I TEACHING WORKS FOR I J ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION | BIRTHDAY JEWELS VOCAL OR INSTRUMENTAL By Geo. L. Spaulding Price, 75 cents An attractive new volume of little piano pieces with verses which may be sung ad lib. The verses are pleasing and of the type that appeals to the juvenile. As the title of the book indicates, there is a little piece for each month of the year with verse for the appropriate birthstone. The numbers are easy to play, very melodious, and similar in style and grade to those in Mr. Spaulding's successful book, Tunes and Rhymes. SUNNY DAY SONGS By Helen L. Cramm Price, 75 cents A delightful book of a dozen and one bright, easy piano numbers with words between the staves. These vocal or instrumental pieces furnish excellent recrea-tion material for little players and singers. This work is the latest of Miss Cramm's popular books for little pianists. TWENTY-FIVE MELODIES FOR EYE, EAR AND HAND TRAINING By Mathilde Bilbro Price, 75 cents These little pieces may be regarded as second grade studies. They are intended to aid in establish-ing the position of the hand upon the keyboard, at-taining freedom, training the eye, especially in leger lines, in staff positions and cultivating a musical ear. These studies are all tuneful and interesting to prac-tice. Altogether this set of study pieces promises to become popular with teachers as well as students well in the second grade. OLD RHYMES WITH NEW TUNES By Geo. F. Hamer Price, 60 cents The six easy pianoforte compositions in this little volume comprise the best set of Mother Goose Melodies the publishers have ever seen. They can be played or sung and will delight the child pianist or the little singer. The teacher of children will be interested to know that these numbers are also pub-lished separately in sheet form. VERDI—CHILD'S OWN BOOK OF GREAT MUSICIANS Price, 20 cents The latest of a series written by Thomas Tapper to furnish the child music student with interesting facts about great composers. After gathering these facts the child is to write a story of the composer on the blank pages and there are also pictures to paste in as well as material to bind the book when ati is ready. This is one of the most successful works for the child music student. I VOCAL I CELEBRATED RECITAL S()NGS Compiled and Edited by David Bispham Price, $2.00 A distinctive compilation of good vocal numbers. The work of an artist is clearly indicated by the excellent type and variety of the forty-four songs together with the well written preface and the copious annotations. The volume is a handsome one of 184 pages and the songs are just such num-bers as will be found needful in the preparation of recital programs as well as being extremely fine for every vocal teacher and vocal student. In fact, it is just such a volume as every singer will find profitable to possess. A descriptive circular giving list of contents and price to profession gladly sent to any professional requesting same. An Opportunity to Ascertain the Real Worth of the'Publications of the Theodore Presser Company To afford a better opportunity of judging the genuine value of the books listed on this page we will gladly send any of them for examination. To further assist in the selection of music, we have catalogs covering every classification. We will gladly send any of these gratis. The Most Recent Publications In Book Form of the Theodore Presser:: Co. New and Important Works A Progressive Musician Should Know ? PIANO-FOUR HANDS & $ * * * * NURSERY TALES RETOLD CHARACTERISTIC FOUR-HAND PIANO PIECES By Geo. L. Spaulding Price, 75 cents Familiar nursery tales are cleverly retold in the verse ad libitum to these new duet numbers for young pianists in the first and early second grades. Mr. Spaulding's successful books of easy duets, en-titled Just We Two and You and / , stand as recom-mendations for the interesting manner in whi'ch Mr. Spaulding writes duets for young pianists. FOUR-HAND EXHIBITION PIECES FOR THE PIANO Price, $1.25 The numbers are both original duets as well as arrangements of compositions by such writers as Rachmaninoff, Grieg, Tschaikowsky, Moszkowski, Dvorak, Gottschalk, Brahms and others. While this compilation offer«s excellent material for recital or concert work it is at the same time useful for profit-able practice and recreation playing. VIOLIN * * FIFTY SELECTED STUDIES IN THE FIRST POSITION By Chas. Levenson Price, $1.00 A much needed compilation of first-position stud-ies. The studies are arranged in progressive order and may be taken up after .elementary instruction has been given. The studies have been taken from the best of the world's violin writers, and only the best and most necessary 'have been used. SELECTED VIOLIN STUDIES IN THE SECOND AND THIRD POSITIONS By Chas. Levenson Price, $1.00 The cream of the best second and third-position studies from the works of all the great writers for the violin. Not difficult, but just such studies as should be used after a' proper amount of work. TECHNIC FINGER GYMNASTICS By I. Philipp Price, $1.50 An epoch-making volume by perhaps the leading modern -technical writer. It is one of those unusual volumes that makes its appearance in the technical world only at long intervals. It is a decided depar-ture in the completion of finger work in extension, there being combinations of fingering that have only been touched upon in^previous works and the five fingers of each hand are treated with equal prom-inence. The work is not one for a beginner, and is only adapted to the earnest, hardworking, ambitious student. The moderately advanced player can take up these finger gymnastics and use them over a num-ber of years. It is just the type of work for daily study at the piano. THE ART OF THE PIANO By Theodore Lack Opus 289 Price, $1.50 This is a modern system of technic for piano play-ing by a leading French composer and virtuoso. There are one hundred special exercises in mechan-ism of medium difficulty. All the various points of technic are covered in the modern manner and in addition to furnishing extremely fine material for teaching purposes this work supplies material for any pianist's daily practice at the keyboard. life >$< »|l tfrVfr I ALBUMS FOR THE PIANO | AMERICAN COMPOSERS' ALBUM FOR THE PIANOFORTE Price, $1.25 W e were inspired to bring out an album of pieces by the best American composers oi music. Excellent material for this purpose was available to us, and this is a volume that is a credit to American music. We did not include any of the difficult pieces, but only those of medium grade and of special merit. SPAULDING ALBUM For the Pianoforte Price, $1.00 A new collection of intermediate grade. Spauld-ing's work is so well known that it needs no intro-duction here, and the many lovers of his music will welcome the opportunity to possess so many of his successes all in the one volume. PAUL WACHS' ALBUM For the Pianoforte Price, $1.00 All lovers of good drawing-room music will be delighted with this excellent collection. It has been prepared with the greatest care and contains nine-teen compositions carefully chosen from the best and most popular numbers of Wachs. They are chiefly of intermediate grade (Grades III-V). Wachs is one of the foremost French salon com-posers, and this collection is, indeed, a notable one in music publications. CELEBRATED COMPOSITIONS BY FAMOUS COMPOSERS Price, $1.00 This collection is the result of careful selection with the aim to incorporate in one volume such com-positions as every good pianist delights in. The best description is the following, which are included in the thirty-three numbers in this volume: Fur Elise, Beethoven; Intermezzo, Brahms; Scarf Dance, Chaminade; Nocturne, Chopin; Humoreske, Dvorak; Second Valse, Godard; Butterfly, Grieg; Largo, Handel; Gipsy Rondo, Haydn; The Mill, Jensen; Idilio, Lack; Spring Song, Mendelssohn; Prelude, Rachmaninoff; Polish Dance, Scharwenka; Traumerei, Schumann; Reverie, Schutt; Simple Aveu, Thome; Chant Sans Paroles, Tschaikowsky, etc. MUSICAL THEORY AND WRIT-ING BOOK By Carl Venth Price, 75 cents A work that can be taken up with almost the first lessons'on the piano. It impresses, through the writing exercises, just the knowledge of theory every student should possess. Ther-e is theoretical information given throughout the book, which after-wards is to be firmly impressed by writing. Scarcely a page will be found that does not have some exer-cises to be written. Theodore Presser Co. MAIL ORDER MUSIC SUPPLY HOUSE The Source from Which to Obtain Any-thing in Music 1710-1712-1714 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
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