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testimonials.jpgEvery time The Etude comes, as I remove the wrapper, I wonder if it is possible that it can be better than the last; I have never known it to fail to be. I am very grateful to you for giving us a paper of such value. One thing in particular that I like it for is because everything is so common sense. Jessie Benedict.

I am enjoying The Etude more than ever. It grows better and better with each issue. The Schumann number is a feast, indeed; and my pupils, who are fond of the classics, are delighted with the articles about this great musician, from such writers as Drs. Mathews, Elson, Finck, Liebling, and others. (Mrs.) Fannie A. Heartsill.

In trying to repay you for past favors, I have placed copies of my Etudes in the homes of my pupils, telling them that no person, musically inclined, can afford to be without The Etude. They all compliment your editions and enjoy practice from them more than from others.    (Mrs.) Rosa Crume.

I am much pleased with The Etude. I have received the January and the February numbers, and they are instructive and interesting in a literary sense, as well as a musical one. A. W. Burtt.

I enjoy The Etude very much, and do not see how any music teacher or advanced pupil could do without it.    (Miss) Lucille Gaston.

How I enjoy The Etude. The numbers are so much more attractive in every way than they were several years ago. I look forward very eagerly to each issue, and as I am away here in the country, it is the only means I have of keeping in touch with the music world.  A. E. Galford.

I consider Mansfield’s “Harmony and Key” invaluable to every music student.   Lydia Rhodes.

I received a copy of “Key to Mansfield’s Harmony,” and am very well pleased with it. By its aid, through the intelligent use of it, it increases the value of Mansfield’s work as a text-book, especially for self-study, so much that I cannot see why any earnest, intelligent pupil not having the advantage of a good teacher could not acquire a good practical knowledge of the rules of harmony. D. H. Cleland.

I like the book entitled “Pictures from the Lives of the Great Composers” very much. (Mrs.) A. J. Cope.

I am much pleased with Tapper’s “Pictures from the Lives of the Great Composers,” received a few weeks ago. Ella A. Dame.

I am using Landon’s “Method for Piano” with a number of young pupils, and like it better than any other that has come to my notice. (Mrs.) Edw. C. Painter.

I am enthusiastic over the little teaching gems of Schmoll, and cannot recommend them too highly as particularly valuable and inspiring in teaching. Paul Fast.

I received “Modern Gems,” a collection of serviceable music admirably adapted for the reed organ—a boon to the amateur organist. The book, as a rare exception among books of this kind, contains nothing unsuitable for the instrument for which it is intended, and fills a decided want, as the large sale of it will undoubtedly prove.    Prof. H. G. Meyers.

Your music is received, and I am just delighted with it. Accept my sincere thanks for your promptness and your kind attention in filling the order; everything was perfect, and I heartily recommend your house to anyone needing some music. C. Robert.

I enjoy trading with your house better than any other, on account of your never-failing accuracy in filling orders, and your polite dealings. I. Riggs.

I am very much pleased with “Lighter Compositions of Chopin.”   (Miss) Grace Powers.

I have always been well pleased with works received from you, both for myself and pupils. (Mrs.) B. B. Quereau.

I am highly pleased with “Modern and Classic Gems of Reed Organ Music.” It is a work I have wanted for a long time.    Belle Bacon.

“Classic and Modern Gems of Reed Organ Music” is an excellent book. It certainly supplies the long-felt want for music suitable for advanced reed-organ players. I shall use it to supplement the Landon books.  C. L. Chamberlin.

In our day the work of music students is greatly facilitated by the many excellent books on all topics connected with the art. It is difficult to write a first work on any subject, and especially on such a one as the proper interpretation of music.

The field here has been but imperfectly covered, each writer seeming to make an improvement on the work of his predecessor. Mr. Goodrich’s “Theory of Interpretation” is the latest and also the best. It is practical and helpful, and will prove a great boon to students.  Ernst Brockmann.

Upon examination, I like “Classic and Modern Gems of Reed Organ Music” better than any book of the same character I have ever seen. Lizzie Lord.

I have just received “Theory of Interpretation,” by Goodrich, and read a few chapters. I feel satisfied that I have a valuable book. John Schrenk, Jr.

I have examined Goodrich’s “Theory of Interpretation,” and I can say that I have never met with a work that so completely covers the ground indicated by the title. It is a veritable art-mine for the conscientious student of music.    L. E. Sherred.


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