In the April, 1902, number of The Etude, Mr. Theodore Stearns made the valuable suggestion that the student of music should train himself to write down his impressions. This plan has much to commend it. Writing down what one has gathered from a certain study fixes those impressions in the mind. It also gives a starting-point for original thinking, and this is by no means its smallest, value. A train of thought started on the firm basis of a well-learned lesson often carries the student on to broader and higher fields, and stimulates his ambition through the discovery that he can think to a good purpose.
But the aim of this writing is not to carry on Mr. Stearns’ suggestion, but to indicate to those who are interested in the subject a book that will have great value.
Some time ago Prof. Arlo Bates, of Boston, delivered a series of talks which were later published in book form under the title “Talks on Writing English.” There are two series of the “Talks,” the most useful to the student, at first being, the second series. The present writer can most heartily commend this work to the readers of “Student Life and Work.” It gives suggestion and practical points in regard to writing such as are not usually taught in schools, yet such as are of prime necessity to everyone who would acquire the power to express his ideas in good, clear English. Of course, it will not give a vocabulary; that is outside the province of the book. But it will give wholesome and clear suggestion as to choice of material, logical arrangement, clearness of expression, simplicity of style, paragraphing, punctuation, etc.; just the points on which the young writer feels the need of help.
The student of music who wishes to make himself of the type of the best musicians of the day, a man of culture, of power of independent thinking and expression, will find much writing, guided by correct principles and good models, a strong educational force. I am firmly convinced that one does not know a subject in the best way until he has put down in writing his knowledge, until he can impart it to others in a clear, simple manner. It is the hope of the Editor that from the readers of this department will come the best thinkers and clearest writers who shall carry on the work of Music-Education.—W. J. Baltzell.