Page 482 JUNE 1920 THE ETUDE WIRGI L Piano Conservatory • SUPERIOR METHOD) . . . SUPERIOR RESULTS/ Reputation Course for Teachers Write for information MRS. A. M. VIRGIL, U West 68th St., NEW YORK IRGIL PORTABLE KEYBOARD Fine touc h wit h variable weight . In use by hundreds Qf Artists and Students. SEND FOR CATALOG The VIRGIL PIANO SCHOOL CO., llW.68th St.,NewYork TEACHING PIECES By Mrs. A. M. Virgil ATTRACTIVE, INSTRUCTIVE—FINE FOR RECITALS a/so "THE PIANO PEDALS, SHEZX* Whcr e Of exceptional value to teachers and students. Send for graded catalog. Music on Selection to Responsible Teachers THE VIRGIL PIANO SCHOOL CO., II West 68th St., New York FIRS T GRAD E STUDIE S FO* THE By L. A. BUGBEE An Unusually Popular Set of Studies attained a great popularity. All the exercises contained in it are original and many of them have accompanying text. They may be taken u p after the first few rudimentary lessons. THEODORE PRESSER CO. PIANOFORTE Price - - - $1.00 This set of studies has on its own merits PHILADELPHIA, PA. Professional Directory EASTERN WESTERN RETR1 4 U f nu n JENSEN?DeL?7enkint0^ DLLUnWUU U Pa. (20 min. of Philadelphia) , IK Rll r* n 1 n A i l CONSERVATORY 70 Instructors II IYI r K 1 1 ft N Piano, Voice, Organ, Violin, etc. HIV I L 11 1 UH1 1 Kimball Hall Chicago A A II I n O Broad St. Conservatory of Music 1 1 1 III K \ Gilbert Ilaynolds Combs, Director UUIllll V 1327-31 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, Pa. ( ARNOLD i SCHOOL OF MUSIC Katharine M. Arnold, Director f 93 Madison Street, Tiffin, Ohio. ni l II I 11 O SYSTEM. Improved Music Study for , miN N ftl* beginners. Normal Training Classes U U 111 1 1 11 U Carre Louise Dunning, 8 W. 40th, N.Y. BROWN ROY DAVID. Concert Pianist—Teacher. Assistant to tlie late Einil Liebling. Lyon & Healy Building, Chicago FABRI OPERA SCHOOL. Voice training for Church, Concert and Opera. 1628 Arch St., Phila. 554 W. 165thSt.,N.Y. City. Circulars mailed. BURROWES' COURSE OF MUSIC STUDY Kindergarten and Primary Dept.D. 246 Highland Ave.,H.P. HAWTHORNE Piano School Leschetizky Method Potsdam, N. Y . P LB I P it Pn Musicftl College. 53rd yr. Leading School r l I I . l i 11 1 I America.Piano, Vocal, Violin, Organ, Will \J n \J Theory,P.S.M. 620S.Mich.Ave.,Chicago KRIENS CHRISTIAAN Studio: Composer-Violinist Carnegie Hall Suite 303, New York City CINCINNATI Conservatory of Music ESTABLISHE D 1867 . lliehlandAre. and Oak St. Cincinnati, Ohio MOULTON Mrs. M. R. Piano Instruction Studio—Sternberg School 10 S. 18th St. Philadelphia COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Clara Osborne Reed, Director 509 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago NEW YORK School of Music and Arts Ralfe Leech Sterner. Director Central Park, W., & 95th St., N. Y. DftHWI PETERSEN RAPISARDA G. PHRASING and TONE-COLOR at the PIANO. Studios, Carnegie Hall, New York City, and 250 Main St., New Rochelle, N. Y. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Phone 20273 3113 So. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California DETROIT CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1000 Students. 50 Teachers 1013 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. SALVINI MARIO: Voice Culture. Studio: 206 West 71st St., New York Phone: Columbus 2202. DETRIOT VIRGIL MR8. A. M. Piano School and Conservatory 11 West 68th St., New York INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ART H. B. Manville, Business Manager 1117-19 Woodward Ave.,Detroit,Mich KNOX Conservatory of Music Galesburg, Illinois Catalog free Win. P. Bentley. Director SOUTHERN BRYANT SOUTHERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Gilmore Ward Bryant, Dir. Est'd 1898. All Degrees Conferred. Durham, N. C. TOMLINSON ANNA M. NORMAL TEACHER Pupil of Leschetizky. Send $1.00 for sample lesson on Hand Develop-ment and Interpretation. 300 Fine Arts Bldg., CHICAGO CONVERSE COLLEGE School of Music Edmon Morris, Dean Spartanburg, S. C. WESTERN Institute of Music and Dramatic Art, All Dents. F. Schweikher, Director 1438 Franklin St., Denver, Colorado SPECIAL ! Great Offer to Teachers and Musicians An ounce of proof is worth a pound of promise. Making claims is easy— "making good" is the real test of merit. Hundreds of Music Teachers and Successful Musicians claim that they have been greatly benefited by the Siegel-Myers Correspondence Courses. They write us to that effect and we cheer^ fully accept their enthusiastic statements as sincere and truthful. You're welcome to these letters. We will send you as many as you care to read. But, after all, we realize that this is merely ' 'hearsay'' evidence to many readers of this publication who have as yet no direct personal knowledge of what it really means—for example—to study Sherwood Normal Lessons for Piano Teachers v fc They contain the fundamental principles of successful teaching—the vital principles—the big things in touch, technic, melody, phrasing, rhythm, tone production, interpretation and expression—a complete set of physical exercises or developing, strengthening and training the muscles of the fingers, hands, wrists, arms and body, fully explained, illustrated and made clear by photo-graphs, diagrams and drawings. Sherwood Piano Lessons for Students Contain complete, explicit instruction on every phase of piano playing. N o stone has been left unturned to make this absolutely perfect. I t would sur-prise you to know that Sherwood devoted to each lesson enough time to earn at least $100.00 in teaching. It is possible for you to get all this time and energy for almost nothing, compared to what it cost. The lessons are illus-trated with life-like photographs of Sherwood at the piano. They are given with weekly examination papers. HARMON Y A knowledge of Harmony Is absolutely essential to round out your musical educa-tion. I t adds wonderfully to your equip-ment both as Teacher and Performer. Without It you limp along on the crutch of "unpreparedness." W e offer you a complete course of weekly Harmony Lessons at small cost in the privacy of your own home. These lessons, prepared by Mr . Adolph Rosenbecker, former famous Soloist and Conductor and pupil of Richter, and Dr . Daniel Protheroe, Eminent Composer, Choral Director and Teacher, can be secured onl y from us. Each lesson is an orderly step in advance, clear, thorough and correct; not the mere mechani-cal application of dry-as-dust rules, but an interesting, intelligent, thoroughly practical method that grips your attention and stimulates your ambition to succeed from the very beginning. A written examination on each lesson, in connection with ample original work, develops your knowl-edge and firmly fixes the important principles in your mind. Harmony Teaches You To 1. Analyze Music, thus enabling you to determine the key of any composition and its various harmonic progressions. 2. Transpose At Sight more easily accompani-ments which you may be called upon to play. 3. Harmonize Melodies correctly and arrange music for bands and orchestras. 4. Detect Wrong Notes and faulty progressions whether in printed music or during the performance of a composition. 5. Memorize Rapidly, one of the very greatest benefits derived from the study of Harmony. 6. Substitute Other Notes when for any reason the ones written are inconvenient to play. History of Music B y Glenn Dillard Gunn, noted writer and musician. This History Course includes Analysis and Appreciation of Music. A valuable library of text books is included in the course. Advanced Composition Under the direction of Herbert J. Wri^htson, distinguished theorist and composer. This is the most advanced musical course given by any school in America. During the seven years that our announcements have appeared in this publication we have had splendid results. Hundreds of readers have enrolled and successfully mastered one or more of our courses. Ye t there are many friends of this publication who have never responded even to the extent of inquiring for full information about our school. W e feel that the readers of this publication are doing themselves—as well as us—an injustice by remaining "mute. " And it is to this class who little realize the wonderful worth of these lessons that we have decided to make the following Unprecedented Special Offer! Will you take advantage of our offer of 6 lessons to ETUDE readers without charge or obligation on their part? We will send you 6 lessons selected from the course you prefer. We have courses in Piano (one for students and one for teachers), Harmony, Choral Conducting, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Guitar and Mandolin. Select the course you are interested in and write now for 6 lessons and catalog. You will receive full details of the course and be under no obligation to us. The cost is nothing and you will benefit much. University Extension Conservatory Siegel-Myers Bldg, Dept, N. Chicago, Illinois Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing our advertisers.
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