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Wisdom of Many

No practice and no study, should be the rule when the mind is weary and begs for rest. Remember that nature firsts warns, then implores, then demands.—Thomas Tapper.
Inattention is the pupil's worst foe. The interest you exhibit will spur your teacher to his best work; indeed, the amount of your interest and attention is a gauge of the good he can do you.—C. W. Landon.
When a study "sticks" the student, he should stick to the study until he has mastered it. Play it a thousand times, if necessary, but play at it until you can play it. Proficiency at piano-playing is only attained by grudging neither time, nor trouble, nor exertion.—Joseffy.
Strive to awaken pleasure and enthusiasm in all study and practice. Let the heart of both teacher and pupil be in the work.
The phrasing and shading should be carefully thought out, and one's whole feeling brought to bear upon them. —T. C. Jeffers.
During the formation period of a student, no better advice can be given than this, namely: Play every note, every interpretation mark, every sign, every tempo, just as indicated on the printed page. To do otherwise, is a direct defiance of the good judgment of the composer.— Presser.
All teachers, and all persons of common sense, for that matter, know that if incorrect habits are once settled, it takes much more time and study on the part of the pupil—and more ingenuity on the part of the teacher—to unlearn the bad and acquire the better ways.—Art Critic.
It is a rich gift to be able to impart our knowledge to another, and it is a still greater gift to be able to read another's thoughts in their writings, and to translate and render them intelligible and enjoyable to others.— Presser.
Turn to the lives of Bach, of Beethoven, of Robert Schumann, of any true man of genius, and you will see what fruit industry bears. You will learn that each of these men had, besides genius, a fixed determination to bring out the best there was within himself.—Thomas Tapper.
"My music is too easy, I haven't had a hard piece this session." The mere mechanical difficulty of a piece is not the only thing to be considered; it is far better to play a simpler piece well, than to scramble over difficulties and call that playing a piece. The most difficult part of playing, is to get the music out of the piece, not merely to gabble over its notes.—F. R. W.
Counting should be firm and clear, and the accents emphasized. Counting is not always sufficient to establish the sense of rhythm. The impression is frequently better conveyed to the mind of the pupil through the medium of the eye, by beating the time than by counting it; or, through the sense of touch, by lightly tapping the hand, arm or shoulder.—D. DeForest Bryant.
Above all things, the teacher must endeavor to thoroughly understand his pupils. Each one has some peculiar character, temperament, imagination or physical construction. Having acquired a thorough knowledge of the peculiarities of each pupil, the teacher must immeately (sic) adapt himself to them, and never urge a pupil beyond his capacity, either mentally or bodily.—G. Schilling.
I have heard performers that did not know even the simplest rules of harmony. This is an insult to the real musician. How can any one comprehend music when they have only the remotest knowledge of its construction? Imagine an elocutionist or actor reciting in a language which he did not understand! How could he recite with phrasing, expression or intelligence? The very thought of his doing so is absurd. He would simply be an elocutionary parrot.—George T. Bulling.
The teacher must know how to explain, how to persuade, how to convince. He must possess talent for communication as well as extreme fitness for studying and seizing not only the variable aptitude of his pupil, but the character and inner thought as well. He must know if the student is sensible to encouragement if a kindly spoken word stimulates him. He must know how to distribute blame and praise, how to make the pupil love his work and inspire him with faith and endeavor. This is the duty of a skillful teacher.—Marmontel.

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