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The Hyphenated Phrase

It frequently happens that the first note of a phrase is the last one printed at the end of a staff, while the rest of the phrase is continued on the next staff or page. This always requires care, for the pupil rarely recognizes it as part of a phrase; because, in the ordinary way of marking a phrase by a long curve, only a short curve at the end of the staff is given to this first note of the phrase, while the usual long curve is written over the rest of the phrase in the next staff.
It will help the pupil if such a short curve is compared to and perhaps called a hyphen. Then illustrate the idea by showing a word in a book that has broken at the margin by the usual hyphen. It will help further if you can find a word whose first syllable is unaccented and followed by a hyphen and then show the parallel in the short and long slur.

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