THE ETUDE JUNE 1920 Page 431 mviwm PREPARATION IS A STRONG SUPPORT TO A SUCCESSFUL and SAT-ISFACTORY OPENING of NEXT TEACHING SEASON A Most Vital Point in Preparing is to Order Teaching Material Early Abundant Reasons and Convincing Argu-ments can be Advanced in Favor of this ORDE R EARLY PLAN But the thinking teacher has long realized the wisdom of ordering next season's sup-plies well in advance, and therefore to most teachers nothing more than a reminder is I necessary at this time. QUICKEST MAIL ORDER MUSIC SUPPLY HOUSE FOR SCHOOLS, COLLEGES , TEACHERS AND LOVERS OF MUSIC THEODORE PRESSER COMPANY 1710 - 1712 - 1714 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA., PA. PUBLISHERS OF AND DEAL-ERS IN SHEET MUSI C AND MUSIC BOOKS. MUSICAL MER-CHANDISE, TALK-ING MACHINES AND RECORDS. DRIBFLY, the plan is to book "On Sale** orders during the early summer months subject to delivery on or before a date specified by the teacher. Orders received up to August First are combined in one shipment prepaid to central distributing points and from there forwarded at a small expense to the several consignees. The saving in transportation charges is an im-portant item and means much in these days of high costs, but of more consequence is the certainty of having one's music supplies on hand and ready for use when the pupils arrive. WRIT E NO W AND — Let us know the number of pupils expected next season. State the grades and styles of music desired. Give the date the material should reach you. RESULT— We will send a selected supply of material on our On Sale terms, all not used being returnable at end of next teaching season when settlement is made. Material will reach you at time desired. A prompt start of the season's work to the profit and satisfaction of both teacher and pupil. Profitable Vacation Courses WITH THE Standard History of Music MENDELSSOHN By JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Price $1.50 A FIRST HISTORY FOR STUDENTS AT ALL AGES Eight Delightful Weeks of History Study On the Porch. In the Garden. By the Shore. Anywhere. Thousands of teachers in all parts of the country have organized successful and profitable classes in past Summers with the following Schedule from the Standard History of Music: 1st Week. How Music Began. Music in the Early Church. How Notation Was Evolved. The Troubadours and Meistersingers. Polyphonic Music. Palestrina. Early English Music. 2d Week. Opera and Oratorio. Scarlatti and His Contemporaries. The Bach Family. Early French Music. The Story of the Organ, the Violin and the Piano. 3d Week. J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, F. J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart. 4th Week. Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Weber, Mendlessohn. 5th Week. Schumann and the Age of Musical Romance. Opera Writers of the Nineteenth Century. Great Teachers of the Pianoforte. 6th Week. Chopin, Liszt, Wagner. Modern Italian Composers. Rubinstein. Great French Composers 7th Week. Modern Masters. Brahms, Grieg, Tschaikowsky. The Art Song. Famous Pianists of Yesterday. Great Virtuosos of To-day. Great Violinists. Composers of Valuable / Pianoforte Pieces in the Smaller Forms. Composers of Teaching Pieces. 8th Week. Music in America. Masters of To-day. Summary of Musical History. Formation of a Music Study Club for Next Winter. The Standard History of Music demands no previous experience in teaching musical history. Any music teacher may start a class at once. The work has been endorsed by leading educators, including Emil Sauer, Arthur Foote, I. Philipp, V. de Pachman, W. H. Sherwood, Mme. Bloomfield-Zeisler, and many others. The London Musical Standard says of it: "I t is expert in the way it makes facts appear seductive. We can imagine an intelligent beginner going steadily through the book for the sheer enjoyment of it." We Will Help You in Securing a Class v Send us a postal request for information regarding our "Special History Class Plan," and receive in return the material which will enable you to start at once and make your plans for turning your Sum-mer from Waste and Loss to Profit and Pleasure. We have a special introductory price by the dozen. THEO. PRESSER CO., 1712 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ORCHESTRA LEADERS, EVERYWHERE, are invited to give our new and fully-equipped Orchestra Department a trial. Catalogs will be sent on request. THEO. PRESSER CO., 1710-12-14 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. =PIAN0SCR1PT BOOK' (SECOND EDITION) FOR PRESERVING IMPORTANT ADVICE AND LESSON NOTES IN PERMANENT FORM By ALBERTO JONAS Price $1.50 MOST TEACHERS OF STANDING IN THESE DAYS know that no matter how excellent the teaching material and editions they employ, they must continually give special exercises to meet special conditions. THE PIANOSCRIPT BOOK is in no sense a blank music book in the or-dinary meaning of the term. True, there is ample blank music staves and blank pages for the writing in of plenty of new exercises for special needs. In addition to this, however, Senor Jonas has written a large number of special exercises and suggestions so that the teacher will have no difficulty in knowing how to proceed. THERE ARE TWENTY-FIVE SECTIONS or Departments in the book, each one marked by a marginal thumb index, like a dictionary, so that the student can turn instantly to the right page and keep all lesson notes in order. The book is handsomely bound in cloth, stamped in gold—something the student can keep a lifetime as a valuable souvenir of student days. This book is now very strongly endorsed by such eminent men as Godowsky, Friedheim, Hutcheson, Stojowski, Bauer, Chadwick, Faelton, Damrosch, Foote, Dr. Rybner, Sternberg and many others who have introduced it in their regular teaching work. Copies on sale to established teachers. THEO. PRESSER CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing our advertisers.
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