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Page 5* MARCH 1920 THE ETUDE Under Searching Eyes-D o you ever wince inwardly? A N unexpected meeting—a battery of eyes focused upon your face •A*, -m. —Can you meet it with com-posure? Is your skin flawless? Clear, lovely in coloring? Or is there some blemish that stands out mercilessly in your own conscious-ness? There is nothing that so destroys a man's or woman's poise and self-con-fidence as the consciousness of a com-plexion at fault. Blackheads are such a disfigurement. Enlarged nose pores, a skin that will get shiny—But these things can be cor-rected. Take care of the new skin that is forming every day as old skin dies. Give it every night the right treatment for your particular trouble, and within a week or ten days you will notice a marked improvement. Take one of the most common skin troubles. Perhaps your skin is con-stantly being marred by unsightly little blemishes. No doubt you attribute them to something wrong in your blood—but authorities on the skin now agree that in the great majority of cases these blemishes are caused by bacteria and parasites that are carried into the pores from outside, through dust and fine particles in the air. How to remove skin blemishes By using the Woodbury method of cleansing your skin, you can free it from such blemishes. Just before retiring, wash in your usual way with warm water and Woodbury's Facial Soap, finishing with a dash of cold water. Then dip the tips ctf your fingers in warm water and rub them on the cake of Wood-bury's until they are covered with a heavy cream-like lather. Cover each blemish with a thick coat of this and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse very carefully, first with clear, hot water, then with cold. Use this special treatment until the blemishes have disappeared, then con-tinue to give your face, every night, a thorough bath in the regular Wood-bury way, with Woodbury's Facial Soap and warm water, ending with a dash of cold water. In this way you can guard against any reappearance of the blemishes. The booklet containing full direc-tions for each one of the famous Wood-bury treatments is wrapped around each cake. Get a cake to-day and begin using it to-night. You will find Woodbury's Facial Soap on sale at any drug store or toilet goods counter in the United States or Canada. A 25-cent cake lasts for a month or six weeks of any treatment, or for general cleansing use. Would you like to have a trial size cake? For 6 cents we will send you a trial size cake (enough for a week of any Woodbury facial treatment), to-gether with the booklet of treatments. "A Skin You Love to Touch." Or for 15 cents we will send you the treat-ment booklet and samples of Wood-bury's Facial Soap, Facial Powder, Facial Cream and Cold Cream. Ad-dress The Andrew Jergens Co., 5603 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. If you live in Canada, address 7 he Andrew Jergens Co., Limited, 560? Sherbrooke Street, Perth, Ontario. THE Jesse French & Sons Baby Grand represents the supreme effort of our 40 years of piano manufacturing. It is the instrument the finished player is justly entitled to. It is the ideal piano for all. Liberal exchange offer on your old piano. Easy terms. Our Illustrated Catalog on request. Jesse French & Sons Piano Co. 1802 Seventh Ave. New Castle, Ind. "/esse French, o name well known since 1875" The Jesse French & Sons Baby Grand ^3lllIIEIlilIIC3Ml]IllIIIIIC3iIllllflllIIC2IIIIIIIIIIIir:2llllllIlilVIC3IIIIIIftllIIf£:ailllllllUllllllllC3LilIllllllIIC2llllllllllllC2l^ > - ^ j Harmony Book for Beginners j AN IMMEDIATE | By PRESTON WARE OREM ADMIRABLE FOR SUCCESS SELF-HEL P — ! Price $1.25 1 Brief, Simple, Vital, Practical, New and Distinctive Lays a strong foundation for future musicianship by giving the main | essentials of the subject in such simple, understandable and interesting manner that | it will prove invaluable in the class or for self-help work. Read this letter from JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, Famous Composer and Conductor: The system adopted in your Harmony Book is admirably adapted for the student who requires an instruction book that is " as plain as a pike." The text is so lucid that he " who runs may read "—a decided virtue in any text book. I congratulate you on your work and commend it to the student of harmony. | THEO. PRESSER CO. S K s PHILADELPHIA, PA. | Mastering the Scales and Arpeggios By James Francis Cooke Covers the entire subject from beginning to end Read these unusual testimonials from World Famous Teachers and Virtuosos: Gabrilowitsch: "Unusually solid and valuable book. Sure to arouse keen interest." Alberto Jonas: "Masterful from a pedagogical stand-point. I recommend it to every earnest musician." Katharine Goodson: "Most excellent. Extremely thorough and comprehensive." M . Rosen-thal: "Very valuable and useful." Emil Liebling: "Most practical presentation imaginable of an all important subject." An ever increasing sale amon g progressive teachers is its best advertisement | Price, $1.50 J THEO. PRESSER CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. mmmmmMMMm^mmrnMmmmmmMm when addressing our advertisers.
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