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Page 206 MARCH 1920 THE ETUDE EASTER MUSIC A Selected List for Choirmasters THE followin g selection is mad e u p of ne w an d standar d number s fro m ou r catalogue . Ever y numbe r is a gem . Solos, Duet s an d Anthem s all hav e the true festal ring In additio n to our ow n large an d comprehensiv e catalogu e w e hav e a complet e stoc k of the musi c of all publishers. W e will gladl y send for you r examinatio n copies of an y musi c w e have . UPLIFTING EASTER SOLOS BRILLIANT EASTER ANTHEMS 12948 Christ Hath Risen. High. (Violin Ob.) Rockwell 14798 Christ the Lord is Risen Med Delafield 12530 Christ's Victory. High. Neidlinger 12531 " " Med 12532 " " Low 8924 Come Ye Faithful. Med. Minetti 12534 Death is Vanquished. High. Neidlinger 12535 " " " Med., Neidlinger 16162 Easter Dawn. Med. C. P. Scott 12721 Easter Triumph. High. Shelley 12722 " " Med. " 12723 " " Low. " 5330 Glory to God. High. .A. Rotoli 5321 " " Med... 5362 " " " Low... 8046 Hail Glorious Morn. Violin Ob. High Geibel 8047 Hail Glorious Morn. Violin Ob. Low Geibel 12748 Hail Thou Risen One. High. Ward-Stevens 12749 Hail Thou Risen One. Low. Ward-Stevens 6891 Hail to the Risen Lord. High. Harding 8077 In the Dawn of Early Morn-ing. High. Violin Ob. Shackley 8078 In the Dawn of Early Morn-ing. Low. Violin Ob. Shackley 8061 Light of Hope. High..Geibel 8062 " " <? Low... " 5337 Lord is Risen. High. Violin Ob Lansing 5372 Lord is Risen. Low. Violin Ob 16241 Lord of Life and Glory. High F. A. Clark 9868 Resurrection Song. High. Stults 8059 Risen Lord. High Geibel 8060 " " Low " 7692 Sing With All the Sons of Glory. Low Mueller 7142 They Came to the Sepulchre. High Solly 5206 Victor Immortal. High. Brackett 4715 Voice Triumphant. High. Stults 5202 " " Low. Stults EASTER DUETS 14467 Christ Victorious. (Alt. and Ten.) ' Roberts 9447 Every Flower. (Sop. and Alt.) Rockwell 15335 He Lives Again. (Sop. and Ten.) W. H. Jones 14381 I am the Resurrection. (Sop. and Alt.) Stults 14403 Easter Morn. (Sop. and Alt.) Schoebel .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .75 .75 .75 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .65 .65 .60 .60 .50 .50 .50 .60 .60 .50 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 BRILLIANT EASTER ANTHEMS 10999 All Hail the Glorious Morn. R. M. Stults .12 10240 Alleluia, Alleluia!. ..Brander .15 (Continued,) 10796 Alleluia, Alleluia! Stults .15 15626 As it Began to Dawn. R. W. Martin .12 6085 As It Began to Dawn.Norris .20 10474 As It Began to Dawn..Stults .12 10513 Awake! Glad Soul Bridge .12 10910 Awake, Thou That Sleepest. Morrison .12 10033 Behold, I Shew You..Camp .15 10009 Behold, I Shew You..Solly .15 10920 Break Forth with Joy. Dale. .12 10472 Christ is Risen Brackett .12 10475 Christ is Risen Morrison .12 10221 Christ is Risen Wolcott .15 10984 Christ is Risen, Hallelujah! J. T. Wolcott .12 6086 Christ Our Passover. Shackley .15 6251 Christ the Lord is Risen. Gilbert .15 . 10504 Come See the Place.. .Avery .10 10655 Come Ye Faithful. .Percippe .15 6040 Day of Resurrection. Newcomb . 15 10601 Death is Swallowed Up. Marks .15 10237 Easter Even Bohannan .15 10114 Easter Triumph Brackett .15 15507 Glorious King, The. W. H. Jones .12 10391 Glorious Morn Bird .15 10163 Glory, O *God Brackett .15 10487 God Hath Sent His Angels. Hosmer .10 10903 Hail! Festal Day.. .Morrison .12 10308 Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Eastham .05 10802 He is Risen Stults .12 6295 He Was Crucified Solly .15 10111 Hosanna! . .. .Granier-Adams .15 6066 How Calm and Beautiful. Schnecker .15 10390 I Know that My Redeemer. Brackett .15 10629 Jesus Christ is Risen. Neidlinger . 15 6244 King of Glory Coombs .20 10653 Lift Your Glad Voices. Percippe .15 10242 Lord, My God Steane .15 10162 Morn's Roseate Hues. Berwald .15 10376 Morn's Roseate Hues. Bohannan .10 15586 Now is Christ Risen..Clark .12 10115 Passion and Victory .Dressier .15 15595 The Resurrection..R. M. Stults .12 15598 The Risen Lord. R. S. Morrison .12 6025 Sing, Gladly Sing Wodell .12 10689 Sing, Ye Heavens Starr .12 10801 Song of Triumph. . .Morrison .12 10575 Thanks Be to God ..Hotchkiss .12 10874 Thanks Be to God .. .Lansing .12 10120 Thanks Be to God ..Marchant .15 10401 'Tis Glorious Easter Morning. Dressier .15 10389 Triumphant Lord Berwald .15 10063 Welcome, Happy Morning. Brackett .15 156S2 Welcome, Happy Morning. G. N. Rockwell .12 10309 Why Seek Ye the Living. W. H. Eastham .05 WOMEN'S VOICES 10803 10899 10805 Alleluia, Alleluia! (Three Part) Brander Christ is Risen. (Two Parts) J. C. Warhurst Hosanna! (Two Part) Granier MEN'S VOICES 10804 Alleluia, Alleluia! Brander 10807 Behold, I Shew You a Mystery Solly 10241 Christ is Risen Minshall-Nevin 10934 Hosanna! Granier 10806 Sing With All the Sons Brackett EASTER CANTATA S .15 .1 2 .10. .15 .1 2 .1 0 .10 .10 TH E GREATES T LOV E By H . W . Petrie 75 cents DAW N O F TH E KINGDO M By J. T . Wolcot t 60 cents VICTOR Y DIVIN E By J. C. Marks $1.00 TH E WONDROU S CROS S By I. Berge 60 cents By R. M . Stults IMMORTALIT Y 60 cents Any of the above Publications will gladly be sent for examination THEO . PRESSE R CO . 1712 Chestnut Street :: Philadelphia, Pa. THE GEMS OF CZERNY ARRANGED AS A GRADED COURSE OF STUDIES Selected "Czerny" Studies Revised, Edited and Fingered, with Copious Annotations, by EMI L LIEBLIN G IN THRE E BOOK S PRIC E $1.00 EAC H AVALUABL E an d noteworth y additio n t o th e technica l litera -tur e o f th e pianoforte . Thi s wor k represent s a diligen t sift -in g an d carefu l selectio n o f materia l fro m th e entir e work s o f Czerny , includin g all ber s togethe r wit h equall y meritorio u s editoria l wor k ha s bee n painstakin g characte r an d interpretativ e ar e o f rea l practica l terest . Th e thre e carefull y an d closel y in g arrange d in pro -in difficult y fro m th e ent h grade . Czerny' s tai l an d hi s master y of trul y remarkable ; h e writer . Th e objec t o f CZERN Y th e popula r opu s num -man y les s known , bu t studies . Mr . Liebling' s o f th e mos t exac t an d fro m bot h th e technica l sides ; th e annotation s valu e an d musica l in -volumes , whic h ar e graded , th e studie s be -gressiv e order , rang e earl y secon d t o th e sev -master y o f technica l de -musica l expressio n ar e wa s a mos t voluminou s thi s presen t compila -tio n is t o presen t his ver y bes t studie s o f all grade s in attractiv e an d convenien t for m fo r genera l use . Th e succes s o f thi s wor k ha s bee n o f th e mos t flattering character . I t is th e bes t wor k o f th e kin d eve r offered . I t is printe d fro m beautifull y engrave d specia l plate s an d substantiall y an d thoroughl y boun d in heav y paper . THEODORE PRESSER CO., Philadelphia, Pa. —PIANOSCRIPT BOOK = FOR PRESERVING IMPORTANT ADVICE AND LESSON NOTES IN PERMANENT FORM By ALBERT O JONAS Price $1.50 MOS T TEACHER S OF STANDIN G IN THES E DAY S know that no matter how excellent the teaching material and editions they employ, they must continually give special exercises to meet special conditions. TH E PIANOSCRIP T BOO K is in no sense a blank music boo k in the or-dinary meaning of the term. True, there is ample blank music staves and blank pages for the writing in of plenty of new exercises for special needs. In addition to this, however, Senor Jonas has written a large number of special exercises and suggestions so that the teacher will have no difficulty in knowing how to proceed. „ ^ THER E AR E TWENTY-FIV E SECTION S or Departments in the book , each one marked b y a marginal thumb index, like a dictionary, so that the student can turn instantly to the right page and keep all lesson notes in order. Th e boo k is handsomely bound in cloth, stamped in gold—something the student can keep a lifetime as a valuable souvenir of student days. This book is now very strongly endorsed b y such eminent men as Godowsky , Friedheim, Hutcheson, Stojowski, Bauer, Chadwick , Faelton, Damrosch , Foote, Dr. Rybner, Sternberg and man y others wh o have introduced it in their regular teaching work. Copies on sale to established teachers. THEO. PRESSER CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Permanently Adopted by Foremost Teachers STANDAR D HISTOR Y OF MUSI C By JAME S FRANCI S COOK E PRICE, $1.50 A FIRST HISTORY OF MUSIC FOR STUDENTS AT ALL AGES A thoroughly practical textbook told in story form. So clear a child can understand every word— so absorbing that adults are charmed with it. All difficult words "self-pronounced." 150 excellent illustrations, map of musical Europe, 400 test questions, 250 pages. Strongly bound in maroon cloth, gilt stamped. Any teacher may use it without previous experience. THEODOR E PRESSE R COMPAN Y : : PHILADELPHIA , PENNA . Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing our advertisers.
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