Mr. Wm. H. Sherwood, of Chicago, gave a recital in University Hall, on October 24th. Mr. Sherwood will also give a series of four morning recitals during the season.
An interesting program was recently given by the pupils of Mrs. J. E. Weisel, Crestline, Ohio, assisted by the Crestline Band.
Mr. Perley Dunn Aldrich, of New York city, who mates a specialty of the interpretation of songs, has just issued an interesting pamphlet, “Song Silhouettes.” Many of his programs are unique, and include a number of delightful songs seldom heard in public.
The fifteenth annual senior class recital was given by the pupils of Mrs. Roie Adams Grumbine, of Lebanon, Pa., on October 19th. The graduating class numbered ten.
A song recital in aid of the new gymnasium of Haverford College was given by Mr. David Bispham, in Witherspoon Hall, Philadelphia.
Mr Chas. W. Landon, a former musical director of Claverack College, and until recently musical director of the Randolph Macon College, Lynchburg, has opened a school of music in Dallas, Texas. The new school is well equipped in every department, and every indication points to a successful year. Mr. Landon is the author of a number of educational works.
On account of illness, Mrs Cora Griffin Jones, musical director of the Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas, has resigned her position, and is now in Winchester, Tenn.
Wm. J. Hall, director of the Cedar Rapids College of Music, has just closed the most successful summer school in the existence of the college. The fall term opened up with a phenomenal attendance.
Mr Henry Lahn, who for the past eight years has filled the position of secretary at the New England Conservatory, has severed his connection with that institution and established the Boston Musical Bureau, which has made a remarkably auspicious opening. Mr. Lahn is enabled, by this change, to give more time to literary work, and already has two books in the hands of his publishers.
The Crescent Hall School, of Jersey City, N. J., of which Mrs. M. Finn is principal, has just entered upon its twenty-fourth year. Its past record has been a successful one, and it, no doubt, will continue to merit the increased patronage which it deserves.
The piano pupils of Harry N. Wiley, Sunderland, Mass., gave a pleasant recital at his home recently. Archie P. Graves, baritone, assisted.
The Derthick Musical Club has been organized in Austin, Texas; Mrs. J. J. Lane, president. At each meeting the club will study by careful analysis the life and work of some one of the masters in music. The aim of the club is a broad culture in the art of music.
The nineteenth musicale of the Fargo College, Fargo, N. Dak., Mr. E. A. Smith, musical director, was given on October 14th, by Mr. Smith and pupils in the College Chapel.
We acknowledge the receipt of prospectus of the Conservatory of Music, Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, of which Lyman F. Brown is musical director.
Mr. F. W. Wodell, baritone, of Boston, gave a recital on November 1st, assisted by Miss Florence Purrington, violinist, and Miss Louise Emilie Waitt, pianist.
The pupils of Miss Grace Moss, Lebanon, Mo., recently gave a piano recital, assisted by Miss Elsie Noel, reader.
Signor Arturo Nutini, the blind virtuoso, by his remarkable skill has won the title of “Blind Paderewski.” His genius was early recognized by Rubinstein.
We acknowledge the receipt of prospectus of the Misses Crawford’s School for Boys and Girls. The musical department is under the able direction of Miss R. Crawford. A pianoforte Kindergarten class is one of the features from which the most satisfactory results have been attained.
In the last issue of The Etude we made mention of the death of Fidelis Zitterbart, which, however, we are glad to be able to correct as Mr. Zitterbart is still living and quite active. The error was due, no doubt, to the fact that a Mr. Louis Zitterbart, musician, and also of Pittsburg, died in that city recently.
Under the management of Mr. F. F. Shearer the following artists appeared at Lockport, N. Y., on the, 26th of October in a concert: Madame Elenore Meredith, soprano; Miss Kate Sherbourne, contralto; Miss Clara B. Clark, reader; Mr. Gustave C. Miller, tenor; Mr. A. L. McAdam, baritone; and Mr. Jaroslaw de Zielinski, pianist and director. The affair was patronized by the elite of the town, and the crowded house showed its appreciation of the work done by the artists by applauding heartily every number.
The Broad Street Conservatory of Music, No. 1331 South Broad Street, began its regular fall term Monday, October 9th. During the summer months the building was thoroughly renovated. The faculty numbers some forty artist-teachers of international reputation, and includes such celebrities as Gilbert R. Combs, the director; Dr. Hugh A. Clarke, Henry Schradieck, and many others equally as well known. The registration this season has far exceeded that of last year, and specially well represented are the Western and Southern States, showing that the conservatory has a national as well as a local reputation.
Henry Purmort Eames, director of the pianoforte department of the Nebraska State University School of Music, may be classed as one of the younger artists of this country, and is rapidly establishing himself, particularly in the west and northwest. Mr. Eames is also a concert pianist and lecturer.
Lewis B. Shock, pianist of the Hamburg Orchestra, has opened a school of music in Hamburg, Pa. Mr. Shock, though a young man, has been teaching for a number of years, and has already made a reputation for careful and thorough work.
Mrs. Pearl Mae Henry, principal of the Ironton School of Music, with an able corps of teachers, has begun work for the season with promise of a successful year.
Mrs. E. S. Burns, of Livonia, N. Y., has opened a school of music in Rochester, N. Y., where her method of Musical Kindergarten will be taught. Assistant teachers are Miss Ethel N. Wilson, piano and mandolin, and Mrs. Ida Wilson, elocution.
Gaul’s sacred cantata, “The Ten Virgins,” was rendered before a representative audience at Grace Church, Middletown, N. Y., on the evening of September 19th, under the direction of Harvey Wickham.