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-------------------—T H B E T U D E347tawAoiv r _*, Third Year Opened I^ * v n i/ifQ R i ---------- —----- ----------------- \Large New Building cDallasTexas263-265 Live Oak StreetC h a s. W . L a n d o n, Director.s This Conservatory has the remarkable record of 477 ?3 students from eighteen States and sixty-one Texas *!s> towns before the end of its second year. £3 Superior advantages offered in all branches of Music. 9i Instruction by musicians of proved excellence for £x> their superior gifts and qualifications as teachers. £3 Home Boarding Department. Sa'nbriotts Climate. £actionGoTo:4,jactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,YOUactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,WILLactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,BEactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,INTERESTEDactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,TOactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,KNOWactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,j«5 that the Director has more than five times as many jr calls from Seminary and College Presidents to fur-d nish them with his Graduates as he can fill. Sd For catalogue and information £i A d d ress L A N D O N C O N S E R V A T O R Y E i P . O . B ox 591, D A L L A S , T E X A S g' ~ ^ = ^ ^ R I 2 E ' R ! ,5H A l3 la — *© f i E F y j i i m p s n For its exclusive use, this SCHOOL OF MUSIC offers U N U S U A L A D V A N T A G E Sfor the study of Music. 7 12 students last year. Terms begin Sep­tember 18, January 8, and April 9 . If you expect to study Music in any of its branches, send for catalogue toF E N E L O N B . R I C E , D irector, O b erlin , O .M R . G E O R G E L E H M A N NC o n c e r t V i o l i n i s tandInstructorF o r te rm s or particulars, address55 East 93d Street. New York CitySPIERING^- r. VIOLIN SCHOOLThird Year Opens September 9thA successful institution of the highest standing. Eminent Faculty and advantages. Send for prospectus.R O B E R T PELS T E I N W A Y H A L L ,C H I C A G O , I L L .Ejrpert Makjsr and 'Repairer o ffin e V io lin sIn stru m en ts bought, sold, and exchanged.S a tis fa c tio n a ssu red .Mr. Pelz’ ability is recognized and commended bv leading mu­sicians all over the country. He is one of the few reliable experts in restoring fine masters’ violins to original perfection. Corre­spondence solicited from all parts of the United States and Canada.( CORRECTION OF MUSIC MSS.^ A SPECIALTYALBERT W . BORST3600 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, Pa*“ M usic teaches most exquisitely the art o f development.”— D ’ I s r a e l i.| JVIustc Bducation\CALVIN BRAINERD CADYannounces his removal fromCH ICAGO TO BOSTONTo take place August 1, 1901S T U D I O511 Huntington Chambers, Huntington Avenue B O S T O N , M A S S .UTICA, N. Y. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC# ED W ARD S B. FLECK and ^4) ROBERT J. HUGHES, ^• Directors. #lclMusic in all its branches* Elocution, Languages, English Literature, Drawing, Painting, Physical Culture, Dancing, etc*FACULTY OF DISTINGUISHED SPECIALISTSUNSURPASSED ADVANTAGES FOR Y EAR COURSESSend for new catalogue. AddressCONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, UTICA, N.Y.a, 9 9t"= SternbergSchool of MusicPhiladelphia: Fuller Bldg., 10 S. 18th St.Constantin von Sternberg,___________ Principal.Session 1901-1902 opens September 25th. Complete musical education in A L L branches. Send for illustrated catalogue.Mention this paper.UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSICANN ARBOR, MICHIGANEXCEPTIO NAL ADVANTAGESC O R P S OF A RTIST TEACHERSMODERATE FEESFor Calendar, addressTH O M AS D. COLBURN, Secretarys herw ood M u sic S c h o o lFINE ARTS BUILDING 203 Michigan Avenue CH ICAGOWILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, Director HIGHEST STANDARD OF A R T . Faculty of eminent teachers.Catalog free on application Fall Term opens Sept. 9th. C H A R L E S R. B A K E R , M anagerMusic Teachers WantedThe Walker-Severn Conservatory of MusicN E W Y O R KFRANCIS W A L K E R , Singing EDMUND SEVERN, Violin and Theory of Music M R S. EDMUND SEVERN, Piano and Singing ARTHUR SEVERN, VioloncelloandTeachers of all Instruments, Languages, Ensemble Singing and Playing.HOMES FOR STUDENTS Students accepted at any timeAddress the Secretary, M R . F R A N C IS W A L K E R , T h e Monte­video, 836 Seventh Avenue, New York, who is also Director of the Francis Walker Summer School in Florence, Italy.PHILADELPHIA’S LEADING MUSICAL COLLEGEBroab St. Conservatory ot flDusfc1329=1331 S. Broad Street G i l b e r t Ra y n o l d s c o m b sD IR E C T O RPrivate and Class Instruction in all branches by a Faculty of 52 Artist Teachers.Music, Dramatic Art, Modern Languages,Piano Tuning, Physical Culture.Residence Department for Young Ladies.A sound musical education from the foundation to post­graduate and Normal work. The various departments under the personal direction of the following eminent m asters: G i l b e r t R a y n o l d s C o m b s, Piano Department.H u g h A . C l a r k e, M u s. Doc., Theoretical Department. H e n r y S c h r a d i e c k, Violin Department.H e r b e r t W i l b e r G r e e n e, Vocal Department.H e n r y L u d l a m, Dramatic Art.A department for P u b lic School Music and its Supervision has been established under E n o c h W. P e a r s o n, Director of Music, Public Schools of Philadelphia.Illustrated Catalogue Free. Correspondence Solicited.f t e t a j E n g l a n d Co ns e r v a t o r y of P ^ I u s i cGEORGE W . CH ADW ICK, Musical DirectorTHE LEADING CONSERVATORY OF AM ERICAProvides unequaled advantages for the study of Music, Piano Tuning, and Elocution. Excellent normal courses for TEACHERS*For illustrated prospectus, addressF R A N K W . H A LE , General Manager,Franklin Square, Boston, M ass.MAUBITS LEEFSONGUSTAV HILLEkEEFSON.HIfckEConservatory of MusicA thorough education in Music. Orchestra, Harmony, Ensemble, and Symphony Class free to all students of the school. Send for Catalogue to the Secretary, Weightman Building, 1524 Chestnut Street,PHILADELPHIA, PA.
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