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346T H E E TUD EJ________________________________________Che Burrowcs ]Mu9tcal Kindergarten JMetbodINSTRUCTION FOR T E A C H E R S B Y H OM E STUDYT h e m any M usic T e a c h e rs w h o have signified th e ir desire to acq uire th is charm in g m ethod in tim e for th e irSep tem b er O pen in g s are advised as fo llo w s:1. ORDERS should be sent in as soon as possible.2. THE IMPROVED and enlarged edition o f the TEACH ERS’ M ANUAL is ready for distribution.3. IT IS W E L L for teachers to familiarize themselves with the method early so that they can SPREAD ITS F AM E during July and August, and try and get some newspaper notices. They willthen be able to begin the autumn term with better prospects o f GREAT SUCCESS.4. TEACHERS may apply the Method to their SUMMER CLASSES and thus obtain testimonials from parents, which will prove o f great value in obtaining pupils for the Autumn classes. Do not underestimate the value o f an EARLY START.All T e a c h e rs w h o have not seen th e A rt So u ven ir Booklet (M ailed Free to T e a c h e rs ) should send th e ir addresses at once.THE BURROWES METHOD was built up for children and from actual study o f the needs, preferences, character, and even the whims o f children. The authoress has taught a musical kindergarten for many years, during which she has composed songs, invented games and con­structed apparatus too numerous and varied to mention or describe ; and o f these only the most valuable have been retained. Everything that was dull, cumbersome, ineffective, or unchildlike has been abandoned, and what remains has been tested through and through, and its value proved beyond the shadow o f a doubt. There is nothing in it that is not agreeableand entertaining. IT IS NOT BUILT ON MERE THEORIES. Itis not the inspiration o f a day. It is, on the contrary, the CREAM OF FIVE YEARS OF SPECIAL EFFORT, and the fruit o f many other years o f toil and study. The results speak for themselves.MUSIC TEACHERS OF AL L GRADES should iavestigate this work. ADVANCED TEACHERS will profit largely by establishing kindergartens in charge o f an assistant or partner, thus creating a pre­paratory department which will act as a feeder to the advanced classes. The advantages o f the Method to YOUNG TEACHERS is obvious.K AT H AR IN E BURROW ES, B 1302 Presbyterian Building, Fifth Avenue, New York.Western Address—618 Second Avenue, Detroit. Mich.KINDERGARTEN MUSIC-BUILDINGThe Science of jviustc for ChildrenThe Original and Standard System of Kindergarten MusicNormal C lasses, Correspondence Courses,Also “ M usic-Building at the Pianoforte” taught by Mail. NINA K. DARLINGTON, Author and Originator, N E W ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, BOSTON Studio: 1069 Boylston StreetMICHIGAN CONSERVATORYWashington Avenue and Park Street, Detroit, Mich.cALBERTO JONAS, DirectorThe acknowledged foremost institution of Music in Michigan. O ne of the largest and most handsomely appointed Conservatories in America. The highest standard only. Liberal advantages to students. Prices moderate. Faculty of thirty-two eminent instructors, in­cluding world-renowned artists.For handsomely illustrated Catalogue, address or apply to the Secretary,Frederic L. A b e l.The only LESCHETIZKY Schoolof Piano Playing in AmericaM M E. DE W IEN ZK O W SK I, Directress and FounderC A R N E G IE H A L LAddress all com m unications to147 West 82d Street. New York CityT H I S S Y S T E M I S C O V E R E D BY C O P Y R I G H T .M usical KindergartenFor the P IAN O FO R TE.S y FAN NI E C H U R C H P A R SO NS .This system is most simple in outline and material.It is most com prehensive and complete.The materials used are, while very durable, most suggestive of the beauty of the art of music.T h e lessons are equally instructive to either child or adult beginner.T he students do much real piano w ork, thus no intermediate course is necessary.The stories and songs do not savor of the grotesque, but tend to refine­ment and culture.T he price for normal w ork, including materials, is within the reach of all. You can take the w ork by mail, or of a normal instructor, or of Mrs. Parsons personally.S E N D FOR I L L U S T R A T E D B O O K L E T S .shoukfb^f addressed to Musical Kindergarten Company,Office, 6 W . Chicago St., Quincy, Mich. S t u d i o, 1 3 0 7 A u d i t o r i u m T o w e r, C h i c a g o, I II.DR. HENRY G. HANCHETT, Pianist, Teacher, and Lecturer*-....................... ------------------ — ...... — - Already engaged tor extendedRecital Courses in New York, season of J90J-02* Will tour South and West in January and February* Lessons begin October 1st* Hours now being booked* Director Musical Department of Adelphi College, granting certificates and degrees* Address, No* 136 Fifth Avenue, New York City*PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACAD EM Y53d Season J6J7SPRUCE STREETTHE OLDEST SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL OF MUSICPrivate and Class Lessons in all Branches of MusicTerms, $ 7 .5 0 to $ 3 0 .0 0IN S T R U C T O R S :PIANO—R. Zeckwer, C. Samans, L. Howe, R. Hennig, W . Leps, Camille Zeckwer, George Kempton, MissesS. Sower, A. Sutor, L. Tiers, B. Davis, V. Henderson, A. Hall, M. Walker, E. Mohr, L. Corbin.JANKO PIANO—L. Howe.ORGAN —David W ood, L. Howe, W . Leps.VIOLIN—Howard Rattay.VIO LO N CELLO -R. Hennig.VOCAL—Mr. H. L. Kirkland, Miss M. Buedinger. SIGHT SINGING—R. Zeckwer.THEORY—R. Zeckwer, C. Zeckwer. ACOUSTICS—R. Zeckwer.Teachers' and ^Pupils' Concerts in our o<wn Concert Hall. Hook & Hastings Church Organ, blown by electric motor. For Illustrated Circulars apply toRICHARD ZE C K W E R , Director
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