Page 2 JANUARY 1920 TI1E ETUDE rjDGE* A List Selected for Aiding Every Music Instructors, Studies and Collections . A Careful Study of This List May Bring to Your A ttention PRIMERS—RUDIMENTARY WORKS BILBRO, MATHILDE. Spelling Lessons in Time and Notation $0 50 In a unique manner this work acquaints the pupil with all phases of notation. BURROWE'S PIANOFORTE PRIMER (PAPER). 20 CLARKE, H. A. Theory Explained to Piano Students , 50 Teaches the principles of Harmony in the simplest and quickest manner. CUMMINGS, W. H. Rudiments of Music. With questions for examination 60 EVANS, M. G. Primer of Facts About Music.... 60 A compact musical encyclopaedia. Imparts all the essential fundamental facts necessary to a musical education. JOUSSE'S MUSICAL CATECHISM (PAPER)... 20 KILLOUGH, G. C Gibbon's Catechism of Music 60 _ 499 Questions and Answers. Notation, time values, intervals, scales, keys, chords, embellishments, etc. LANDON, C. W. Writing Book for Music Pupils, Complete 60 " Writing Book for Music Pupils, Book 1 40 LANDON, C. W. Writing Book for Music Pupils, Book II.. . $0 40 A practical and easily understood pre-sentation of everything writable in musi-cal characters, leading to a full knowledge of notation. MARKS, E. F. Writing Book. 25 Has pages alternating with staff ruling and ordinary ruled lirtes for hand written matter pertaining to the musical notation on oppo-site page. Very practical. MORRIS, M. S. Writing Primer... 30 No previous knowledge of music required. Beginner learns the rudiments of music by writing simple exercises. SUTOR, ADELE. Note Spelling Book 50 This is one of the most successful devices for teaching notation to the young. TAPPER, THOS. Children's Biographies of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Han-del, Chopin, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Verdi and Wagner. Each. 20 The child, by doing a little pasting and binding, illustrates and practically makes his or her own book. PIANO INSTRUCTORS ABBOTT Mrs. A. T. A Method for Gaining a Perfect Knowledge of the Wotes $0 25 BATCHELLOR-LANDON. Musical Kindergarten Method 2 00 For the nursery and classroom. This work is unique in its design. BEGINNER'S METHOD. Theo. Presser 1 00 Intended for the youngest beginners and perfectly adapted to their needs and insuring not only pleasant but rapid progress. Phe-nomenally popular with teachers who instruct young pupils. BEYER, F. Elementary School of Piano Playing 75 FIRST STEPS IN PIANO STUDY 1 25 A concise, practical and melodious intro-duction to pianoforte study. Carefully graded. Material for nine months of pleasant work. HUDSON, H. B. A B C of Piano Music 60 A keyboard primer. A capital "tryout " for the young child. KOHLER, LOUIS. Practical Piano Method, Op. 249, Vols. I, II and III, each $0 50 LANDON, C. W. Foundation Materials for Piano. 1 25 Leads to solid musicianship through an easily graded, pleasant and interesting course of practical study. PRESSER, THEO. School of the Pianoforte. Stu-dent's Book 1 00 Intended to follow Mr. Presser's enormously popular Beginner's Book, but adapted to succeed any elementary instructor. The ma-terial is all bright and sparkling, melodious and attractive. SCHMOLL, A. New Piano Method. In Two Books. Each 1 25 One of the most popular music books of the present day. WAGNER, E. D. First Instruction Book for the Piano, Parti 12 5 PIANO COLLECTIONS—FOUR HANDS BASCHINSKY, P. One Year in the Life of a Child $0 75 12 little pieces, with text ad lib. A charac-teristic number for each month. CHILDHOOD DAYS (Harthan). Instructive Duets for Teacher and Pupil 75 CONCERT DUETS 1 25 24 pieces, 150 pages, classical and popular, medium difficulty. DUET HOUR. 31 Minuets in Easy Grades 75 ENGELMANN FOUR HAND ALBUM 1 00 FOUR-HAND EXHIBITION PIECES 1 25 FOUR HAND MISCELLANY 1 25 FOUR HAND PARLOR PIECES 75 JUVENILE DUET PLAYERS 75 MARCH ALBUM 90 MOSZKOWSKI, M. Spanish Dances 10 0 MUSIC LOVERS' DUET BOOK 75 OPERATIC FOUR HAND ALBUM. 22 Duets... 75 SARTORIO, A. Instructive Four Hand Album. 20 Melodious duets for Teacher and Pupil.. $0 75 " Pleasant Hours, Eight Instructive Four Hand Pieces, Op. 1042 SPAULDING, G. L. You and I For young students. Both parts easy. " Just We Two A duet book of easy, real first grade duets. STANDARD DUET PLAYERS' ALBUM STANDARD OVERTURE ALBUM 160 pages, 10 famous overtures, including Poet and Peasant, Martha, Carmen, Tann-hauser, etc. TWO PIANISTS VERY FIRST DUET BOOK Pieces in the first and second grades for two students of nearly equal attainments. 1 00 90 75 75 1 00 1 25 75 VIOLIN MATERIAL AIQOUNI, K. H. Practical Method for the Young Violinist .. . $1 25 BENJAMIN, FRANK T. Comprehensive Violin Method 1 25 DANCLA, CH. Six Petits Airs Varies, Op. 89 . . 75 FR \NKLIN, F. A. Operatic Selections 90 " Selected Classics 90 HOHMANN, C. H. Practical Violin School, Ger-man and English Text, complete 2 00 " Same in 5 Books, each 60 KAYSER, H. E. Elementary and Progressive Studies, Op. 20. 3 Books, each 50 LIEURANCE, THURLOW. Indian Melodies 1 00 PLEYEL, I. J. Petit Duos for Two Violins, Op. 8 50 STANDARD VIOLINIST, 32 pieces $0 75 STUDENT'S POPULAR ALBUM. 22 Favorite Compositions 90 TOURS, B. Complete Instructor for Violin 1 00 VIOLINISTS' POPULAR REPERTOIRE.29 pieces . 75 WATSON, MABEL M. Bel Canto Method for Violin 1 25 Positively the most elementary method ever written for the violin. WICHTL, G. Op. 10, The Young Violinist 12 5 WOHLFAHRT, F. Elementary Violin Method for Beginners, Op. 38 1 00 " Fifty Easy Melodic Studies, Op. 74, 2 Books, each 50 SUgMIMOM ^ Theo. Presser Co. "On Sale" Plan guarantees satisfaction. Any of the Presser publications (works listed here or any of our book or sheet music publications) will be sent for examination upon request. You may specify special items that you would care to examine. Send your order now, no preliminary correspondence is necessary. Tell us your needs (name a few pieces or studies of style desired) and let us send you a package of material to select from. You pay only for what you use and return the re-mainder. The same large discount allowed as though the music was purchased outright. Music not used is returned to us but once a year. Settlements are PIANO TECHNICS AND STUDIES 1 BACH, J. S. Little Preludes and Fugues SO 75 " Inventions for the Piano 75 " First Study of Bach (Leefson) 6« " Well Tempered Clavichord, Vol. I 1 •• BERTINI, H. 25 Studies for Pianoforte, Op. 29 <• " 25 Studies for Pianoforte, Op. 100. BIEHL, A. Elements of Piano Playing, Op. 30... . W BILBRO, MATHILDE. General Study Book..... . 75 A very useful book of studies and recrea-tions, well adapted to accompany or supple-ment any instruction book or method. BLOSE, JOH. M. Pedal Book 10 0 BUGBEE, L. A. First Grad* Studies. Easy, original, melodious study pieces 1 00 " Second Grade of Melodic Studies 1 00 A volume to succeed "First Grade Studies" by the same author. . BURGMULLER, F. 25 Studies, Op. 100 .. 60 " 12 Brilliant and Melodious Studies, Op. 105.. 60 " 18 Etudes de Genre, Characteristic Etudes, Op. 109 60 CHORDS AND ARPEGGIOS (Or em) 35 CLEMENTI, M. Gradus ad Parnassum 1 00 CONCONE, J. Selected Studies 12 5 " Op. 24; 25; 30; 31, each 60 " Twenty-four Brilliant Preludes, Op. 37 60 COOKE, J. F. Mastering the Scales 1 50 Enables the teacher to start scale study with very young pupils and carry it on to the highest degree of proficiency with advanced students. Practice material fully written out. Many original features found in no other work. CRAMER, J. B. Fifty Selected Studies 1 50 CZERNY, C. One Hundred Studies, Op. 139 75 " 100 Recreations 75 " 101 Short Exercises in Passage Playing. Op. 261 75 " School of Velocity, Op. 299 1 00 " School of Velocity, Op. 299. 4 books, each... 40 " 6 Octave Studies, Op. 553 40 " First Pianoforte Instructor, Op. 599 75 " Preliminary School of Dexterity, Op. 636 75 " Art of Finger Development, Op. 740 1 60 " Op. 740, 6 books, each 40 " Practical Finger Exercises. Op. 802 1 00 CZERNY-LIEBLING. Selected Studies. Three books, each 1 00 Czerny's most necessary studies selected and arranged in practical and progressive order by an expert in piano teaching. DORING, C. H. School of Octave Playing. Op. 24 75 DUVERNOY, J. B. Ecole du Mecanisme, Op. 120 60 " Ecole Primaire, Op. 176 60 GURLITT, C. Easiest Velocity Studies. Op. 83. 60 " First Lessons. Op. 117 50 " School of Velocity. Op. 141 75 HANON, C L. Virtuoso Pianist, Complete. 1 50 HELLER, STEPHEN. Thirty Selected Studies. The best studies from the most popular opus numbers 1 50 HELLER, STEPHEN, 25 Melodious Studies, Op. 45 1 00 " 30 Progressive Studies, Op. 46 1 00 " 25 Studies, Op. 47 1 00 HERZ, H. Scales and Exercises 75 JONAS, ALBERTO. The Pianoscript Book 1 56 A unique indexed volume by an artist-teacher, covering all phases of modern piano playing, with technical suggestions and records of at-tainments, kept by the student. KLEINE PISCHNA 60 KOELLING, CARL. Major and Minor 75 This work takes the pupil in the 6econd or third grade through all the major and minor keys with suitable studies and study pieces. KOHLER, L. First Studies, Op. 50 50 " 12 Little Studies, Op. 157 40 " 12 Preparatory Lessons, Op. 151 50 " Very Easiest Exercises, Op. 190 40 " Small School of Velocity, Op. 242 50 KROEGER, E. R. 15 Etudes for the cultivation of the left hand 12 5 Interesting, beautifully made and,of genu-ine musical value. KUNZ, K. M. Two Hundred Short Two-Part Canons, Op. 14 10 0 LANDON, C. W. Playing Two Notes Against Three 80 " Wrist Studies 75 LESCHETIZKY METHOD. The Modern Pianist. (Prentner) 1 75 LOESCHHORN, A. Selected Studies, two vols. The best selection of short, specific, techni-cal studies, each 1 00 " Op. 65, Studies for the Development of Technic and Expression, three books, each 50 " Op. 65, complete 10 0 " Op. 66, Etudes Progressives, three books, each 50 " Etudes Progressives, Op. 66, complete 1 00 MacFARREN, WALTER. Comprehensive Scale and Arpeggio Manual 1 50 MASON, Dr. WM. Touch and Techim Pari 1. The Two Finger Exercises; Part II, Tbe Scales; Part III, The Arpeggios; Pan IV, The School of Octaves. 4 Books, eacb $1 00 One of the most remarkable works in the entire range of pianoforte pedagogy by an author recognized as the most distinguished of all American pianists and teachers. M ATHEWS, W. S. B. First Lessons in Phrasing 1 SO " Studies in Phrasing, Book 1 1 SO M Studies in Phrasing, Book II 1 50 M STANDARD GRADED COURSE OF STUD-IES. 10 volumes, 10 grades, each 1 00 This is the original, and in spite of dozens of i:: -ators, still the one universally used course of piano study, combining and suggest-ing - • cry thing essential for acquiring a perfect kr wledee of, as well as finished skill in, piano playing. MORRISON. R. S. 10 Characteristic Studies in Rhythm and Expression. 2d Grade 75 Fresh and : einal teaching material by a well-known contemporary writer, suitable to accompany or replace studies by such writers as Streabbog PARLOW, E. First and Second Grade Study Pieces 1 CO PERRY, E. B. Lyric Studies 1 GO " Wrist Studies 1 GO PHILLIP, 1. Exercises in Extension. Unique studies. Strengthen and stretch ihe hand. . 75 " Preparatory School of Technic. Daily practice in technical essentials. 1 25 " School of Technic An exhaustive compen-dium of modern technic 2 GO " The New Gradus ad Parnassum, in eight books: Book I, Left Hand Technic: Book II, Right Hand Technic; Book III. Hands Together; Book IV, Arpeggios: Book V, Double Notes; Book VI, Octaves and Chords; Book VII, The Trill; Book VIII, Various Difficulties; Each 1 GO The contributions of Isidor Phillip, of the Paris Conservatory, to the literature of pianoforte study occupy a front place in modern piano teaching. His most successful and most widely used works are named above. PISCHNA. Sixty Progressive Exercises 1 25 PLAIDY, L. Technical Exercises 1 00 PRESSER, THEO. First Studies in Octave Playing 80 " Selected Octave Studies. Equal develop-ment of both hands, flexibility and strength. 75 RANSOM, E. Through the Major Keys 75 ROGERS, J. H. Octave Velocity. Short, interest-ing, musical studies of great technical value 1 00 " Double Note Velocity 1 00 SARTORIO, A. 12 Instructive Pieces in Melody Playing and Expression, Op. 368 1 00 " 10 Melodious Studies in Velocity, Op. 380. Delightful melodies, richly harmonized 1 00 " Melody and Velocity, Op. 872 1 00 " Ten Melodious Studies for Advancing Players, Op. 876 1 00 " Melodious Second Grade Studies, Op. 901.. . 1 00 " Twelve Melodious Studies in Embellishment, Op. 902 1 25 " Ten Brilliant Octave Studies, Op. 1044 1 50 SCALES AND CADENCES (Presser) 35 SCHMITT, A. Preparatory Exercises, Op. 16a... . 30 SCHMOLL, A. Studies and Study Pieces, 3 vols. An abundance of material furnishing techni-cal equipment as well as a sense of the beautiful. Each 1 00 SCHNECKER, P. A. Melodious Studies in Style and Mechanism. To develop especially fluency, continuity and good style 1 25 SCHULZ, F. A. Scales and Chords 30 SCHWALM, R. Daily Exercises 75 SPAULDING, G. L. Etudes Melodiques 1 00 For students just beginning third grade. Each study brings out some special point. STANDARD CONCERT ETUDES 1 59 STEINHEIMER, S. Time Studies for the Pianoforte 80 A new and attractive set of studies for second and third grade work. Each study is intended to exemplify and work out some special rhythmical device. STREABBOG, L. Twelve Melodic Studies, Op. S3 75 " Twelve Easy and Melodious Studies, Op. 64.. 75 VOGT, J. 24 Octave Studies, Op. 145 75 WIECK, F. Piano Studies 75 A selected graded list of pieces in sheei THEO. PRESSER COMPANY,
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