Page 72 JANUARY 1920 THE ETUDE MUSICAL AMERICA The leading International Musical Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Musical activities of the world. Profusely Illustrated Subscription Price; for One Year: Domestic . . $3.00 Gan&da . . 4.00 Foreign . . 5.00 The MUSIC TRADES The Leading Weekly Paper devoted to every branch of the Musical In-dustries. Contains all the News. Is Constructive and Educational. Profusely Illustrated I T I S A VALUABL E ASSE T T O TH E DEALE R I N TH E RETAILIN G O F MUSICA L INSTRUMENT S Subscription Price; for One Year: Domestic . . $3.00 Canada . . 4.00 Foreign . . 5.00 The Piano 6 Organ Purchaser's Guide For 1919 The Twenty-third Annual Edition Now Ready. Contains complete authenic list and grading of Pianos and Organs manufactured in the United States. Also some account of the leading Phonograph and Talking Machine Manufacturers, Music Roll Makers, Supply Houses & Musical Merchandise Concerns. Price 25 cents per copy Invaluable to the Dealer In Protecting Standard Makes of Pianos and Players in Competition. ^Special Offer^ On e Year' s Subscriptio n (domestic) t o MUSICA L AMERICA ; On e Year' s Subscriptio n (domestic) t o Th e MUSI C TRADE S an d on e copy of th e 1919 issueo f Th e PIAN O & ORGA N $£.00 PURCHASER' S GUID E . , . . ™ THE MUSICAL AMERICA CO. THE MUSIC TRADES CO. 501 Fifth Avenve, New York THE PRESSER COLLECTION An edition of standard studies and classical collections in book form at low retail prices. WEL L EDITE D AN D CARE -FULL Y PRINTE D O N TH E FINES T PAPE R AN D AT -TRACTIVEL Y AN D SUB -STANTIALL Y BOUND . All subject to a liberal dis-count to the profession. The teacher who writes for a catalogue of this collection and the discount offered will realize the tremendous saving that can be effected by the use of this edition. Write for catalogue today and request details of plan whereby we gladly send any of these works for examination. THEO. PRESSER CO. 1712 CHESTNUT ST., Phila., Pa. Paderewski and Other Great Artists Endorse Our Lessons ARE you satisfied with your out-look in the profession—don't you feel that you could estab-lish yourself in a position of greater responsibility and incidentally enjoy a better financial future if you spent a little time on brushing up your own knowledge? An ounce of proof is worth a pound of promise. Making claims is easy— "making good" is the real test of merit. Many readers of TH E ETUD E —teachers and students, have been • ' greatly benefited by our courses— others have seen our announcement in this publication for years, but as yet have no direct personal knowledge of the Sherwood Piano Lessons for Students and Teachers They contain complete, explicit instruction on every phase of piano playing and teaching. No stone has been left unturned to make this absolutely perfect. It would surprise you to know that Sherwood devoted to each lesson enough time to earn at least $100.00 in teach-ing. It is possible for you to get all this time and energy and devo-tion to the art for almost nothing, compared to what it cost. The lessons are illustrated with life-like photographs of Sherwood at the piano. They are given with weekly examination papers. To be a successful teacher one must be able to give, not only the proper in-struction, but to ask the right questions at the right time, which will develop the students' use of the knowledge imparted. The Sherwood Course is available to every teacher throughout the country. No need to give up your present classes and leave home for private instruction. Harmony A knowledge of Harmony is necessary for every student and teacher. You can study the Harmony Course prepared especially for us by Adolph Rosenbecker, former Soloist and Conductor, pupil of Richter, and Dr. Daniel Protheroe, Eminent Composer, Choral Con-ductor and Teacher. You will receive the personal instruction of Herbert J. Wrightson, Theorist and Composer. You need Harmony and this is your chance to study the subject thoroughly. Harmony Teaches You to 1. Analyz e Music, thus enablin g yo u to determin e the ke y of an y compositio n and its variou s har -moni c progressions . 2. Transpos e at sigh t mor e easily accompaniment s whic h yo u ma y be called upon to play. 3. Harmoniz e Melodies correctl y and arrang e musi c fo r bands and orchestras. 4. Detec t Wron g Notes and fault y progression s in printed musi c or durin g the performanc e of a com -position. 5. Memoriz e Rapidly , one of the ver y greates t benefits derive d fro m the study of Harmony . 6. Substitute othe r notes whe n fo r an y reason the ones writte n are inconvenien t to play. Unprecedented Special Offer! Will you take advantage of our offer of 6 lessons which we offer to ETUD E readers without charge or obligation on their part? W e will send you 6 lessons from the Normal Piano or Harmony Course or 6 lessons selected from some other subject, if you prefer. We have courses in Piano (one for students and one for teachers), Har-mony, Voice, Choral Conducting, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Guitar and Mandolin. Select the course yqu are interested in and write now for 6 lessons and catalog. You will receive full details of the course and be under no- obligation to us. The cost is nothing and you will benefit much. University Extension Conservatory Clarence Eddy, Dean 6217 Siegel-Myers Bldg. Chicago, 111. A New Edition ! =GR0VE'S = DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS T^HIS Greatest Effort in Musical Literature has been reprinted to supply the demand, but before going to press typographical errors of previous editions were cor-rected and the date s of deaths that have occurred since the last revision have been inserted in this latest edition. FIVE LARG E VOLUME S BOUND IN RED CLOTH AND STAMPED IN GOLD : : : There are 4,000 pages and over 5,000,000 words fro m grea t authorities upon all phases of musical learning. The books are liberally illustrated with cuts, half-tones and notation examples. Thousands of subjects are discussed: Biography, His-tory, Musical Science, Theory, Musical I ndustries, Instrumenta-tion, ^Esthetics, Musical Terms, etc., etc. The work is the most notable musical compendium in any language. Have these splendid musical books in your own home. What the Encyclopedia Britannica is to General Information the Grove Dictionary is to Music. There is no better Mlisical Refer-ence Library at any price in any language. Unabridged in any way. THE EARLY EDITIONS SOLD FOR $25.00 The Price of this Latest Edition is $17.00 Notwithstanding the low price made for cash we accept orders subject to part payments. Write for terms. The set is also given as a premium for obtaining subscriptions to THE ETUDE. REMEMBER THE HOUSE OF THEO. PRESSER CO. STANDS BEHIND THIS TRANSACTION IN EVERY WAY . SEND YOUR ORDER TO THEO. PRESSER CO. Sole Agents Philadelphia, Penna. Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing our advertisers.
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