THE ETUDE • JUNE 1920 Page 867 Subscriptio n Price, $2.00 per year i n Unite d States , Alaska , Cuba , Port o Rico , Mexico , Hawaii , Philippines , Panama , Guam , Tutuila , an d th e Cit y •f Shanghai . I n Canada , $2.25 per year. I n Englan d an d Colonies , 11 Shillings-2d ; i n France , 14 Francs ; whe n remitte d by Internationa l Postal mone y order, payabl e a t Philadelphia. All othe r countries , $2.72 per year. Singl e copy , Price 25 cents . REMITTANCE S should be made by post-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owin g t o th e educationa l characte r of TH E ETUD E a majorit y of its readers do no t wish t o mis s a n issue . Therefore , th e pub -lishers are pleased t o exten d credit covering a Twelv e Months ' subscriptio n beyon d expiration of th e paid -up period. Thos e of our subscribers no t wishin g to avail themselve s of thi s convenienc e of remittin g later will oleas e sen d a notic e for discontinuance . PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHL Y JOURNA L FO R TH E MUSICIAN , TH E MUSI C STUDENT , AN D AL L MUSI C LOVERS . Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Vol. XXXVII I No . 6 JUrtE 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. O. at Philadelphia, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co. for U. S. A . and Great Britain RENEWAL.—N o receipt is sen t for renewals. O n th e wrapper of th e next issue sen t yo u will be printe d th e dat e o n whic h your subscriptio n is paid up , whic h serves as a receipt for you r subscription . Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. _ MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to TH E ETUDE . Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every poosible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISIN G RATE S will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODOR E PRESSE R CO. , Publishers, 1712 Chestnu t Street , Philadelphia , Pa. The World of Music Tw o mor e America n singer s hav e bee n engage d fo r next season at the Metropolitan, it is said, Sue Harvard and Alice Miriam. This would seem to be a step in the right direction if American singers are to be given as serious considera-tion as foreign singers in times only just past. Syracuse, IV. Y., ha s forme d a n associatio n t o presen t opera in that city under the best possible auspices, with native singers in combination with visiting artists. Henr i Rabaud , th e Frenc h com -poser an d conductor , wh o directed the Boston Symphon y Orchestra for a single season, has been appointed Director of the Paris Conservatoire, in place of M. Gabriel Faure, who has retired from that post in consequence of ill health. Puccini' s latest opera , Sua Altezza <8ly, is nearly completed. Tschaikowsky' s opera , Eugene Onfgin, was produced last season for the first time in America by the Metropolitan forces. Convicts in som e of the prisons in th e United States have music at their hieals to keep the peace so often disturbed at this function. Scotti is tourin g the countr y with his opera company. Sevcik, th e famou s violi n teache r of Bohemia , is coming to Ithaca, N. Y., to reside and teach there. Fo r tun Gallo, the well-know n opera impressario , has formed a partnership with Mrs. Oscar Hammerstein, to manage the Man-hattan Opera House for a period of ten years. Ilis San Carlo Opera Company and his Eng-lish Light Opera Company have been wonder-rully successful during the past year. The Nationa l America n Music Fes -tiva l is offerin g prizes for young artists competing in piano, voice and violin at the Festival in September next, from the 6th to the 11th. The young artists must be of American birth ; must perform only Ameri-can music ; and, in the case of vocal num-bers, sing their songs in English, and not in a foreign tongue. Bach contestant is limited to ten minutes. The Festival is held every September at Lockport, N. Y. The contest is for the advanced student who is about to enter a professional career. Young musicians wishing to be enrolled for the contest should apply to A. A. VanDe Marck, Founder and General Director of the Na-tional American Music Festival, Box 216, Lockport, N. Y. A monumen t to th e memor y of Ruggier o Leoncavallo , the composer of II Pagliaeei, Zaza, and other operas, is to be erected in Naples, Italy, his birth town. Contributions should be sent to "Monument to Leoncavallo, care of Music and Musicians, 1425 Broadway, New York City." Th e Civic Music Student Orches-tra, of Chicago , gave its first concert recently, under the conduct of Frederick Stock, who organized it. The new orches-tra did work that promised ^ven greater things when its ensemble is made more homogeneous by practice together. Mr. Stock has always encouraged American mu-sic and musicians in all his concert work, and this Civic Music Student Orchestra is the embodiment of an ideal he has had in mind for a long time past. The orchestra gave Mr. Stock a baton in grateful apprecia-tion of his labors in its founding. Hono r fo r a n America n compose r was in the performance of Henry Hadley's The Culprit Fay, at the Concerts Pasdeloup, in Paris, under the leading of RhenS-Baton. It was received with marked enthusiasm. Sir Charles Stanford' s ne w cantata , Mcrhn and the Gleam, was recently per-formed in London by the Alexandra Palace Choral and Orchestral Society. The com-poser conducted in this and in his Songs of the Fleet. Havana , Cuba, ha s Grand Opera at thirty-five dollars for orchestra chairs. Londo n Is mootin g th e question of havin g a regula r nin e months ' opera season every year. Sixteen thousan d dollar s wa s th e price pai d fo r the famou s "Red Strad" (also known as the "Bott Strad") bv a Philadelphia broker and musician recentlv. The history of this renowned violin reads like a romance. Ossip Gabrilowitscli, wh o appeare d a s the gues t conducto r of the Phila-delphia Orchestra at#one of its recent con-certs, was received by the audience with cordiality. Th e famou s La Scala of Mila n is to be active again in opera, after having been closed for a period of two years. A com-mittee has been formed which will guarantee the necessary funds. Opera at popula r prices is a project bein g agitate d at Boston , Mass. The plan looks to the formation of a local opera company, akin to the old Boston Opera Company of some years ago. It purposes to employ American singers so far as is possi-ble, and to give the works of American com-posers in addition to the standard foreign repertoire. Maseagni' s ne w opera, II Piccolo Marat, is completed. ^Ir. Raymon d Roase, th e Englis h conductor, died in London on January 4th. He was formerly musical director for the performances of Sir Henry Irving, and later, for Sir Herbert Tree. Ilis opera. Joan of Arc, was produced with success at Queen's Hall and Covent Garden. Tschaikowsky' s opera . Eugene Onegin, was performed in Italian at the end of the Metropolitan season in New York City. Alois Francoi s Lejeal , th e well -know n teache r an d composer , died at San Francisco, Calif., on April 8th. He had lately passed his eightieth birthday. He wrote much for the piano, but he is best known by his masses, vespers and other sacred music, which have been sung all over the world, wherever church music is per-formed. Home r N. Bartlett, th e well-know n America n composer , died at Hoboken, his home, on April 3, 1920, at the age of soventv-five. His work ranged from a num-ber of beautiful and distinctive songs, sacred compositions, piano and organ mu-sic, to the larger forms, orchestral and chamber music. The former have-won wide success wherever they have been performed, but the latter are as yet little known. In the new movement to do justice to the na-tive composer it is to be hoped that Homer Iiartlett's music may achieve the success due it from the public, here and abroad. Mr. Iiartlett was organist of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York City, for thirty-one years. Mme. Emm a Calve ha s announce d her intentio n of leaving the operatic and concert stage and founding a school in Paris for voice training. Arthu r Claasen, know n to a wid e circl e as an active conductor and teacher, died at San Francisco, on March 16, 1920. He was a leader in many musical clubs, di-rector of the Pacific Musical Club Chorus, the San Antonio Mozart Society, conductor of the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra, the Saengerfest Society of San Francisco, and other musical organizations. At one time he was the conductor of the Brooklyn "Arion" and the New York "Liederkranz," which won many national prizes. During the war he gave his services to the Government as a song leader. A Blin d Men's Improvemen t Club, a musical organization composed of sightless men, gave its annual concert in New York City, in March of the past winter, with well-known artists, both singers and instru-mentalists. Communit y Opera in Washington , D. C., has scored a real success during the past season, having given twenty-five public performances, presenting the standard mod-ern and semi-modern operas. Arnold Yolpe is the conductor. The operas were well attended, and the prices were of that evasive type known as "popular," though it is doubtful whether a price of any altitude whatsoever is ever "popular" to the pur-chaser of anything, whether of art or com-modities. A well-know n orchestra l an d choru s conducto r says that a fine chorus is possible in any community with proper organization and training. Twiligh t Musicales hav e becom e a nove l featur e in many localities. Mika s Petrauskas , the Lithuania n composer , is resident in the United States. He has composed many operas, choruses and songs, all based upon the folk legends of his country. Th e Chicag o Symphon y Orchestra gave a season of ten concerts in Milwaukee without the deficit which so often has ac-companied the activities of large orchestras all over the country. Paris had th e greates t musica l sea -son in her history during the past year. "L a Damnatio n de Blanchefleur, " Henr i Fevrier' s latest opera, had its premiere at Monte Carlo recently. Symphon y concert s at daw n were given at Easter by two Los Angeles sym-phony orchestras, out-of-doors, the programs ending at full sunrise. They were well at-tended. Tw o Italia n composers , Pietro Mas -cagn i an d Giacom o Puccini, will be named for the Italian Senate, it is said. Th e annua l Blosso m Festiva l was celebrated in Santa Clara Valley in April with a rich musical program. A Wels h Eisteddfo d wa s hel d in Ottawa , Canada, at the close of the present season. Intense interest in the event was manifested by a great concourse of Welsh folks drawn from all parts of Canada. This was the first time a distinc-tively Welsh Eisteddfod had been given in the Dominion. Charle s T. Griffes, the talente d youn g America n composer , died on April 9, 1920, at New York City. He was well-known for his works both in the larger form and for his songs and piano pieces. One of the latter, The White Peacock, has won for itself a place on the programs of the best pianists, while his songs have been sung by the most discriminating of the soloists before the public. Gino Marinuzzi ha s succeede d Cam -paninn i as the artistic conductor of the Chicago Grand Opera Company. CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1920 PACE World of Music 36actionGoTo:23,3 Editorials . 365 Becoming a Prima Donna Geraldine Farrar 367 Income for Music Teachers George Mortimer Brush 368 Count the Cost. . .'. .Constanza M. Foster 368 Musical Genius Everywhere Henry T. Finck 369 A Child's First Piano Lesson Edward Hardy 370 How to Get Your First Pupils Mae-Aileen Erb 370 Compelling Force in Musical Success Alberto Jonas 371, What Shall I Teach? J. M. Baldwin 372 Most Simple Way of Teaching Lines and (Spaces.., J. B. Roose 372 What'is the Matter with the Pupil's Re-cital? By a Mother 372 Scale Maxims Walter Stum,off 372 Hint On Memorizing. .... . .Otto Fischer 372 New Pianistic Beauties Glenn Dillard Gunn 373 You Couldn't Memorize Music ? Read This L. E. Eubanks 374 Taking American Music Seriously A. M. B. Bonner 374 actionGoTo:15,TemperatureactionGoTo:15, andactionGoTo:15, PracticeactionGoTo:15, 374 actionGoTo:15,LetactionGoTo:15, theactionGoTo:15, LightactionGoTo:15, FallactionGoTo:15, RightactionGoTo:15, 374 Secrets of Success of Great Musicians diPirani 375 Last Days of Great Composers 377 How Much Do You Practice ?. .E. A. Gest 378 Nature's Spring Time Symphonies Mrs. Lillian M. White 379 Types oif Pianists. . . .Maud H. Winpenny 380 Fighting Nervousness. . . .Ira M. Broun 380 Teachers' Round Table N. J. Corey 381 Interesting Things About Melodic Form Daril Batchellor 382 How I Started P. Class in Small Town Emelie Riccobono 382 Thoughts for Ambitious Students Stanley F. Widner 382 PAGE actionGoTo:23,TheactionGoTo:23, OperaticactionGoTo:23, TwinsactionGoTo:23, 382 Development of Finger Independence I. M. Broicn 382 Effects of Music 411 Voice Department 412 Letters from Readers 415 Organ Department, edited by H. C'. Macdoucjall 416 Susie and Her Piano, by A rthur Troostwyek 419 Violin Department, edited by Robert Braine 420 Question and Answer Department, edited by 1. de Guichard 423 JUNIOR ETUDE, edite d b y Elizabeth Gest 42 5 MUSI C Spring Morn .G. D. Martin 383 Fascination W. Rolfe. 384-385 In the Rose Garden. . .B. R. Anthony 386 Bolero of .Spain II. MacDonald 387 Wedding Procession (Four Hands) W. M. Felton, 388, 389, 390-391 Language of Flowers W. Rolfe 392 Tn the Fairy Dell...^ . A. Williams, 392-393 The Shepherd's Reverie R. S. Morrison 394 Boating C.F.Mueller 399 Reception Waltz M. Saroni 400 I Know a Cave .M. Bilbro 401 Sweet Clover M. Loeb-Erans 402 Sweet Lilacs C. W. Kern 403 Burmese Dance R. M. Stults 404 We Two (Violin and Piano) R. O. Suter 405 March of the Marionettes (Pipe Organ). . E. >H. Sheppard 406 Sweet Maggie (Vocal) IT. A. Matthews 407 Just With You (Vocal). . G. Romilli 408 I Love You, Dear (Vocal) R. M. Stults 409 Willie's Prayer (Vocal) E. I/o Ashford 410
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