introduced in the Royal conservatories of Berlin, Vienna, Moscow, Hague, Munich and Stuttgardt. Read More
The World of Music - August, 1910
All the necessary news of the musical world told concisely, pointedly and justly At Home. There has been a successful convention of the music teachers of Ohio at Columbus. A concert was given recently by the Young... Read More
Thought And Action In Musical Europe - August, 1910
By ARTHUR ELSON In the Quarterly of the Musical Society, Thomas Casson has an article on some improvements of his in organ building. He deplores the present lack of delicate tones in the bass, and regrets the... Read More
World of Music - September, 1910
At Home. Chicago has lost one of the most promising of her younger organists in Mr. Lester Bartlett Jones. Mrs. J. Irving Wood and Miss Alice J. Bloxham, the elocutionist, are giving Strauss' melodrama Enoch Arden at various... Read More
Thought And Action In Musical Europe - October, 1910
BY ARTHUR ELSON In the magazine of the International Musical Society is an abstract of a lecture on Irish Folk-Music by Alfred Percival Graves. He dwelt upon the honor in which music was held in the early days, when... Read More
The World of Music - October, 1910
All the necessary news of the musical world told concisely, pointedly and justly At Home. Albert Spaulding, the young American violinist, succeeded his European successes with a pronounced triumph at his concert at Ocean Grove. Mr. Alvah... Read More
Thought and Action in Musical Europe - November, 1910
By Arthur Elson In the Monthly Musical Record Albert Visetti writes of some experiments to show the effect of music on madness. They were performed at a sanatorium in Villejuif, under the care of Dr. Vaschide, and with... Read More
World of Music - November, 1910
At Home It is said that there is a movement on foot to have municipal opera in New York. Mr. William H. Sherwood, the eminent American virtuoso, is now engaged on a tour of the Northwest and Canada.... Read More
The World of Music - December, 1910
At Home Mr. Judson W. Mather will conduct the special performance of The Messiah, which will be given in Spokane this year. Mr. Mather is a graduate of Oberlin, and of the Sterne Conservatory in Berlin. Francis Macmillen, the distinguished... Read More
The World of Music - March, 1911
Professor Brunot, of the Sorbonne, Paris, has suggested the desirability of preserving phonographic records of the speeches of famous soldiers, statesmen, scientists, etc., as well as singers. In this way it would be possible for future generations to know more of the personality of the great men of this age. He also suggests the use of sound-producing machines by explorers for the purpose of preserving records of the speech of natives in remote countries. Read More
The World of Music - April, 1911
EFFORTS are being made in England to make life in the prisons more bearable for the prisoners. We have recently come across an interesting account of a performance given by a well-known English choral society of Handel's Messiah at Wormwood Scrubs--the Sing Sing of London. The performance was an excellent one, and, it is said, made a great impression upon the unfortunate inmates of the gaol. It is a comforting sign of modern civilization that people are beginning to realize that the fact of a man having committed a crime does not necessarily mean that he is impervious to all refining influence. And what more benign influence could exist than music well rendered? Read More
World of Music - October, 1911
A hitherto unknown letter by Beethoven to his "Immortal Beloved" has been discovered in Berlin... Raoul Pugno, the great French pianist, is working on a lyric drama founded on a work of the Italian poet d'Annunzio, entitled La Cité Morte... It is said that an English electrician is in New York with a device to replace the human orchestra with an electrical machine. The president of the National Association of Theatre Producing Managers threatened that the theatre orchestras will be replaced by these machines unless the union musicians lower their demands. Read More
The World of Music. - November, 1911
No, Dr. Lee, there are no wigwams on Broadway, and cowboys are not chasing buffaloes through Central Park... IT is said that a young lady in Cleveland has been cured, by means of an operation on the brain, of a mad desire to play ragtime at all hours... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, the distinguished London teacher of singing, is again visiting his friends and former pupils in America... THE following interesting sentence occurred in a recent novel by an English author of repute: "Hugo knew at once that she had been well taught . . . there were tones and fractions of tones, alluring gradations, due possibly to some remarkable conformation of the vocal chords, which brought tears to the eyes." A peeled onion has the same effect, and what, oh what, is a fraction of a tone like? Read More
Musical Thought and Action in Europe - November, 1911
Liszt is growing steadily in popularity. His career as a pianist and teacher was fully emphasized during his life, and rather overshadowed his deserved fame as a great composer. His Sunday afternoon gatherings are ended, lo, these many years, but his symphonic poems are marching on. Read More
World of Music - January, 1912
A gentleman from Milwaukee has recently broken his own record as the world's champion long distance piano player by performing for forty hours at a stretch without stopping. Seeing that he came from Milwaukee, it seems in bad taste to inquire whence he found his inspiration for this astounding feat... A gentleman in Copenhagen has written a brochure upon the subject of Esquimeaux music. A large number of native melodies are included and the volume makes interesting reading. Doubtless the work includes such songs as The Wail of the Whale, The Feel of the Seal, the Bear Scare, and so on... Read More
The World of Music - February, 1912
The death of Eduardo Missiano, a singer of the Metropolitan Opera Company, has brought to light an interesting story. He was the son of well-to-do parents, and when a boy used to go in bathing in the Bay of Naples. Here he met Caruso, then a poor boy. Missiano sympathized with Caruso's desire to be a singer and with the fact that Caruso had no money to pay for lessons. "Never mind," said Missiano, "I know a teacher who will give you lessons for nothing. I am a paying pupil of his; he will do it for me." Caruso was so nervous when the time came that he sang badly, and the teacher told him it was no use. "Give him another trial," pleaded Missiano. "He is tired and nervous." The teacher consented, with the result that he gave Caruso the instruction which laid the foundation of future success. Years later the wheels of fortune had reversed. Caruso was rich and successful while Missiano had the misfortune to lose all his wealth. The fact became known to Caruso, and the great tenor persuaded Gatti-Casazza to give Missiano a trial. The trial was successful, and Missiano sang second parts in many of the operas. Read More
Musical Thought and Action in the Old World. - March, 1912
Composers are usually poor critics, as each one, if sincere, must give most admiration to the style that he chooses for his own work. The world then keeps what it judges best. The haunting sweetness of Couperin and the elders, the subtle beauty and infinite skill of Bach, the glory of the Messiah, the deep expressiveness of Beethoven, the romance of Schumann, the richness of Wagner--must we give up these to appreciate the elfin delicacy of Debussy? Decidedly not. Debussy does not abolish the others, any more than Swinburne abolishes Shakespeare, or the bittersweet of grape-fruit abolishes roast beef. Read More
The World of Music - March, 1912
An instrument called a "melograph" has been invented by a Swedish scientist, which automatically writes music ... Mr. John Philip Sousa--or could it be his press agent?--has started a crusade against the hackneyed themes and names used by composers ... In one of our most esteemed French contemporaries we find among the musical notices an account of the hanging of a negro in a small American city, which, because of the fact that the negro's relatives objected to his being hung in the open in a pouring rain, was transferred to the stage of the local opera house by the tender-hearted sheriff. This evidently found its way into the musical notices because of the "opera house" connection. Read More
The World of Music - April, 1912
In consequence of the actions of the French Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music, many prominent artists are eliminating the French numbers from their programs. The society exacts a fee, or royalty, on the public performance of the works of its members. This is done to ensure the composer receiving a share of the profits attached to the public performance of his works. It appears to be having a contrary effect, however. Lillian Nordica once paid a fee for the privilege of singing Debussy's Mandoline, but refuses to do so again. Maud Powell has removed the same composer's Gollywog's Cakewalk from her program, and other artists have followed suit. An American composer, Blair Fairchild, joined the society in 1902, but finds that it has injured his chances. He now desires to resign, but finds this impossible as the society holds his power of attorney, which is fixed at twenty years. Read More
The World of Music. - July, 1912
The hero of the Richmond Festival seems to have been a young American composer and pianist, John Powell. Efrem Zimbalist, Alma Gluck, Louise Homer, Riccardo Martin, Carl Jorn, Clarence Whitehill and Henri Scott were engaged to appear... The annual meeting of the Oliver Ditson Society for the relief of needy musicians was recently held in Boston. An unusual number of cases of destitution have been assisted during the past year... Saint-Saëns has declared that he will write no more music for the theater... Glazounow, the great Russian composer, is writing a symphony on the Titanic disaster. It will be entitled "A Song of Death." Read More
The World of Music - September, 1912
A phonographic record has been taken of a baby twenty-six hours old ... The grand scale on which the recent Saengerfest in Philadelphia has been carried out has recalled to many the tremendous efforts put forth at the World's Peace Jubilee in Boston, forty years ago. Patrick Gilmore, then a young man of twenty or so, was responsible for the inception ... Strauss' Elektra is to be given in Russian at the Imperial Opera in St. Petersburg. After that it may as well be given in English ... The momentous question as to exactly which hymn was played by the bandsmen of the Titanic as the vessel went down is now in a fair way to be decided. Read More
Musical Thought and Action in the Old World - January, 1913
After a period of deep thought on the psychology of musical æsthetics, one finds the subject not wholly clear. But the theory of chord development along the overtones, reviewed last month, suggested a search as to how or why we enjoy music; and here goes. Read More
The World of Music - January, 1913
At Home. Fritz Kreisler, the famous, violinist, is repeating his former successes in this country. The New York Sun speaks of Victor Herbert as "the greatest American composer ever born in Dublin and educated in Germany." The... Read More
The World of Music - February, 1913
Among the effects of the late Mme. Lina Ramann, who died recently at Munich, have been found a number of hitherto unpublished letters and documents relative to Franz Liszt. Lina Ramann intended to write a biography of Liszt in which these papers were to be included. They have been willed to Arthur Seidl of Dessau, who will complete the work Mme. Ramann began. ... An American resident in Berlin has invented a piano with fifty-three notes to the octave. It is said to be as playable as the piano we are accustomed to, and the advantage gained is that the well-tempered scale is done away with. Read More
The World of Music - August, 1913
There is said to be a church in the south of England where the boy members of the choir have left one by one to engage in the more profitable occupation of attending golfers as "caddies." ... Debussy has set a tennis game to music. The work is a dance-pantomime written for Nijinsky, the Russian dancer, and is entitled, Jeux. It now remains for Sousa to write a similar work about a game of baseball. ... An "electrophone" connection has been made between London and the stage of the Paris Opera House, so that Londoners may hear the Paris opera without leaving their native city. ... The Shapiro Symphony Orchestra of London consists entirely of women, except for the conductor, who happens to be a mere man. ... A London medical expert has made an anatomical examination of Caruso, and says that he "combines to a greater extent than any other singer I have ever examined the physical characteristics necessary for perfect production of vocal sounds in almost unlimited volume." ... England seems to be continually preparing for a German invasion. Perhaps one of the most formidable weapons in her arsenal is the kinesounder. It has for its object the supplying of sounds for picture theatres. It is a weird arrangement controlled by levers, and can produce many effects, including barking dog, tug whistle, birds, wind, siren, sleighbells, bump, fire alarm, motor car (and boat), pot crash, glass crash, heavy wood crash, light crash, cannon, waves, slaps, crackle, splash, galloping horses, train, door-latch, waterfalls, thunder, etc. Read More
World of Music - October, 1913
Among the many troubles that beset the operatic prima donna, one of the most annoying is the unwelcome distinction conferred upon her by the use of her name on all manner of soaps, dental washes, and other toilet requisites. Melba has suffered from this to such an extent that she has been obliged to take steps to prevent it. Not long ago she went into a drug-store, where "Melba Perfume" filled the window. She tried it, and found that it was so bad that she remonstrated with the proprietor. "How dare you attach my name to such stuff?" she demanded. "I've as much right to it as you have, answered the druggist, cooly, "for your real name is Mrs. Armstrong." So the great soprano has lost no time in having her name patented so as to control its future use. Read More
The World of Music - November, 1913
At Home. The compositions of Adolph M. Foerster have been played by many large orchestras during the past summer and even did not escape the Sousa band. Harold Bauer is giving a series of private recitals to the students of... Read More
The World of Music - February, 1914
As we go to press the news arrives of the death of Stephane Raoul Pugno, who passed away while on a recital tour in Russia. Pugno, with the possible exception of Saint-Säens, has been the foremost pianist of France for some years. He was born at Montrouge, Ile de France, June 23, 1852, but spent his life almost entirely in Paris. He graduated from the Conservatoire and held several important organ appointments. Later he became professor of the piano and of harmony at the Conservatoire. He also became known as a composer. It is chiefly as a piano virtuoso, however, that he is known. He made several tours of the United States. Read More
The World of Music - May, 1914
All the necessary news of the musical world told concisely, pointedly and justly At Home The contract of Gatti Casazza as manager of the New York Metropolitan has been renewed for three years dating from 1915. ... Read More
World of Music - June, 1914
AT HOME The tour of the Chicago Opera Company is reported to have resulted in a loss of $180,000. Puccini is said to be negotiating for the operatic rights in The Darling of the Gods. The... Read More
The World of Music - September, 1914
John Barberis, ninety years old, says Musical America, was arrested recently for asking alms in front of the Metropolitan Opera House. He told the police that he had been an operatic tenor and had sung at the Academy of Music before the Metropolitan was built and as a member of the original Metropolitan company. He sang with Patti, Sembrich and Nordica, he said, but poverty had come to him with old age. The magistrate discharged him and a purse was made up for him among the spectators in the Night Court. Read More
The World of Music - October, 1914
Sir Edward Elgar is among those who have offered their services as special policemen in England. Many of the regular police are reservists and have been called for service, hence the formation of a body of police from among the general public. There will probably be enough of the regular police retained to do the routine police work, and it is unlikely that Sir Edward will be employed to run in the "drunk and disorderly." Nevertheless, as the London Musical News points Out, he is sufficiently familiar with the uses of the staff. Read More
Music Lover's Digest. January, 1915. - January, 1915
THE ETUDE’S monthly scrapbook of paragraphs worth re-reading, selected, perchance, from yesterdays mail, from the continent, the latest book, or from some old and rare tome, as the case may be, giving our readers the cream of reading from... Read More
World of Music - March, 1915
A portable piano that can be packed up about the size of a rather large suitcase is the latest invention .... Elbert Hubbard says "If a man calls himself a Bulgo-American, shoot him in the hyphen" ... It is reported that Raoul Gunsbourg, the director of the Monte Carlo Opera, so dislikes the German syllable at the end of his name that he intends to change it to Gunsgrad ... Bernhard Stavenhagen, one of the most noted of the later pupils of Franz Liszt died at Geneva, Dec. 27th, 1915 .... Word has just been received from France that Martinus Everardus Christiaan Kriens has been killed at the front. Read More
World of Music - November, 1915
At Home Carl R. Diton, the accomplished Negro pianist, recently gave an "All-Negro Composers' Night" at the City Auditorium, Houston, Texas. The American violinist, Louis Persinger, formerly concert-meister of the Berlin Philharmonic, has been appointed to a... Read More
The Music Lover's Digest - November, 1915
The Best in Musical Literature from Everywhere Debussy and Tone Madness "I have known Debussy now for nearly twenty years. When he was just beginning to revolt from the standard of Massenet and others of the conservative camp... Read More
World of Music - May, 1916
At Home The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra has been on tour, and has visited Chicago and New York among other places. Adolph M. Foerster's Suite for Orchestra, Opus 47, No. 2, has been played by four large orchestras this... Read More
The World of Music - September, 1916
Melba has been telling a London interviewer how Lord Kitchener wept when she sang Home, Sweet Home at a reception held at Lord Chelmsford's. Lord Kitchener spent about two-thirds of his life away from home, and the song itself was written by a homeless man... An interesting concert was given in Paris a short time ago, the program of which consisted entirely of works composed by musicians who took up arms against the Germans, not a few of whom have lost their lives. Among the composers represented were Marcel Labey (wounded), Paul Ladmirault, Georges Kreiger (missing), Maurice Desrey, Augusta Delacroix, Edouard Flament and Roger Peneau. Read More
World of Music - October, 1916
At Home Ysaye will tour America in 1917. Titto Ruffo will sing with the Chicago Opera Company next winter. Henry L. Mason has been elected president of the Boston Choral Union. Robert Grau, brother of Maurice... Read More
The World of Music - November, 1916
The distinguished Metropolitan Opera soprano, Anna Fitziu, recently had the unique experience of singing the Star Spangled Banner before an audience of 18,000 baseball "fans" at the New York Polo Grounds. The game was between the Giants and the Yankees, and was played to assist a charitable fund. Read More
The World of Music - May, 1917
It is not unusual for the English bands to put upon their programs the "Hymn of Hate," for the purpose of inducing the public to take larger subscriptions for the War Loan. Hate is always a boomerang, but this is the first instance we have ever heard of its musical use... The Rotary Club, of Chicago, a notable gathering of business and professional men, have agreed to stand sponsor for a brilliant child pianist, called Violet Bourne. In doing this they have virtually adopted the child and will look after her future artistic welfare. When she was nine years old she played the D minor Concerto with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra. She is now fifteen. Read More
The World of Music - June, 1917
It is reported that Boito's opera, "Nerone" (Nero), is approaching production at Milan. .... The London Musical News reports that the noted French composer Maurice Ravel was wounded at Verdun and is now recuperating in a military hospital in Paris. .... A Society has recently been established in Moscow in memory of the great Russian modern composer, Scriabine. .... Musical possibilities of the wireless telephone are being developed by Dr. De Forest, at his laboratories at High Bridge. New York. Read More
World of Music - July, 1917
Puccini's new opera "La Rondine" scored a hit at its recent first performance at Monte Carlo. Paterson, N. J., has been celebrating her fifteenth musical festival. Among the visiting artists was John McCormack. The Boston Symphony Orchestra... Read More
World of Music - December, 1917
The following new additions are announced for the program of the Music Teachers' National Association, in meeting at New Orleans, December 27th to 29th: A paper on "A National Music Publishing House," by Giuseppe Ferrata, and another on "The National Harmonic and Rhythmic Sense of the Negro," by Walter Goldstein, with illustrations by uncultivated negroes. There will also be a "personally conducted tour" through the old French Quarter of New Orleans. Read More
World of Music - December, 1917
The following new additions are announced for the program of the Music Teachers' National Association, in meeting at New Orleans, December 27th to 29th: A paper on "A National Music Publishing House," by Giuseppe Ferrata, and another on "The National Harmonic and Rhythmic Sense of the Negro," by Walter Goldstein, with illustrations by uncultivated negroes. There will also be a "personally conducted tour" through the old French Quarter of New Orleans. Read More
The World of Music - February, 1918
Carlo Mora, a well known and able musician of Italian birth, passed away on December 23, 1917, at the Home for Retired Music Teachers, in Germantown, Pa. Signor Mora was a native of Norara (Piedmont), Italy, and grew up amid... Read More
The World of Music. - November, 1918
Dn. Henry G. Hanchett, one of the best known of American musical educators, died on August 19th, at his residence at Siasconset, Mass. The achievement by which he will be best remembered was the invention of the Sostenuto or Tone Sustaining pedal--the middle pedal now found upon grand pianos... An interesting outcome of women's war activities is a piano made entirely by a sixteen-year-old girl... Frederic Fradkin, an American violinist educated under Henry Schradieck and others, has been appointed the concertmaster of the reorganized Boston Symphony Orchestra... The Opera Comique at Paris has planned to give over fifty operas in forty days. One will be Dame Libellule, by the young American composer, Blair Fairchild... Mr. Walter Damrosch announced that he had discovered a new work by a French woman composer, Lili Boulanger, which, in his mind, is the greatest production of any of her sex. Read More
A Birthday Celebration - October, 1919
The Musical Times of London, which many Britishers like to think is the most important of the English musical publications, celebrates its seventy-fifth birthday this year—surely a proud and venerable age. In the anniversary issue there is an extremely... Read More
A Magnificent Gift - October, 1919
Augustus D. Juilliard, whose name was known only to a circle of friends and business connections a few months ago, has sprung into fame by the surprising bequest in his will of amounts reported to be from $5,000,000.00 to... Read More
The World of Music - April, 1920
Amy Elsie Horrocks, pianist and composer, died lately in Paris. She was born in Brazil, of English parentage. She composed numerous songs, as well as compositions in larger form. Undine, an orchestral tone-poem, had performance at Queen's Hall, London, with success. Her most famous song was The Bird and the Rose. Read More
Some Interesting Facts About Famous Women Musicians - May, 1920
By Thomas B. Empire The history of the long succession of celebrated musicians has a painful sameness. One and all, they are—"discovered" in childhood, acclaimed as coming wonders, caught and chained to the wheel of unremitting practice and... Read More
The World of Music - July, 1920
A. J. Goodrich, musical theorist, died in Paris, April 25th. Born in Ohio, 1848, he was a self-taught musician, except for a few lessons from his father. He taught music and theory at several of the western conservatories and... Read More
The World of Music - September, 1920
Paderewski, in a late London interview, said, "I am through with music. I shall never play again." ... Vincent d'Indy's opera, "La Legende de Sante Christophe," of which he wrote both the words and music, has been produced in Paris, and was hailed as an important event in French operatic history... Alexander Porter Browne, the Boston lawyer who first gave status to international copyright, is dead. Read More
World of Music - October, 1920
The "La Scala Orchestra," composed of ninety-seven of the best virtuosi of Italy, and under the leadership of Arturo Toscanini, will sail from Naples on December 8th to tour America during the coming winter. A $75,000 building for the... Read More
The World of Music. - January, 1921
Granados, the Spanish composer who perished on the Sussex, carried his entire fortune of $6,000 in his belt, which, by the way, had been earned in America. Gallito, the Spanish bull fighter, recently left $2,000,000... Christoffer Hannevig, Norwegian-American capitalist and ship owner, has of¬fered a new opera house on the American plan to Christiania, Norway... Moritz Jaffé, the 85-year-old Berlin composer, has recently revived his operas Ekkehard and Das Kätchen von Heilbroun. Read More
The World of Music - March, 1921
The Baton Rouge Philharmonic Orchestra is the first organization of this nature, of symphony size, to be formed in the State of Louisiana. It gave its first program January 11th. Mary Garden has added, as her last conquest,... Read More
The World of Music - April, 1921
A Three-Year-Old Prodigy-Pianist, Uroff Corma, is "The latest attraction at aristocratic tea parties" in Spain. Read More
World of Music - May, 1921
Sousa and His Band during the coming season will realize their long-planned "friendly invasion" of Mexico. President Obregon has long been a warm admirer of "The March King," and doubtless will give him a cordial welcome. After touring Mexico... Read More
Here and There in the Field of Music - January, 1922
An Intimate Page of Facts, Humor and Comment with the Great Music Makers of To-day and Yesterday By THE RECORDER That Schumann-Heink is a born mother is a fairly well established fact. It is a question... Read More
The World of Music - January, 1922
Howard H. Hansen, dean of the College of the Pacific Conservatory has been awarded the three year fellowship established in the name of Frederic A. Julliard and known as the American Prix de Rome. This entitles him to three... Read More
The World of Music - April, 1922
Felix Borowksi, Director of the Chicago College of Music, narrowly escaped death from a bullet fired by a pupil suddenly affected by some mental disorder which made him insane. ... Radio Music which has been so much discussed in the press of late appears to be very much more successful in outlying districts than it does in metropolitan centres where it is said that the "interference" through cross currents is such that the results are very unsatisfactory. However, the genius big enough to devise the original apparatus will unquestionably not stop at a little matter of static interferences. Read More
The World of Music - September, 1922
Paderewski is announced to begin an American tour in November. Mascagni conducted the performance of his much discussed opera, "II Piccolo Marat," at the opening of the season in Buenos Aires, early in June. A Schumann Festival,... Read More
The World of Music - February, 1923
The Metropolitan Opera Company management are standing firm against the pressure of the radio interests for broadcasting the musical features of their performances. The Chicago Civic Opera Company has yielded; but, as it is more or less of a traveling organization, broadcasting may act as a means of publicity. As the artistic value of broadcasting seems to be in question, there is doubt as to the surrender of the Metropolitan. Read More
The World of Music - March, 1923
At the Library of the Paris Opera "Closing Time" is now announced by a phonograph using a record of the opera chorus singing the Curfew Air from Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots." The idea is not new in America--several of our big department stores have for years closed their doors daily with music. We think that Wanamaker started it. Now in Philadelphia the business closes daily with a fifteen-minute recital on "the largest organ in the world." Read More
The World of Music - October, 1923
The 900th Birthday of Musical Notation has been celebrated in Europe. Our present system of notation was invented by Guido d'Arezzo in 1023... A "Music Stamp," to call attention to the 1924 National Music Week, is under consideration by the Post Office Department... Joseph Leopold Roeckel, composer and teacher, died recently at Vittel (Vosges). He was born in London and spent most of his life in England. Read More
World of Music - November, 1923
Dorothy Howell has appeared as a new star in the constellation Feminine English Composers. At a recent concert she played her own Pianoforte Concerto in D Minor, of which the critics say, "It is an exceptional work in the fact that it is one of the few real concertos, that is, works in which the solo instrument joins with the orchestra and does not merely alternate, since the days before the virtuoso got the upper hand in the concert room." ... Dame Ethel Smyth's new opera, "Fete Galante," had its premiére at Covent Garden Theater. London, on June 11th, and was "a great artistic triumph" for England's "most serious woman composer." ... Amy Woodforde Finden, one of the most gifted of recent English song-writers, and best known for her "Indian Love Lyrics," had a memorial to her unveiled in April at Hampsthwaite Church near Harrogate. Read More
The World of Music - January, 1924
Prohibition of American "Jazz" on the programs of public orchestras in Italy is being asked of the Italian Government in petitions carrying great lists of names, according to reports from Paris. Apparently the Italians are not attracted to this type of music... Lieut. Comm. John Philip Sousa had the honorary degree of Doctor of Music conferred upon him by Marquette University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on November 16, 1923... The Flonzaley Quartet has finished twenty years of its artistic endeavors. No similar organization has sustained a more consistently high plane of work; and in all these years but one change has been made in its personnel. Read More
World of Music - March, 1924
Count Geza Zichy, famed as a one-armed pianist, died in Budapest on January 15th. A child prodigy, he lost his right hand on a hunting expedition when fourteen years of age, but carried his development of the left hand to such a point as to win fame as a performer. He has also produced notable compositions, along with the practice of law. Read More
Musical Scrap Book. June, 1924. - June, 1924
The Musical Scrap Book Anything and Everything, as Long as it is Instructive and Interesting Conducted by A. S. GARBET SLENDER BUT LOVELY YOUNG musicians who want to play only “modern” pieces may read with profit the... Read More
World of Music - September, 1924
Mascagni is reported to be coming this autumn to conduct the American premiere of "Piccolo Marat." Six performances will be given in Brooklyn and a two weeks' season at the Manhattan Opera House. Nine creators of leading roles of "Piccolo... Read More
World of Music - August, 1925
A Gregorian Church Service, printed in Paris in 1509, and probably one of the oldest examples of music printing extant, is to be seen in the Garcia Library of the University of Texas, Austin. ... Aaron Copland, the young New York composer, has been awarded the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship of $2,500 a year for foreign study. ... Serge Prokofieff has announced his intention to visit America for about three months, beginning January 1, 1926. ... The Oldest Known Musical Manuscript has been deciphered by Curt Sachs, music historian of Berlin University. It is believed to date back to the Second Century B. C. ... The Mexican Ministry of Education is about to offer combat to what it describes as "savage music imported from the United States under the name of Jazz." Its prepared circular calls the jazz songs "degrading melodies corresponding to the tastes of savage tribes." Read More
The World of Music - September, 1925
A New Piano Pedal, enabling the performer to hold, swell or diminish tones after the key has been struck, has been invented by John Hayes Hammond, Jr. It has had a successful private trial in Symphony Hall, of Boston. ... "The Australian Musical News," a most interesting and enterprising journal, now in its fourteenth volume, visited our office this month. Welcome! It is good to know that musical achievements are so vigorous in quarters so distant that the news we receive is scant. Read More
World of Music - September, 1928
THE "SILVER JUBILEE," or twenty-fifth anniversary of the connection of Dr. F. Melius Christiansen with St. Olaf College of Northfield, Minnesota, where he has developed the world famous St. Olaf Choir, was celebrated by a testimonial concert on the evening... Read More
The World of Music - May, 1929
Interesting and Important Items Gleaned in a Constant Watch on Happenings and Activities Pertaining to Things Musical Everywhere THE LITTLE THEATER OPERA COMPANY of New York and Brooklyn is reported to have given toward the close of the... Read More
The World of Music - August, 1939
IGOR STRAVINSKY is announced as having been appointed as Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard University, for the 1939-1940 academic year. Though designated as a chair of poetry, this Professorship is awarded annually, without regard to nationality, to... Read More