The Hebron, Ill., Glee Club has arranged a course of study in fundamental music-theory, the work for each meeting being published in advance in the local papers. The meetings are public, and include study of the lesson, sight-singing, and reading of The Etude. We cannot commend too highly this manner of carrying on club-work. If the Hebron Glee Club can have a number of imitators there is every reason to look for a rise in the matter of public interest in music. A club of earnest, willing students is a big factor for music in a community. Mr. B. H. Scudder is the president.
Hurry may catch a train, but it will never make a musician.
One of the happiest effects of knowing that others have confidence in us is the tendency it has to strengthen belief in our own ability.—Success.
There must be musical inhalation as well as exhalation! A good book, a fine poem, a beautiful landscape, a friendly word now and then from a good critic, and, best of all, enough study to keep one’s spirit fresh—these make the teacher a living dynamo.—E. L. Winn.