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Special Notices.

Notices for this column inserted at 3 cents a word for one insertion, payable in advance. Copy must be received by the 20th of the previous month to insure publication in the next number.

Piano at a moderate price is evident from the way Geo. P. Bent is turning out the “Crown.” He is running his factory to its fullest capacity and half the force is working over time, and he sees no signs of a let up in orders. These superb instruments are of the highest grade. The materials used in their construction are the best and most costly in market. The workmanship is of the highest order, as is also the general finish, and they have a sweet and mellow tone and most perfect touch. These instruments are taking the lead wherever introduced.

Louis, Mo., opened September 10th with an unusually large number of students. Although the College is but three years old, the merit of its work is universally recognized, and Dr. Robert Goldbeck’s well-known virtuosity has attracted pupils from far and near. The Boarding Department is under excellent management. The young ladies are carefully cared for and enjoy the privileges of a well-regulated home. The Normal Department offers to teachers the greatest possible advantages and gives them what they practically need in their work. This Department has also been largely attended by teachers from all parts of the country. For thorough artistic work the Goldbeck College ranks with the best in Europe. For further information, address Mrs. A. L Palmer, Directress of Goldbeck College, 3033 Pine Street, Sr. Louis, Mo.


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