The Etude
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Publisher's Notes

Do not forget that our new number is 1712 Chestnut Street. Do not forget that the removal of our immense stock, which was done at a great expense of time and trouble, was to facilitate our filling of orders. We desired a home for our ever-increasing business. We desired a building of our own where there were no limitations as to space or convenience. Outside of money considerations, which were not small, the task of doing all this, and at the same time attend to our business as it should be attended to, has made us put forth our every effort. If we have been remiss during the past two months in any small way, we ask your leniency.
Do not forget when you are in need of anything in the line of music supplies that we claim to be the quickest mail-order music-supply house in the country. Every order, large or small, is attended to the day it is received. In our new building we have larger quarters, more conveniently arranged stock, every modern facility, and we are better equipped than ever to carry out our high aims. Taking everything into consideration, it is possible to obtain better prices from us than from any other house. Small orders are just as welcome as the very largest, and are attended to, at times, with even greater promptness than the larger ones. If it is not possible for you to send us your entire trade, try us when you want something that is difficult to obtain, or something that you desire in a hurry, or, what is better, let us supply you with an "On Sale" package. No one knows the convenience that it is to have a supply of music on hand to be used from until they have tried it. All of our most successful teachers and schools take advantage of this plan. It was originated by this house and is to-day carried out on a far more liberal basis than elsewhere. Let us send you our complete line of catalogues, which will explain everything with regard to our system of dealing.
* * *
Our premium offer by which persons who solicit subscriptions to The Etude may secure a full set of the new Americanized Encyclopædia, edition for 1904, has attracted the attention of a number of readers. During the present month we hope to hear from many more.
The arrangements that we have been able to make with the publishers are very satisfactory and we give the benefit to those of our readers who are willing to take the small amount of trouble necessary to secure subscriptions. The fifteen volumes of the Encyclopædia contain 10,000 pages, about 1000 words  to a page, a complete atlas of the world, many illustrations, the subject-matter discussed covering the whole range of human knowledge.
The music teacher, like every other person engaged in educational work, needs a complete general reference library, such as this Encyclopædia, in which to look up matters of general and political interest. It is not unusual for the names of historical personages, of mythical characters, legendary heroes, poetic creations, etc., to be used as titles for musical compositions. The teacher should be able to answer all questions such as, "Who was ——-?" "What does ——- mean?" Besides this it is a matter of great need that the members of the musical profession should be well informed on all matters of general culture. Those who are engaged in club work, in the preparation of recitals involving the preparation of papers and addresses, or in journalistic work will  find constant use for our Encyclopædia. A pupils' club can use to advantage a work which is an authority on all questions of general interest. This edition is a complete revision—not a reprint of early editions —and was prepared under the editorial criticism and supervision of three hundred of America's most eminent scholars.
Our Offer: We will send a full set of the New Americanized Encyclopædia Britannica, edition for 1904, cloth bound, regular price $60.00, to anyone who will send us 30 subscriptions at $1.50 each, the cost of transportation to be paid by the customer.
The work can also be had bound in half morocco for $5.00 additional to the above offer, or for 40 subscriptions. For full sheep, $10.00 additional, or for 50 subscriptions.
Specimen pages of the Encyclopædia sent on application, accompanied by twelve cents to pay postage.
This is the greatest premium offer we ever presented to our readers. Every musician, every student, should have a good reference library. We offer the best which you can procure without any outlay of money. The offer is limited as to time and number. If you are going to make an effort to possess this
great work now is the time.
* * *
One of the most prominent writers on musical topics in this country, a writer whose name is known in Europe as well, says in a letter to the editor that the educational policy of The Etude is a powerful factor in musical progress in the United States. A letter from one of our readers shows how one teacher has made The Etude a means of interesting her pupils in musical matters and of promoting a desire for instruction. We quote a passage from her letter: —
I know of no better aid to teacher or student than The Etude. My pupils try each month to see who can get it first (from the bookstore) and mark the items which particularly apply to the individual members of the class. After the pupils have found what they can in it by themselves, I make use of what has been overlooked or not understood (if there be anything). But I find that half a dozen boys and girls are quite capable of understanding for and among themselves the greater part of the paper. They also take delight in explaining to the rest of the class, who do not get copies of The Etude, how much they learn from your valuable magazine.—C. J.
This is a proof of what we have frequently said, editorially and otherwise, that The Etude can be used to great advantage with pupils. $1.50 represents the price of one piano lesson in our cities and larger towns. For the same price you can get twelve visits from The Etude with fresh news, practical help for student and for teacher, and from ten to twelve pieces of music.
We want every teacher in the United States to become acquainted with the work of The Etude and to introduce our paper among her pupils. If you know of a teacher who does not subscribe for The Etude bring the matter before her and show her the benefit she can derive from the paper. We can offer fine inducements to persons to secure subscriptions for The Etude.
* * *
To interest those of our readers whose term of subscription expires the present month, or very shortly, we make the following liberal offer:—
For $1.70 we will renew your subscription for one year and send you any one of the following-named standard works of instruction. For $2.75 we will renew your subscription for one year, send you any one of the following-named works, and a year's subscription to any person not now on our list.
Bach, Little Preludes.
Bach, Two and Three Part Inventions. Complete.
Bergmüller, Easy and Progressive Studies, Op. 100.
Köhler, 20 Studies, Op. 50.
Löschhorn, Studies for the Development of Technic and Expression, Op. 65.
Löschhorn, Etudes Progressives, Op. 66.
Chopin, Waltzes.
Czerny, School of Velocity, Op. 299.
Gurlitt, Album Leaves for the Young, Op. 101.
Sieber, Eight Measure Vocalises, Op. 92 (high voice), Op. 93 (medium voice), Op. 94 (low voice).
* * *
A primer of music for the special use of pupils is an indispensable adjunct to the materials that a teacher uses in instruction. We have recently concluded arrangements whereby we become the publishers of a most excellent work, "Gibbon's Catechism of Music," by Gibbon Chambers Killough. The book is well arranged for purposes of instruction, and consists of about 500 questions with answers, covering notation, time values, intervals, scales, keys, chord building, abbreviations, and embellishments. The book can be used for individual students or for classes, also for self instruction. It can be made the basis for examination questions. We want to introduce this work in schools of music and conservatories, as well as to private teachers. We make a very liberal special offer for this month. For 25 cents we will send the book postage paid; if the amount is to be charged on our books the postage is additional.
* * *
We will publish shortly a new collection of duets for the piano of medium difficulty, the pieces being specially selected for use in instruction as well as for entertainment. Every progressive teacher makes much use of four-hand pieces on account of their splendid value in teaching steadiness in playing and evenness in time, precision and accuracy in reading, etc. The pieces will be of the same grade and character as those that have appeared in The Etude from month to month, and will include works of classical as well as popular style. They will be particularly suited for use in pupils' recitals, in which such playing should be a prominent feature. We will put this new work on our Special Offer list, and can assure our patrons that they will find it fully up to the standard of our previous offers, which, as many teachers say, save them the price of a year's subscription to The Etude several times over. The price of this work in advance of publication will be 40 cents, postage paid, if cash accompanies the order. If the book is to be charged, the postage will be additional.
* * *
Teachers who are looking for a set of studies of medium difficulty, to use in the third grade, with interesting melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic character should order a copy of the set of studies by Stamaty, Op. 37. They are like short pieces, each one having a characteristic title. The special price is 15 cents, which will last during the month of March, postage paid, if cash accompanies the order. If the price is to be charged, the postage is additional.
* * *
Volume II of H. W. Greene's "Standard Graded Course of Studies for the Voice" will be in from the printer by the time this issue reaches our readers. Both volumes have been extremely well received. Each volume contains material sufficient for about one year's study. In connection with the course "Technic and Art of Singing," by F. W. Root, these "Graded Vocal Studies" afford all the material that a teacher will need, except songs. The special offer is now withdrawn, and the books will be supplied at regular rates. We expect to be able to make an announcement in regard to Volume III before long.
* * *
The music in this issue comprises a number of novelties and some standard compositions. The famous "Minuet Waltz;" by Chopin, and Mendelssohn's "Duetto" call for no extended comment. An analysis of the "Valse" will be found in the "Study Club" of this month. The "Duetto" is analyzed in the February "Study Club." The "Duetto" has appeared in numerous editions, but as here given (the two voices in large notes, the accompaniment in smaller notes) it will be found more easy of interpretation and execution. The four-hand number is a brilliant and playable transcription of the celebrated "Pilgrim Chorus" from Wagner's "Tannhäuser," which faithfully follows the orchestral score, the work being evenly divided betweenthe two players. Thetwo march movements by Dugge are characteristic teaching pieces of much value, the rhythmic effects being specially interesting. Schnecker's "Rustic Dance" is a very easy little piece, melodious and cleverly constructed; it has proven popular with  teachers. "From the Shining Shore," by Jules Jordan, is an interesting novelty, the familiar melody by George F. Root being introduced as a humming chorus, forming an effectivebackground to the solo. This number should prove acceptable for church use, especially at song services. Mrs. Goodeve's "Ah! Well-a-day" is a good teaching or recital song witha very pretty refrain.
* * *
Subscribers in the neighborhood of Northwest Minnesota, North Dakota, and around that vicinity will please be on the lookout for a fraud agent, an attractive, well-dressed young woman of medium height, dark hair, and light complexion. "She has so far used the names of A. C.Severson and Etta Robertson. She sells The Etude for $1.00 instead of $1.50, the regular price. She does not give anything in return, in most cases, not even a receipt. She takes orders for music as well as The Etude, but never delivers anything.
Any of our subscribers who hear of her being in their own town or near by will be doing a great favor to us and the musical public at large if they will telegraph us instantly at our expense. Notice the fac-simile receipt printed on page 126 in this issue. No agent is bona fide unless he gives this receipt.
We heard of this young woman last at St. Hilare, Minn., on January 24th. She had passed through a number of towns in South Dakota, and through Drayton, Harwood, Oakes, Emerado, Pembina, and other towns in North Dakota.
* * *
We have a large and complete stock of Easter music for the Sunday school and choir, solos, duets, quartets, anthems, carols, services, and cantatas, which we shall be pleased to send "On Selection," to be returned within thirty days.
* * *
The supplement of the last issue of The Etude has been received with considerable favor by our subscribers. We have heard a great many kind words about its value. The pictures were the best selected from a large gallery, and printed in a modern and artistic manner. They were intended to be framed together in panels. We have had considerable call for these separately. They can be purchased for 10 cents, as well as almost all of the other supplements which we have ever published. We would suggest as a cheap method of framing this picture what is called passe partout. Anyone can do this. It merely means the cost of a piece of glass and some gummed tape, which can be obtained from any dealer in photographic supplies. The supplement last month received almost as much commendation as our previous picture of this style, a series of humorous pictures of four musicians. We have a few copies of that supplement left also.
* * *
A volume of pipe-organ music has been in process of compilation for several years. As is our custom with all our publications of this nature, we have spared no pains in the selection of materials for this work. It will comprise an unusually varied and attractive collection of compositions both new and old, and suited to all purposes, both for church and recital use. It will contain many standard numbers, both original pieces and arrangements; also a number of new compositions, and arrangements made especially for this work. All the pieces have been carefully edited, with appropriate registration for two- or three-manual organ, fingering, phrasing, and pedaling. The services of a number of experienced and well-known organists have been enlisted, to whom the arranging and editing of the various numbers has been intrusted. As usual, the work will be produced under our personal supervision.
The special price of this work prior to publication will be 75 cents, postage paid, if cash is sent with the order, a very low price when the fact is taken into consideration that it will contain as many pages as most of the books that sell for $2.00 and $2.50, and will be elegantly bound in cloth. If the price of the book is to be charged to a customer's account the postage will be additional.

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The Publisher of The Etude Will Supply Anything In Music