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Subscriptio n Price, $2.00 per year in Unite d States , Alaska , Cuba , Porto Rico , Mexico , Hawaii , Philippines , Panama , Guam , Tutuila , an d th e Cit y of Shanghai . In Canada , $2.25 per year. In Englan d an d Colonies , 11 Shillings-2d j in France , 14 Francs j whe n remitte d by Internationa l Postal mone y order, payabl e at Philadelphia. All othe r countries , $2.72 per year. Singl e copy , Price 25 cents . REMITTANCE S should be made by post-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owin g t o th e educationa l character of TH E ETUD E a majorit y of its readers do no t wish to mis s a n issue. Therefore , th e pub -lishers are pleased to exten d credit covering a Twelv e Months ' subscriptio n beyon d expiratio n of th e paid -up period. Thos e of our subscribers no t wishin g t o avail themselve s of thi s convenienc e of remittin g later will olease sen d a notic e for discontinuance . PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHL Y JOURNA L FO R TH E MUSICIAN , TH E MUSI C STUDENT , AN D AL L MUSI C LOVERS . Edited by JAMES FRANCI S COOK E Vol. XXXVII I No . 3 MARC H 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. O. at Philadelphia, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co. forU. S. A . and Great Britain RENEWAL.—N o receipt is sen t for renewals. O n th e wrapper of th e next issue sent yo u will be printe d th e dat e o n whic h you r subscriptio n is paid up , whic h serves as a receipt for your subscription . Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to TH E ETUDE . Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every poosible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISIN G RATE S will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODOR E PRESSE R CO. , Publishers , 1712 Chestnu t Street , Philadelphia , Pa . The World of Music Moritz Moszkowski , the eminent composer, is suffering with throat trouble at Paris, and is considered seriously ill. Jaques-Dalcroze, the French lec -ture r on Rhythm,, has postponed his projected tour in the United States. Pres-ent conditions of transport, etc., have made so many difficulties that his manager thinks it wise to wait until conditions are normal. American, copyright s in Finland, upon musical and literary productions, which were forfeited during the war because of , the interruption of mail service, are shortly to be restored. The wil l of the late Horatio Parker, disposing of property to the amount of $30,000, has been probated. Each of his three daughters receives $100, and the residue is bequeathed to his widow, Anna Parker. The Paris Opera wa s filled t o over -flowing- wit h the Opera artists and their friends and sympathizers at a meeting held there on January 10th. Tbe artists are on a "strike." A celebrated French com-poser, who. notified the strikers not to use any of hid compositions at their meeting, was hooted in derision by the artists when mentioned by one of the speakers. Th e Boston Symphony Orchestra announces tw o concerts fo r school children, to be held in the afternoon after school hours, and to include the best music. The tickets will be on advance sale at a small price for the children before they are available for the general public. Luigi Illica, th e late Italian libret -tist, was a victim of the recent war. He had never recovered from the results of an accident while on service at the Italian front. Though a man of over sixty, he volun-teered for duty as a corporal of artillery. The ne w Lord Mayor of London, Sir Edwar d E. Cooper, is an organist and an accomplished musician. Anton Door, pianist ond teacher of Vienna, died on November 7th. Up to 1902 he was a member of the Vienna Con-servatory and among his pupils were such notable artists as Felix Mottl, Zemlinsky, and Fischoff. "Zaza " Leoncavallo's opera, was pro-duced at the Metropolitan, New York City, on the 17th of January, with Miss Geraldine Farrar in the title role. It was enthusias-tically received. Paderewski , wh o had resigne d the premiership of Poland, has been in-duced, it is said, to reconsider. This rumor is offset by another which places Skilski with a coalition cabinet to fill the vacancy. lolanthe, the gracefu l light opera of Gilbert and Sullivan, was performed in mid-season by the Society of American lingers with great appreciation from a large audience in New York. It is all but acknowledge d that "Michae l Dvorsky, " the mysterious Spanish-sojourning composer, and .Tosef Hofmann, are one and the same person. "Pvorsky" is the equivalent in Russian, of • 'Hofmann" in German. Mrs. Reginal d de Koven , wif e of the late composer, is said to be a convert to spiritualism. The People's Choral Union, fonnde d by Dr. Fran k Damrosch nearl y thirty years ago, gives classes in sight singing throughout the city of New York, at the moderate price of ten cents a lesson. Those who take the course are fitted to sing nart s6ngs and choruses readily and accurately at sight. Mme. Scliumann-Heink, the great contralto, is reported ill a4- her home in San Diego, Calif. THE ETUDE'S sincere wishes for speedy recovery. The strike of artists at the Paris Opera, which closed the house on January 2, is said to be at an end, concessions having been made on both sides. Petitions urgin g the repeal of the wa r tax on music are being sent in to Congress from all over the country. Nail, the opera of Mr. Isadore de Lara, is the only opera in English given so far during this season in London. Patience, of Gilbert an d Sullivan, has experienced a successful revival in London within the last few weeks. It was preceded the previous week by the "Yeoman of the Guard," a less well-known opera by the same composer and librettist. The famou s Hande l Festiva l wil l tak e place in London in June at the Crystal Palace. The last Festival was held in 1912. Sir Frederick Cowen will conduct. The Mystic Trumpeter, a wor k fo r chorus and orchestra b y Mr. Hamil -ton Harty, the English Composer, was given with great success by the Phil-harmonic Society at Belfast recently. The poem of which the work is a setting, is by Walt Whitman. \ Fran z Neumann, is the ne w con-ductor of the Czech Opera at Brunn, Czecbo-Slovakia. He was formerly con-ductor of the Opera at Frankfort a/M. Opera is thriving at Brunn, and the house is filled every night to hear the operas of Czech composers, such as DvoMk, Kricka, Smetana, Fibich and Foerster. John Alden Carpenter's Symphony was performed in New York on Sunday, Jan-uary 11th. It achieved a great success. A ne w process of "doublin g up " is bein g adopted by the London Concert Halls, two concerts being given on the same afternoon, one early, and the other immediately following it. A Prize of Tw o Hundred and Fift y Dollars for the best America n band piece, has been offered by Edwin Franko Goldman, conductor of the Goldman Band. Victor Herbert, Percy Grainger and Lieu-tenant John Philip Sousa will be the judges in the contest. The compositions must be in before Mav 1st. The winning work will be performed in June at Columbia University. Address the Goldman Band, Columbia Uni-versity, New York. Mme. Gialli-Curci, the coloratura soprano, has recently been granted her divorce. John D. Rockefeller , Jr., lias con-tributed funds fo r a series of free concerts at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. Dr. Carl Elia s Dufft, the baritone, passed away at his residence at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., on January 9th. He was well known in this country and abroad and had the reputation of having sung in every state of the Union. He was educated as a physician, but his voice led him into professional paths as a musician. He belonged to many clubs and organizations. He leaves a wife, son and two daughters. Chamber Music fo r amateurs is a growin g activity in music in Eng -land. In every musical journal there are advertisements for amateurs of the various instruments to practice and play chamber music for pleasure. Rosa Raisa, the dramatic soprano, has take n out her first American papers, and will become a citizen of the United States. She was born a Russian-Pole. Pauline Hall, wel l know n to a forme r generation as a ligh t opera star, is dead. Grand Opera in the public schools is the latest activity in musical affairs for the people in New' York. A class in communit y song leadin g has been formed in Oakland, Cal., that may be drawn upon as occasion arises for well-drilled conductors of communal music. Caruso's ne w bab y gir l is to be name d "Gloria, " and her god-parents are the Marchese and the Marchesa Cappelli. The Boston Handel an d Hayd n So-ciety has just celebrated the 105th anni-versary of its founding. Marie Va n Zandt, once a noted opera star, is dead at her home in Cannes, France. After a successful operatic career which embraced tours all over this country and Europe, she married Professor Tcher-inova, and retired from the stage. Choir competitions hav e been lield recently in South Africa by the native choirs with astonishing results. These people who were so short a time ago mere savages, engage in part singing with de-lightful ease and musical sense. They are good sight readers, thanks to the thorough training which has been part of the educa-tional efforts of those who have had their welfare in hand. Th e Thirty-fourt h season of the London "Sunda y Popular Concerts" began this winter with the giving of its eight hundredth performance. Th e newes t use fo r music is an electrical device that plays music in the hen house continuously. It is said to keep the hens so alert that more egg-laying is the consequence. Th e second meetin g of the Musical Alliance of the United States was held in the latter part of November in New York City. Many musicians of national reputa-tion were present, and enthusiastic interest was manifested in the plans proposed for the advancement of musical projects. Major Henr y Lee Higginson , the forme r patron of the Boston Sym-phon y Orchestra at the time of the Muck incident, left nothing in his will to the Symphony, but his musical library, in trust to his manager, Charles Ellis. It has been rumored that had it not been for the storm aroused in this country by the treacherous activities of the leader of the Symphonv, Muck, and the disapproval of Major Higgin-son's defence of him, the latter would have endowed the Boston Symphony Orchestra with the whole of his great fortune. It is announced that Richar d Strauss has mad e an adaptation of a poem by the Viennese poet, Hugo von Hoff-mannsthal, the librettist of Strauss' opera, Electra. Atlantic City, N. J., is to hav e a Symphony Orchestra of its own in the near future. It is said that the late Andre w Car-negi e contributed to the purchase of 7,689 organs for churches which stood in need of them. He spent in this one charity an aggregate of $6,298,309 in all. He is quoted as having said that he would not en-dorse all that the clergymen spoke from their pulpits, but he would stand for every note played by the organists. 147 ti p ' ^ * \7 v CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1920 PAGE actionGoTo:4,WorldactionGoTo:4, ofactionGoTo:4, MusicactionGoTo:4, 147 Editorials - 14 y Music After the Great War Dr. Walter Damrosch 151 The Catchy Fourth 152 actionGoTo:9,GettingactionGoTo:9, AheadactionGoTo:9, inactionGoTo:9, MusicactionGoTo:9, 152 Sets of Habits 152 Method versus "Methods". Oscar Beringer 153 The Thought Touch 154 The Spirit and the Letter.A. S. Garbett 154 Murdering Your New Piece Rolcmd Farley 154 Franz Schubert E. di Pirani 155 The Secret of a Good Musical Memory Dr. C. W. Pearce 157 Why, Oh, Why? O. W. Mosher 158 Teacher's Advertisement.... //, M. Smith 158 A Large Order . .D. G. Woodruff 158 A Home Made Metronome M. M. Chapman 158 Classic Piano Playing..W. J. Henderson 159 Hints for Repertoire L. S. Ashton 160 A Mozart Story T. MacLeod 160 How to Accompany A. H. Lindo 161 Mental Attitudes., . .Norman H. Harney 162 The Right Kind of Musical History Sidney Grew 162 Flexible Wrist M. C. W. 162 What Instrument Shall I Choose? E. H. Pierce 163 Friendlv Rivals Sheldon B. Foote 164 Teachers' Round Table N. J. Corey 165 actionGoTo:23,ExaminationactionGoTo:23, bvactionGoTo:23, FatheractionGoTo:23, BachactionGoTo:23, 166 Healthy Rivalry 166 Grieg's Butterfly Yvonne Gianac 166 Music Prize Winners 166 Dr. S. N. Penfield 166 Why He Didn't' Get the Pupil A. J. Eastman 195 PAGE Vocal Department 196 Ponographs W. Francis Gates 199 Three Essentials William Calhoun 199 Organ Department, Edited by E. R. KrOeqer 200 actionGoTo:32,MusicactionGoTo:32, inactionGoTo:32, SchoolsactionGoTo:32, 203 A Pioneer Scholar 203 The Music of Angels 203 Violinists' Department, Edited bv Robert Braine 204 Questions and Answers, Edited by Arthur de Guichard 207 JUNIOR ETUDE, Edite d b v Elizabeth A. Gest 208 MUSIC Rubinstein's Melody in F E. Schutt 167 America Victorious. L. Strickland 170 Ecstasy ./. A. Fernandez 171 Merry Marchers. .... . .Theodora Dutton 172 Swinging E. A. Dicks 172 Peaceful Thoughts E. S. Hosmer 173 Floretta (Pour Hands) . . ..1. W. Lansing 174 Galop Burlesque (Four Hands) A. Garland 176 The Old, Old Love R. De Koven 178 Oriental Sketch J. I. Wray 183 Hunting Song R. Braine 184 Medal of Honor. J. F Fry singer 185 Scherzino A. F. Lejeal 186 Happy Jack H. L. Cramm 187 An Eastern Intermezzo.... Geo. Spenser 188 Chrysantheme (Violin and Piano) W. E. Haesche 189 Joyful Meeting c. W. Kern 100 Canoe Song (Vocal) T. Lieurance 191 The Voice of Jesus (Vocal).R. H. Terry 192 Canzone in A Flat (Pipe Organ) E. H. Sheppard 194
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