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THE ETUDE JANUARY 1920 Paye 11 Buyer to Obtain the Best and Most Used for Piano, Voice, Violin and Organ Just the Type of Work of Which You Are in Need V I PIANO COLLECTIONS ALBUM OF DESCRIPTIVE PIECES $1 25 Characteristic piano pieces, depicting mus-ically various scenes and impressions. Inter-mediate Grade. AMERICAN COMPOSERS' ALBUM 1 25 BACH, J. S. Album of Favorite Pieces 75 BEETHOVEN. Selections from Piano Works.'.... I 00 " Easier Piano Compositions 60 BOHM, C. Album of Favorite Compositions ... . 75 BUGBEE-DAVIS, L. A. Merry Rhymes for Child-hood Times. Vocal or Instrumental 75 CELEBRATED COMPOSITIONS BY FAMOUS COMPOSERS 1 00 CHAMINADE, C. Album of Favorite Compositions 75 CHOPIN, F. Complete Waltzes 75 actionGoTo:40,"actionGoTo:40, EtudesactionGoTo:40, foractionGoTo:40, theactionGoTo:40, PianoforteactionGoTo:40, 75 " Lighter Compositions for Piano 1 25 " Complete Nocturnes 1 00 " Selected Works (1. Phillip) 1 50 " Polonaises 1 00 CLEMENTI, M. Sonatinas for Piano 75 COMPOSITIONS FOR THE PIANOFORTE BIT WOMAN COMPOSERS 1 CO CRAMM, H. M. New Tunes and Rhymes for Little Pianists 75 For children. To be taken up in connection with any primer or instruction book as a help in learning the staff notation. " Pleasant Pastimes 75 actionGoTo:1,"actionGoTo:1, SunnyactionGoTo:1, DayactionGoTo:1, SongsactionGoTo:1, 75 DE LEONE, B. B. Little Tunes for Little People 75 DUTTON, THEODORA. The First Progress 75 EASY DANCE ALBUM 75 ENGELMANN, H. 24 Pieces for Small Hands . 75 " Album of Easy Pieces. 26 most popular teach-ing pieces 75 " Album of Favorite Pieces. His best drawing-room pieces, including "Melody of Love".. 1 00 FIRST DANCE ALBUM 75 FIRST PARLOR PIECES 75 FIRST RECITAL PIECES 1 00 FIRST SONATINAS 75 FIRST PIECES IN THE CLASSICS 1 00 GODARD ALBUM 75 GREENWALD, M. Children's Songs and Games 75 Popular traditional children's songs ar-ranged as piano pieces. " Melodies of the Past 7> " Children's Rhymes from A to Z 1 00 GRIEG, ED. First Peer Gynt Suite, Op. 46 75 " Album of Miscellaneous Pieces 1 25 GURLITT. Album Leaves for the Young .. 60 " Album of Selected Compositions (Mathews).. 10 9 HAMER, G. F. Old Rhymes New Tunes 60 HANDEL ALBUM (Presser) 75 HANDEL, G. F. Twelve Pieces far the Pianoforte 50 HARTMANN, A. Fifty-one Old Hungarian Melodies 1 25 Playable versions of old folk melodies ar-ranged by a master hand. HAYDN, J. Sonatas, Vol. 1 10 0 " Sonatas, Vol. II 10 0 HEINS, CARL. Album of Pianoforte Pieces 75 HUDSON. Musical Poems for Children 75 " Musical Picture Book 75 KERN, C. W. Mississippi River Sketches 1 25 Attractive characteristic pieces, based upon American river scenes. Grade 4. KROGMANN, C. W. Five-Note Recreations. Ten excellent little teaching pieces 1 00 KUHLAU, F. Sonatinas 75 LEFT HAND RECREATION ALBUM 75 LICHNER, H. Sonatinas, Ops. 4, 49, 66 75 LISZT, F. Album of Celebrated Works 12 5 " Consolations and Love Dreams 50 LITTLE HOME PLAYER. Piano or Organ MASTER PIECES. The 21 best compositions from the greatest masters MATHEWS. Standard First and Second Grade Pieces " Standard Third and Fourth Grade Pieces . . " Standard Fifth and Sixth Grade Pieces. Large collections for teaching and recreation purposes " Standard Compositions, Vol. I, Grade I to Vol. VII, Grade VII, each MENDELSSOHN. Songs Without Words (Com-plete) • MODERN DANCE ALBUM MODERN DRAWING-ROOM PIECES MOSZKOWSKI, M. Favorite Compositions MOZART, W. A. Sonatas, 2 vols., each " Sonatas, Complete " Album of Favorite Compositions .. . NEW AND MODERN SONATINA ALBUM OLD FAVORITES' ALBUM PARLOR and SCHOOL MARCHES PIANO PLAYER'S REPERTOIRE OF POPULAR PIECES. 39 Popular Pieces POPULAR HOME ALBUM. 46 Pieces POPULAR PARLOR ALBUM POPULAR RECITAL REPERTOIRE. 31 Pieces . ROGERS, J. H. Toy Shop Sketches ROWE, DANIEL. Tone Stories for Boys and Girls Large notes; suitable for young pupils or kindergarten work. Lively and pleasing. SALON ALBUM. Favorile Parlor Pieces SCHOOL AND HOME MARCHES SCHUBERT, F. Impromptus, Moments Musicals. SCHUMANN, R. Selected Works " Album for the Young, Op. 68 " Scenes from Childhood, Op. 15 SLATER, D. D. Pictures from Fairyland " Pictures from Holiday Land " Pictures from Story land Second grade teaching pieces of unusual merit. Melod ious and mudicianly. SONATA ALBUM, Vol. I, 15 Sonatas by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven SONATINA ALBUM (Louis Kohler) SPAULDING, GEORGE L. Souvenirs of the Masters. Introducing famous melodies... " Album for the Pianoforte " Birthday Jewels " Tunes and Rhymes (with words) " Youthful Diversions (with words) " Well-known Fables Set to Music (with words) STANDARD ADVANCED PIECES. 28 Pieces STANDARD BRILLIANT 4LBUM. 27 Pieces.... STANDARD FIRST PIANO PIECES. 72 Pieces.. STANDARD OPERA ALBUM - . • Melodies from the great operas arranged in the best manner in intermediate difficulty not beyond the fourth grade. STANDARD PARLOR ALBUM. 41 Pieces^ STANDARD STUDENT'S CLASSIC ALBUM SUNDAY PIANO MUSIC • Dignified piano music, especially useful lor the church pianist. SWIFT, N. Storytims and Playtime TERRY, F. Little Artist, The TREBLE CLEF ALBUM 20TH CENTURY DANCE ALBUM VERY FIRST PIECES, THE ^ ; WACHS, PAUL. Album of Favorite Compositions WAGNER-LISZT. Album of Transcriptions YOUNG PLAYER'S ALBUM. 70 Pieces $0 75 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 25 75 1 50 75 1 25 75 1 25 2 50 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 75 40 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 00 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 1 00 1 00 60 75 75 75 1 00 1 00 75 VOCAL METHODS AND STUDIES GREENE, H. W. Standard Graded Course of Singing. 4 books, each $1 25 MARCHESI, S. 20 Elementary and Progressive Vocalises for Medium Voice, Op. 15 1 00 MYER, EDMUND J. Vocal Instructor. A practical guide to artistic methods 1 25 " A Revelation to the Vocal World 60 REDDALE, F. The School Singer. For normal classes; includes a large collection of songs for all purposes 60 ROOT, F. W. Methodical Sight Singing. The Beginning 60 " Methodical Sight Singing, Through the Keys. 60 " Methodical Sight Singing, Progressive Musi-cianship . 60 " Introductory Lessons in Voice Culture 10 0 " Guide for Male Voice. 1 25 SIEBER, F. Elementary Exercises, 36 8-Measure Studies, Op. 92, Soprano 60 " Op. 93, Mezzo-Soprano 60 " Op. 94, Alto 60 VACCAI, N. Practical Italian Vocal Method 75 VIEHL, G. Graded Studies in Sight Singing . . 75 A complete sight singing manual for class or private work. WHELPTON, G. Vocal Studies for Soprano and Tenor. " Student's Manual of Sight Singing. Clear. concise exposition . . " Vocal Studies for Medium Voice A help for the busy teacher. The needed exercises given in progressive order 75 The Theodore Presser Company cheerfully opens accounts with responsi-ble individuals, grants liberal discounts to the profession and offers many other advantages, such as the "On Sale" Plan, to the Mail-Order music buyer. form will be sent gratis upon request MK Y DEH ROU T C PHILADELPHIA, PA. VOCAL COLLECTIONS i ARTISTIC VOCAL ALBUM FOR HIGH VOICE. $1 25 ARTISTIC VOCAL ALBUM FOR LOW VOICE . 1 25 CECILIAN CHOIR. Sacred two part Songs for women's voices 75 CELEBRATED RECITAL SONGS. Compiled and Edited by David Bisdiam 2 00 CHOIR BOOK FOR WOMEN'S VOICES 75 CHURCH AND HOME. Sacred Songs, High Voice 1 00 " Sacred Songs, Low Voice 1 00 GALLOWAY, TOD B. Seven Memory Songs . 1 50 GLEE SINGERS' COLLECTION. Mixed voices. 75 JUVENILE SONG BOOK $1 00 LIEURANCE, THURLOW. Indian Songs 1 50 MEN'S CLUB COLLECTION 75 NEIDLINGER. Little Folks' Song Book 1 00 SACRED DUETS. For all Voices 12 5 SINGER'S REPERTOIR. 36 Songs 75 SLATER, D. D. Four Sacred Song* 10 0 STANDARD SONG TREASURY. 48 Songs 75 STANDARD VOCALIST. 50 Songs 75 TWO PART SONGS. Women's voices 75 WOMEN'S CLUB COLLECTION 75 ORGAN WORKS actionGoTo:32,AMERICANactionGoTo:32, ORGANISTactionGoTo:32, $2actionGoTo:32, 00 Preludes, postludes and offertories for church and recital, all by prominent American writers. BACH, J. S. Eight Short Preludes and Fugues . 75 CLASSIC AND MODERN GEMS for Reed Organ 1 25 LANDON, C. W. Organ Melodies 1 50 An album of transcriptions for the pipe or-gan, various classic and modern masters being represented. " Reed Organ Method, Paper 1 25 " School of Reed Organ Playing, 4 vols., 4 grades, each 1 00 OREM, P. W. The Organ Player—Pipe Organ Collection 2 00 ORGAN REPERTOIRE. Pipe Organ Collection .. $2 00 PRESSER, THEO. Velocity Studies. Furnishes help in an unoccupied field 1 00 REED ORGAN PLAYER. Collection of classic and modern pieces 90 ROGERS, J. H. Graded Materials for Pipe Organ. An instructor especially for pianists 1 25 STAINER, Dr. J. The Organ 12 5 STANDARD ORGANIST. Pipe Organ Pieces.... 75 WHITING, GEO. E. 24 Progressive Studies for the PipeOrgan. To follow the elementary stage. 1 25 " The Beginner's Pipe Organ Book. A standard technical practical instructor 1 25 MUSICAL THEORY, REFERENCE BOOKS, GENERAL MUSICAL LITERATURE BALTZELL, W. J. History of Music $2 00 Adopted by leading schools, colleges and conservatories of music. Many illustrations and portraits. BENDER G.C. Business Manual for MusicTeachers 1 25 CLARKE, H. A. Harmony, A Text-Book 12 5 Intended to enable the pupil to grasp easily and comprehensively the facts and rules of the art of Harmony. " Key to Harmony, A Text-Book 60 CLARKE, H. A. Counterpoint, Strict and Free 1 25 " Pronouncing Dictionary 1 25 " Student's Pocket Dictionary 30 COOKE, J. F. Standard History of Music 1 50 A first History for Students at all ages. 40 story lessons in music lore. Most readable; 150 excellent portraits and illustrations. COOKE, J. F. Great Pianists on the Art of Pianoforte Playing. 2 25 Personal conferences on technic, interpretation, expres-sion and style with our most distinguished virtuosos. ELSON, L. C. Mistakes and Disputed Points in Music and Music Teaching 1 50 GROVE'S DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSI-CIANS. 5 vols., 4,000 pages 17 00 HEACOX, ARTHUR E. Ear Training 1 00 OREM, P. W. Harmony Book for Beginners $1 25 The plainest and most elementary harmony book ever issued. Adapted for private or class teaching, especially suited for self-instruction. PERRY. Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works.... 2 00 " Stories of Standard Teaching Pieces 2 00 These companion volumes furnish a wealth of Romance, Anecdote and Educa-tional Information without which students and music lovers might easily miss an in-telligent . understanding of many well-known and standard compositions. Stu-dents, teachers and concert-goers should get acquainted with these books. REDMAN, H. N. Pronouncing Dictionary of Musical Terms 60 SKINNER, O. R. First Year in Theory 1 00 SCHMITT, H. Pedals of the Piano 1 25 STREATFIELD. Life Stories of Great Composers 2 25 TAPPER. First Studies in Music Biography 17 5 A History of Music for Children. Direct, readable and never heavy. Full sketch of each composer's life with portraits and other illustrations. " Education of the Music Teacher 1 75 WILKINSON, C. W. How to Play Well-known Pianoforte solos 2 00 WODELL, F. W. Choir and Chorus Conducting... 2 00 TEACHERS' SPECIALTIES BILLS OR RECEIPTS. Package of 100 $0 30 BLANK BILLS. Large size (50) 30 BLANK MUSIC BOOKS. 6 staves, 32 pages 18 8 staves, 32 pages 24 8 staves, 40 pages 30 8 staves, 64 pages 42 BLANK MUSIC PAPER. 12, 14 or 16 staves, and Vocal, size 11 x 14 inches, per quire 90 Octavo size, 7x1 1 inches. 10 or 12 staves, per quire. . 61 6 lines, widespacinp, 7 x 100 sheets. . 30 CLARKE, H. A. Harmony Tablet. 30 GUARD, F. F. Music Pupil's Lesson Book and Practice Record 15 MUSIC TEACHER'S DESK TABLET. Pad of 100 20 MUSIC WRITING PENS. Per dozen $0 25 PRESSER'S FIRST MUSIC WRITING BOOK 10 STANDARD PRACTICE SLI PS. Pad of 100 . 15 STANDARD LESSON RECORD 30 STUDENT'S HARMONY TABLET 20 TIME CARDS. Lesson and Practice Record. Package of 25 30 PAPEROID WALLETS SHEET MUSIC SIZE each 40 " " " per doz. 3 60 " per hd. 27 00 OCTAVO SIZE each 25 " " per dot 2 40 " per hd. 18.00 IjfjilfG] ^ | Catalogs That Are Classified Guides of musical works, including Singer's Hand Book, Piano Study Guide, Hand Book for Violin Music, Hand Book for Pipe and Reed Organ, Choir and Chorus Hand Book, Hand Book for 4, 6, 8 and 12 Hands. Catalog of Juvenile Musical Publications. Thematic Catalogs and complete Catalogs of Vocal and Instru-mental Music will be sent to you on request, without obligating you to buy. Our Octavo Catalog is extensive and comprehensive, continually increasing with many notable accessions. We publish anthems, choruses and part son^.s, all styles, and in all degrees of difficulty. We aim to assist in every way possible the busy organist and choral director.
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