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Subscriptio n Price, $2.00 per year in Unite d States , Alaska , Cuba , Port o Rico , Mexico , Hawaii , Philippines , Panama , Guam , Tutuila , an d th e Cit y of Shanghai . In Canada , $2.25 per year. In Englan d an d Colonies , 11 Shillings-2d ; in France , 14 Francs j whe n remitte d b y Internationa l Postal mone y order, payabl e at Philadelphia . All othe r countries , $2.72 per year. Singl e copy , Price 2 0 cents . REMITTANCE S should be made by post-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owin g to th e educationa l characte r of TH E ETUD E a majorit y of its readers do no t wish t o mis s a n issue . Therefore , th e pub -lishers are please d to exten d credi t coverin g a Twelv e Months ' subscriptio n beyon d expiratio n of th e paid -up period. Thos e of our subscriber s no t wishin g t o avail themselve s of thi s convenienc e of remittin g later will nlease sen d a notic e for discontinuance . PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE MONTHL Y JOURNA L FO R TH E MUSICIAN , TH E MUSI C STUDENT , AN D AL L MUSI C LOVERS . Edited by JAMES FRANCI S COOK E Vol . XXXVII I No . 1 JANUAR Y 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. 0 . at Philadelphia, Pa under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1919, by Theodore Presser Co. RENEWAL.—N o receipt is sen t for renewals . O n th e wrappe r of th e next issue sen t yo u will be printe d th e dat e o n whic h you r subscriptio n is paid up , whic h serves as a receipt for you r subscription . Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscript s should be addrsssed to TH E ETUDE . Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every poobible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISIN G RATE S will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODOR E PRESSE R CO. , Publishers , 1712 Chestnu t Street , Philadelphia , Pa. Mozart's Requie m is to be revive d in New Yor k tliis season by the Schola Cantorum, under the baton of Kurt Schind-ler, and an augmented chorus. Th e Society fo r tlie Publicatio n of America n Music invites American com-posers to submit manuscripts of chamber music and orchestral compositions for pos-sible publication and performance. The sec-retary is W. B. Tuthill, 185 Madison Avenue, New York. The society is supported by the dues of the members, which provide the funds necessary for the publication of the music accepted. Los Angeles , Cal., lias a Philhar -moni c Orchestra, which has recently been formed. It has an unusual preponderance of strings—ten double basses and extra cellos and violins. The conductor is Walter Henry Rothwell. Record s of tlie voice s of Caruso, Mme. Mel ha, Tamagn o an d Patti are reposing in the subterranean vaults of the Gamier Building, l'Opera, in Paris, not to be "broached" for a century, dating from the year 1907, when they were placed in the keeping of the French Government by the donor, Alfred Clark. The Government has given its solemn word to regard the keeping of this promise to the letter. A millio n dollar s is the record sub -scription to the Metropolitan Opera this season, a record that has never been equalled. The director-general of the Opera is Commendatore Gatti-Casazza. Amon g tlie operas revive d this seaso n are PeUas et Mclisande, of De-bussy; Pen&lope, of Gabriel Faure ; Ariane and Barbe-blue, of Paul Dukas, and La Lcpreuse,j>t Sylvio Lazzari. Earl y pre-wa r hour s fo r concert s hav e been re-establishe d b y the Liverpoo l Philharmoni c Society, their performances beginning at 7.45 promptly. Many French artists, English, American, and the Greek tenor, Ulyssus Lappas, will appear with the society during the coming season. A posthumou s operett a b y Leon -cavallo , libretto by Edmund Corradi, was recently performed in Italy with great suc-cess. A prize of on e hundre d dollar s fo r an antliem is offered by the Lorenz Pub-lishing Company, Dayton, Ohio. It is said tha t "Dame " Nellie Melba will direct an opera company this season in London. Montemezzo' s ne w opera, "L a Nave, " is to have its premier this season in New York. The libretto is by d'Annunzio, the famous Italian poet and patriot. Henr y Lee Hig^inson , philanthro -pist an d musi c lover , died November 14th, at Boston, Mass., at the age of 85. He was known locally for many years as the generous patron of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, but latterly his name went the length and breadth of the land because of the notorious controversy regarding the con-ductor. Muck, a German, who treacherously abused the hospitality of the Americans by connivance with the German spy system here at the time of the war. Mr. Higginson, evi-dently misinformed as to the character of his conductor, came out publicly in staunch support of Muck. But subsequent events proved the truth of the accusations. This no doubt had much to do with shortening the life of the philanthropist, to the regret of music lovers both local and continental. One hundre d and fifty thousan d dollar s per annu m Is said to hav e bee n the sum that Ariel in a Patti re-ceived in the hei^M of her powers. She sang at Covent Garden for more than twenty consecutive years. Mme. Iiiiisa Cappiani, oper a sinjger an d teacher of a past day, is dead at Zurich, Switzerland, at the advanced age of ni.netv two. For many years she was re-garded as the leading "vocal teacher of New York City. Holland' s old musica l journal , "Caecilia, " is about to celebrate its sev-enty-seventh anniversary. The editor is M. Emile Wegelin a Ainersfoort. The best wishes of THE ETUDE for seventy-seven more years of prosperous life, vigor and useful-ness ! The direction of the Conservatoir e of Nancy, left vacant by the appointment of M. Guy Ponartz to tne Strasburg Con-servatoire, has been given to M. Alfred Bach-elet, the author of Scemo. All musicians are pleased with the choice. Th e bod y of the lat e Adelin a Patti, which was sent to Paris for interment, was delayed in transit for several days by the railroad strike in England. Th e Bethlehe m Steel Plant, whic h did such fine servic e (luring th e war , has a band of its own, known as the "Bethle-hem Steel Band"—a variation, we suppose, of the ordinary brass band, but probably sounding about the same. Th e Hammersmit h Sunday Concert Society, newl y forme d in London , E lift land, is to give a series of subscription concerts this season. The programs will be a judicious mingling of old and new music, Haydn and Bantock, Bach and Ravel, Handel and John Ireland. The society will not limit itself to so-called "sacred" music, but will draw upon the vast treasures of music for what is beautiful. A Symphon y Orchestra, al l of whos e member s hav e served in th e lat e war , is a new organization in London, which made its first appearance at the beginning of the season at Albert Hall. It is called the British Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Raymond Rose is the conductor, and Tom Burke, the new tenor, was the first soloist with the orchestra. PAGE. World of Music 1 Editorials 5-6 Indispensables in Pianistic Success Josef Hoffman 7 Regular Rhythms T. L. Rickaby 8 Records That Help the Teacher E. H. Pierce 8 Don't Be Too Awfully Dignified H. T. Finck 9 Three "Rs " of Sight Reading # E. A. Gest 10 Musical Embellishment. .Ira M. Brown 10 Taking Stock E. Bertl 10 Inter-Relationship of Ear and Eye W. R. Spalding 11 Practical Hints on Pedaling E. Eberhard 12 Musical Pot-Boilers. . . .Louis C. Elsoii 13 Difficulty in Piano Music Francesco Berger 14 Occult in Music Cyril Scott 15 Fighting Fate to Triumph A. S. Garbett 16 Blazing New Trails.. Gerard Tonning 16 Wagner's Battle E. di Pirani 17 Melodies and Tunes .Frederick Corder 19 Teachers' Round Table N. J. Corey 21 ETTTDE Prize Contest 22 What's in a Name. Denison Fish 51 Voice Department. . . .1). A. Clippingrr 52 Question and Answer Department Arthur de Guichard 55 Organ Department 56 ETUDE Lette r Bo x 5 9 C. H. Steinway , th e hea d of th e famou s pian o firm, died on October 30th, after a short illness of twelve hours. He was the grandson of the founder of the house, Henry E. Steinway. "Pr o Patria, " a ne w Fnlis h opera, wa s recentl y produce d bv the Carl Rosa Opera Company in London. The book is an adaptation of a short play of George Corn-wallis West, by Alfred Kalisch. The music is by Mr. Percy Colson. The opera was the second English opera performed this season, the first being Mr. Reginald Somerville's Antoine. Both operas were enthusiastically received. "Internationa l Celebrit y Concerts " will be forthcoming in the musical season in Birmingham, England. Clarenc e Deveau x Royer , violinis t an d composer , former head of the violin department at Cornell, died recently at Lan-caster, Pa. Miss Minni e Hauk , a favorit e singe r of th e past generation , is blind, old and in penury on her impoverished estate in Lucerne, Switzerland. She has appealed to the American consul for financial aid. Blai r Fairchild , th e America n com -poser, has been decorated by the French Government Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Mr. Fairchild is the secretary of American Committee of the Paris Conserva-toire. "Cleopatre, " Massenet's oper a (li-brettist L-ouis Payen) , was performed at the beginning of the season for the benefit of the Philanthropic Society of Paris, with Mary Garden in the title r61e, and M. Maurice Renaud as Mark Antony. PAGE Violin Department. . ....Robert Braine 60 Lesser Lights Jo-Shipley Watson 68 The Child Prodigy. . . . Victor Blondeau 63 JUNIOR ETUDE .Elizabeth A. Gest 64 Sensations in the Spotlight Sydney Bushell 16 MUSI C Melody at Dusk . .F. Keats 2 3 Twilight ... .E. F. Laubin 24 Desir d'Amour . ... .A. L. Morris 26 Dance of the Dewdrops.J. F. Fry singer 27 With the Crowd (Four Hands) Chas. Lindsay 28 Hungarian Dance (Four Hands) II. d'Aubel 3 0 3 2 The Japanese Doll. . . . . . E. R. Krocger 3 3 An Automobile Ride Tierta Becker 34 The Nymph . . .. M. L. Preston 3 9 America W. Rolf e 40 Indolence . . .G. L. Spaulding 42 Air de Ballet 42 Blue Bells ....... . 43 Capriccioso in E (Violin and Piano) T. D. Williams 44 Tola Gavotte D. S. Godfrey 46 OL' Car'lina (Vocal) .J. F. Cooke 47 The Little Sunbeam (Vocal) G. D. Martin 48 Snow Time (Vocal) H. Tourjee 48 Andante Pastorale (Pipe Organ) G. T. Alexis 49-50 Lexingto n Theatre , New Yor k City, wa s the scen e of a second riot, the occasion being the effort of a German opera company to give German opera in the Ger-man tongue against the wish of many citizens who had already expressed their distaste for the proceeding the previous week. After seme violence on the part of the protesters the theatre was closed, the opera stopped and an injunction issued to prevent the recurrence of tliis defiance of public sentiment. Carnso san g the opera of "Carmen " throug h in th e bal l rin g of Mexico City to an audience of thousands sheltered under umbrellas in a pouring rain. The company received an ovation at the conclu-sion, both for their singing and also for their pluck in staying the performance through, though soaked with the rain. Princeton colleg e report s th e larg -est registratio n fo r musica l clubs in its entire history. Returnin g Australia n soldier s hav e brough t to thei r nativ e countr y a new interest in music. Concerts, musical events of all kinds, including opera, are the order of the day. Australia has a warm welcome for its late companions in arms, the Americans, and American singers are greatly in demand. "Ri p va n Winhle, " a ne w America n opera , is to be produced this season by the Chicago Opera Association. The music is by Reginald de Koven and the book by Percy MacKaye. Joh n McOormaok , tlie Irish tenor, recentl y celebrate d the tent h anniver-sary of his American debut. Th e key s of th e cit y of Clevelan d wer e presente d to Lieutenan t John Phili p Sousa, the famous American band-master, on the occasion of his recent visit to that city. The Mayor and his staff, toothe r with a huge audience of seven thousand peo-ple, made the presentation an important cere-mony. One thousan d dollar s is offered fo r th e best strin g quartett e this yea r i n th e Berkshir e competitio n instituted by Mrs. F. S. Coolidge. The names of the .iudges and the conditions governing the con-test will be announced later. Walte r Damroscl i an d th e New Yor k Symphon y Orchestra, of which he is the^conductor, have been invited to be the guest's of the Italian Government during their tour in that country. Albert Spalding, the America n vio -linist, has returned to th e concer t platfor m after two strenuous years of military service at the front. Rehearsa l program s of the orches -tra l work s of America n composer s are to be given as a regular part of the musical routine by several of the great orchestras in this country, to give the com-posers a chance to observe whether they are getting the effects they are seeking. Thre e scholarship s fo r students of the obo e are to be given" by Walter Dam-rosch, since performers upon this instru-ment are one of the most difficult to secure in marshaling the ranks of the orchestra. The Institute of Musical Art, New York CiH\ is to receive the students who win the scholarships, beginning with the fall term of 1920. "Peac e teas " hav e been held in the streets of the poore r sctions of Lon -don, of which music, both in solo and chorus, have been the chief feature. After the house in the square d'Orleans, Rue Tait-the streets and tea and cakes served to the people. Th e Frederic k Chopin Society in Paris celebrateil the seventiet h anni-versary of the composer's death, on October 26th.. by the placing of a marble tablet on the house in the square d'Orleans, Rue Tait-bout. Paris, where Chopin lived from 1842 to 1849. |g g f7| ! P5S 3 CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1920
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