Page 36J+ JUNE 1920 THE ETUDE sp. * I * if * M V^-, » t * * * * ^ * > / < *5 *1 * * . v . •> 111 i • • 1 i From actual photograph, made March 10, 1920, in Carnegie Hall, Ifow TorA. New York papers of March 11th: "Times", "Sun and New York Herald","Morning Telegraph", "Evening Mail", "Evening Sun", "Globe" and "Evening Telegram", First Miss Case stood beside the New Edison and sang. but Anna Case had gone! then —the lights went out. Case's voice •ontinued. James Montgomery Flagg describes triumph of Edison's new phonograph on March 10th before a distinguished New York audience that packed Carnegie Hall. RE-CREATED voice substituted for living voice—in darkness— and no one detected the substitution. TH E recital was at Carnegie Hall this afternoon—the Edison Company asked me to go to it and report, in my own way, just what happened—I did. There was a big bunch of New Yorkers there— A pleasant gentleman in an Ascot tie in-troduced the phonograph, which stood un-emotionally in the center of the stage through the ordeal, without a suspicion of self-consciousness. Then Miss Case. She draped her beautiful self in an almost affectionate posture against the phonograph. One of her own song re-cordings was put on the instrument, and they, Miss Case and the phonograph, sang together. Then she would stop and her other self would continue—then together again—I looked away and then back again—it puzzled me to determine which was at the bat! She sang a charming duet with herself, too—one of them doing the alto business—I couldn't say which. Then the tallest pianist in the civilized world, sometimes called Victor Young, played a charming thing accompanied by him-self via the phonograph—lifting his fingers away from the keys now and again. I could SEE him stop playing, but I couldn't HEA R him stop—the recording was so exact. It was remarkable. Most piano selections on a reproducing instrument sound like Mamie Hooligan beating the old family box, if you recall the ones you've suffered through. Then the big stunt of the recital—the dark scene. Miss Case began singing with the phonograph. At a certain stanza the house was suddenly darkened. The song went on. I was shooting my ears out like periscopes to detect the second when she would stop and leave the stage. I was sure I got it! But she seemed to be back again! Then I knew I was being completely deceived. The flood of light came on again—but no Anna! Only the self-possessed and urbane phonograph standing there singing away. It might have D T. A, E, INC. suddenly —the lights flashed on again. Case's voice was coming from the New Edison—but Case was not there. been the singer herself—only it wasn't so good looking! It was quite wonderful and the audience applauded and laughed. Two girls behind me said "Goo-gracious". It was both charm-ing and astonishing. Statement by A. L. Walsh, Director of Recitals for the Edison Laboratories: *'The instrument used at Carnegie Hall, New York City, on March 10th, 1920, is an exact duplicate of the original Official Laboratory Model, in developing which Mr. Edison spent more than three million dollars for research work. Every Edison dealer in the United States and Canada now has in his possession an exact duplicate of the instrument used at Carnegie Hall, New York—and will guarantee it, without quibble or question, to be capable of sustaining precisely the same tests as those made at Carnegie Hall on March 10th, 1920.'' If you do not know the name of the Edison dealer in your locality, write us and we shall be glad to send you his name and address and a copy of "Edison and Music". Thomas A . Edison, Inc., Orange, N. J. She NEW EDISON 4 She Phonapvph with a SouT
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