T H E e t u d eI n c o r p o r a t e dtO O OTHE PENNSYLVANIA60LLE6E OF MUSIC© F iyiUgl© C O N F E R R E D1511 G IR A R D AWE* Ho m, eHANDLKR. m r ?Crane Normal Institute of MusicTR-AINING SC H O O L FOR. SUPERVISORS O F MUSICJULIA E. CRANE, Director, - Potsdam, N. Y.The City of Brooklyn is rapidly becoming- the chief music center of the New W orld. W e will be pleased to send free, to prospective pupils in any part of the United States or Canada, a copy o f the valuable illustrated supplement of the Brooklyn E a g le , givin g all necessary information. Supply limited.Studio of Mr. and M rs. J. Francis Cooke and Associates.VOICE. PIANO. THEORY.708 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.Q U S T A V JL, BECKERConcert 'Pianist, Ueacher, Composer“ Harm onious development of T echnic, T heory, and Interpretation produces the best results in the end.”Send for circular with press aaotScs©1 W est 104th Street, - - Mew Y s r k Ciifl?-FREDERICK MAXSON'----- — ^ C O N C E R T ORGANISTOrgan lessons given on the Three-Manual Organ at Central Congregational Church, Eighteenth and Green Streets, Philadelphia. Pupils specially prepared for church positions. Course includes study o f voluntaries, accompaniments, hymn playing, transposition, and modulation. Circular, containing partial list o f pupils who have become church organists in Philadelphia and elsewhere, on application.Studio, 813 North Seventeenth Street, = PhiladelphiaF. W. W O D E L L------------ -'J'HOROUGH education of the singer.Beauty of tone and artistic delivery a specialty.WRITE FOR PAMPHLETP IE R C E 'S BUILDING,BOSTON, M A SS.H o r a c e P. D i b b l eUeacher o f the A r t o f SingingSingers prepared for church, concert, and oratorio engagements.F O R T E R M S , A D D R E S S3631 Olive Street,St. Louis, Mo.Harmony, Counterpoint, CompositionBy ER N EST B O VAR DCORRESPONDENCE LESSONS BY M AIL . Special inducements are offered to beginners, and to those who have becom e disheartened in their w ork. F or terms and particulars, addressDUNMOFLE, PA.H u g h A . C l a r k e ^2 2 3 ^M US. DOC.LE SSO N SSouth 3 8 th StreetPhiladelphiaM A I L m HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT, COMPOSITIONINH A R M O N Y a n d C O U N T E R P O I N TBy NEWELL L. WILBUR,Peltew Asaa@rle®ffl @1 MsasidlsnsoExchange* Room 113. Providence, R. EL,HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT, CANON, FUGUE, ETC., BY CORRESPONDENCEF O R T E R M S A N D P A R T I C U L A R S A D D R E S SDR. R. H. PETERS, SPARTANBURG, S.C.p ERLEE V. JERVIS^ *tea ch er o f 'Pianoforte Playing^ and Virgil Clavier Methodin its relation to musical and expressive playing S T E IN W A Y H ALL, N EW YORKA M A T E U R . C O M P O S IT IO N SR E V ISE D FOR PU BLICATIO NV ocal or Instrumental. Examination fee and critical opinion$1.00Address (inclosin g stamped envelope)W A L D E M A R M A LM EN E, Mvis. Bac. Cantab. 2738 Lawton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.Musical Bureaufw ah a n a se d ev H e n r y G , L , a h e e lerly Secretary of the New England Conservatory ©f Malic,218 T b e m o n t S t r e e t, B o s t o nTSae only Teachers" Agency devoted exclusively ts the Speciasraaches—Music, Oratory, Physical Culture, etc. § m i forCircularD o you want aP henomenal Attraction Mandoiinist and HarpistABTCONNOISSEURS unite in a statement that Abt is the MOST u n iq u e concert attraction before the public, being not only a VIRTUOSO but an ARTIST, a positive GENIUS, a WIZARD. Playing to crowded houses ’during his trans-continental tour (season iq oo-oi), triumph succeeded tnumph, audiences being fairly astounded by this artist’ s phenomenal playing o f the mandolin. In addition to his great mandolin work Abt will also play the harp this season, thereby making his performance still more remarkable.Send for samples o f advertising matter, terms, and printed instructions of “ How to Make an Abt Recital Successful.”Abt plays from memory a repertoire o f more than fifty s e le ctions, the following being but a specimen program :PART ONEJ Faust F a n t a s i e ,.............................Gounod-AlardMandolin-< b Andante, c on certo ,......................... Mendelssohn(c Perpetuum M o b i l e ,............................. ... Ries. . ( f* Flatterer, ............................................ChaminadeHarp < b L a r g o ,..................................................................... Handel(c Old Folks At Home (varied).PAR T T W OMandolin J ? L e g e n d e ,............................................... W ieniaw ski/ X CaPrice> .......................................................... PaganiniH arp j ® “ a n z a m lio ................................................................. R o b y n< b S? heS ? ° ' „ .......................................................... O b erth u r( a The Brooklet, ................................................ AbtM andolin< b Impromptu, ......................Abt(c Annie Laurie (varied).T H R E E D A IN T Y SE L E C T IO N S B Y ABT Gentle Time, ballad, soprano or tenor, alto or baritone, . . $0.50Valse La Danseuse (the dancer), piano s olo..................................50Slumber On, lullaby, violin and piano........................................ ’ 5oThe three pieces will be sent to your address upon receipt of 50 cents. Send for catalogue.VALENTINE ABT, 5 E. 14th St., New YorkArm strong’s Class Studies, w hich are used in all combinations for Mandolin, Banjo, and Guitar, by all leading teachers in the United States and Canada, can also be used successfully as V iolin Solos or V iolin Duetts with Piano Accompaniments.Them atic Catalogues on Application.Albrccht’s Mandolin, Banjo, and Guitar School1524 Chestnut Street, - Philadelphia, Pa.THE VIRGILCLAVIERMETHOD“ W ith a teacher who thoroughly understands Mr. V ir g il’ s admirable method, it is a short cut to the most beautiful technic imaginable. It strengthens and develops the mental pow ers, quickens the musical sense, and cultivates and insures repose ; that rare but most essential condition in piano playing.”M r. S a m u e l M o r s e D o w n s,Instructor o f M usic inAbbott Academ y, A ndover, Mass. and Bradford Academy, Bradford, Mass.FOUNDATION EXERCISESIN PIANOFORTE PLAYINGBy A. K. V IR G ILBook I , .............................................................................................. $2 .5 0Book I I , ........................................................................................... 2 .5 0“ Berlin Test C law ,” ..................................................................... J.50By M iss F l o r e n c e D o d dSPECIAL DISCOUNT TO TEACHERSF or discounts, or further information, addressTHE VIRGIL PRACTICE CLAVIER CO.11 W est 22d Street, . . . New York^Twentieth Century {£> iano StudiesW A L T E R s. SPRANKLEIn Four Books, are the latest, best, most modern, and up-to-date studies presented to the musical public, which are the result of many years’ successful teaching. Special Introductory Prices will be given to teachers.Send for Price List.W A L T E R . S. SPRANKLE, Publisher 809 East Eleventh Street ___ Indianapolis, Ind.foundation Materials.F O R T H EA C O U R SE FO R B E G IN N E R S IN THE ART OF PIANO PLA YIN G0 ianofortc. ...........Price, $1.00B y C H A R L E S W . L A N D O NA n Easily Graded Method Leading to Thorough M u sicia n sh ip by a Pleasing and Interesting Course of Melodious and Rhythmic Studies.This book is in line with the new teaching founded upon the best recent psychological and pedagogical ideas for developing the child-mind in music. All instruction is given through the means of beautiful but short pieces which contain a marked musical and rhythmic interest that especially appeals to the musical taste of a child. Each selection has ample annotations for the aid o f the pupil when practicing in the teacher’ s absence. The principles of touch, phrasing, and expression are clearly stated and fully illustrated in these selections.Valuable New Features contained in this book a re: Fifteen Chord Touches, with their artistic application and modifications in chord and melody p laying; the New Mason Sliding Exercises for developing the flexibility o f the fingers ; the Word Spelling Idea in teaching notation; the correct presentation o f the Artistic Use o f the^Pedal; the application o f the Famous Mason Touch and Technic Touches for Musical E ffects; a clear, easy, and correct presentation to the beginner o f How to Read the Bass N otes; a systematic development o f the Rhythmic Sense ; and a chapter on the Practice o f Scales and Arpeggios for Refined Artistic Effects.PU BLISH ED -----T H E O . P R E SS ER , Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.
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