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Special Notices.

(Advertisements under this heading, will be charged 20 cents a line, payable in advance.)

A STUDENT of the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, Ill., desires position as teacher of Pianoforte for September 1st. Best references. Address, Room 420, No. 131 53d St., Chicago, Ill.

WANTED for September 1st, a position as teacher of Piano or Voice. Graduate of Conservatory. Several years of experience in teaching. Address,
        S, The Etude Office.

FOREIGN MUSIC CLERK WANTED.—An experienced music clerk who is acquainted with the German and English language can find employment in a well-established house. Address particulars, X. Y. Z., The Etude Office.

RETAIL MUSIC CLERK wanted in a large music store in one of our leading cities; none but those having extended experience need apply. Address, Music House, care of The Etude Office.

Edward Baxter Perry is at his summer home near Boston, preparing his lecture-recital programmes for next season’s work. Among the novelties which he will introduce, are “Forest Reveries,” the latest composition of Mr. Ferdinand Dewey, of Boston, and a new work by himself, “The Ballad of Chita,” founded upon a sketch by Lafcadio Hearn in the Harper for April, 1888, entitled “Chita, a Memory of Last Island”. The subject is strictly American: the destruction of an island in the Gulf of Mexico by the tremendous tempest of 1856. Mr. Perry’s composition is made up of three main subjects, interwoven and developed, suggested by the sketch. The first represents the bland summer days preceding the storm, days “Born in Rose and Buried in Gold;” The second, “The Voice of the Sea,” which, as the author says, “is never one voice, but a tumult of many voices—voices of drowned men,—the muttering of the multitudinous dead,—the moaning of innumerable ghosts, all rising at the great witch-call of storms;” the third the waltz heard by the Captain of the “Star,” sounding from the windows of the island hotel on the night of its doom, working up to a tremendous climax as “the wind waltzes with the sea.”

Mr. Perry has already booked nearly 50 engagements for his western tour, beginning September 25th.

CONDUCTORS OF CHORAL SOCIETIES are requested to send for list of Cantatas, Part Songs, Orchestral Parts, etc., formerly belonging to a prominent Choral Society; for sale cheap. Address
     SUMNER SALTER, 26 West 15th St., New York City.

WE take pleasure in announcing that Mr. Thomas Tapper is engaged to teach in the Boston Training School of Music. He is so well known to the readers of The Etude that the mention of his name will create a general interest.
Other eminent men will soon be added to the faculty.

—The large building, Nos. 154 and 155 Tremont St., Boston, occupied by the Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., has become even more musical, for the well- known musical publisher, Arthur P. Schmidt, has taken a part of the large basement and also room for an office on the main floor. In the basement Mr. Schmidt has fitted up a cosy reception room for the use of the many musicians who frequent his quarters. What with the Mason & Hamlin Co., Mason & Hamlin Hall, Arthur P. Schmidt, and the Boston Conservatory of Music (upper floor), this may be safely termed the Musical Building of Musical Boston.


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