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TH EE T U D E3.15FLETCHER. MUSIC M ETH ODS S,MPLEX ANDKINDERGARTENORIGINAL KINDERGARTEN SYSTEM IN A M E R IC A AND EU R O P EThe following are a few of the many endorsers of the method, and a partial list of the conservatories in which it is taught:DR. W IL L I A M M A S O N , New York JOHN ORTH , BostonDR. H U G O R IE M A N N , Leipsic, Germany SIGNOR AUG U STO ROTOLI, BostonH . M. F IE L D , LeipsicE D W A R D F IS H E R , Director Conservatory, Toronto.W . O. F O R S Y T H , Metropolitan School of Music, Toronto. SIGNOR GARCIA, LondonM. A N A G N O S, Director of the Perkins Institute, Boston C A V E N B A R R O N , Director London Conservatory, London D R . G ERRIT SM IT H , New York W . M A C D O N A L D SM IT H , London, England T H O M A S T A P P E R , Boston F R A N K L IN T A Y L O R , London, EnglandW M . T O M L IN S , Choral Dir. W o r ld ’s Columbian Exp’n, N .Y . Toronto Conservatory of M usic, TorontoT A D H Q T A *7 T XT' T T M C I / T A _______ • „ ____ r s__________________________ • _____J A R O S L A W DE Z IE L IN S K I, Buffalo K A T E S. C H IT T E N D E N , Vice-Pres. Inst. Appld.Music, N .Y . M A X W E I L , Director W eil Conservatory, Halifax G IL B E R T R. COM BS, Dir. Broad St. Conservatory, Phila. G IL M O R E B R Y A N T , Dir. Durham Conser’y, Durham, N .C . M RS. K A T H E R IN E F ISK E, New York S A M U E L W . COLE, BostonW M . C U M M IN G S, Dir. Guildhall School of Music, London.M A D A M E H O P E K IR K , BostonB. J. L A N G , BostonL E O N A R D L IE B L IN G , New York CityA L B E R T A . M ACK, Director St. M ary’ s School, RaleighMetropolitan School of Music, TorontoAmerican Conservatory, Chicago Gottschalk Lyric School, Chicago Canadian College of Music, Ottawa London Conservatory of Music, London Hamilton Conservatory of Music, Hamilton The Emma W illard Seminary Conservatory of M usic, Troy Brantford College, Brantford W e il School of Music, Halifax St. M ary’s School, Raleigh, N. C.Northwestern University School of Music, Evanston, 111. Fontleroy Hall School, Roxbury, Boston Durham Conservatory, Durham, N. C.Detroit Conservatory of Music, DetroitT h e A i m o f t h e F l e t c h e r M e t h o d ^is to reduce the difficulties which the study of music causes to children and to give a Fundamental, Systematic, and Logical Musical Edu­cation in a way that shall be thorough, natural, and pleasurable.A few of many letters received from world-renowned musicians*N ew Y ork, January i, 1900. I have taught the Fletcher Music M ethod now for about threeM y D e a r M i s s F l e t c h e r : years, with increasing satisfaction as to results. It has helped me I was deeply impressed recently with the force and sim plicity w onderfully, not only directly with my junior pupils, but in broad- of your M ethod. . . . There can be no discussion of the value enmg and deepening all my w ork, and solving many knotty prob-of your m ethod of w ork, because the results are perfectly in evi- lems °* teaching. There is nothing one-sided about it,—eye, ear,*dence and cannot be disproved—they speak for themselves. W ith nngers, bram, memory, imagination, all are reached and made tobest wishes for your success in this country, I am contribute their share to the general musical culture. Further,\-onrc r"T?T?T?TT" ^lv/TT'TT-T ' it is a. delight to the children, who learn easily, love their classes,bm cerely yours, (jE R R I 1 b M l l H , an(j ]a^er on their practice, finding it no hardship, to the greatHon. P res. A m erican G uild o f Organists. surprise of their parents.Past P res. M anuscript Society, N ew York.M r. William H. Cummings w rites :—T h e G u i l d h a l l S c h o o l o f M u s i c, V i c t o r i a E m b a n k m e n t,E . C . ( N e a r B l a c k f r i a r s B r i d g e. )It was evident that Miss Fletcher possessed an exceptional allow me to say that it has my strongest indorsement. "Every gift as a teacher, and that her system would very speedily enable school where a course of music is pursued should adopt this young students to attain proficiency in all the essential know l- method. Yours truly,edge w hich is indispensable to vocal and instrumental performers.R O B E R T A G E D D E S -H A R V E Y ,Mu s. Bac. (T rin . College). Organist of St. George's Church,G uelph, Ont.In answer to your question regarding the Fletcher System,June i, 1^99.W IL L IA M H . CUM M IN GS, P rin cipal.A L B E R T A. M A C K ,M usic D irector at St. M ary's School, R a leig h , N . CM y D e a r M i s s F l e t c h e r :Allow me to convey to you the unanimous delight and interest expressed by the teachers of the Synthetic Guild after your demon­stration. Personally your talk and the exhibition of your appli­ances filled me not only with admiration but gratitude.In these days, when little children are set at such a multiplicity o f studies, and such unreasonable demands are so often made upon teachers, it is a relief to know that some one has found an in­cline plane by w hich Parnassus may be reached even by the little folks. It seems as if your kindergarten system were a sort of funnel through which true ideas may be carried into every intelli­gent method of either vocal or instrumental music, and as such all teachers must give you a hearty indorsement.Yours very truly,K A T E S. C H IT T E N D E N , President o f the Synthetic Guild.P resident o f the Metropolitan College o f Music. Vice-President and Dean o f the Faculty o f the Am erican Institute o f A pplied Music.The musical apparatus necessary in teaching this System has been patented in the United States, Canada, England, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and other foreign countries, and can only be obtained by teachers w h o complete the course of study with Mrs. Fletcher-Copp. Owing to the large demand for teachers of this System, normal classes are taught in New Y ork, Boston, Chi­cago, and London, England.F L E T C H E R MUSICAL ASSOCIATION BULLETIN.Fletcher Musical Association.teachers, the Fletcher Musical Association has been formed. T he object is to promote unity and strength of purpose among the teachers, and to keep every teacher in touch with all new and g ood ideas which bear 011 the teaching of music to children.A paper edited three times a year for the benefit of the Fletcher music teachers.Evelyn A. Fletcher-Copp, the originator of the Fletcher Music Method, spent five years studying music abroad and has since successfully introduced her System in London, Leipsic, Berlin, Brussels, and Paris. Already the demand in these foreign centers is so great that Mrs. Fletcher-Copp has arranged to teach a Normal Class every second year in London or Berlin. The advantages to teachers of being brought in touch with the latest European musical ideas which this regular recurring visit to Europe entails are obvious. Realizing the inadequacy of teaching by correspondence and recognizing the great value of this System musically, Mrs. Fletcher-Copp con­tinually refuses applications from those who desire to study by mail, and her certificate of authorization to teach her Method can be obtained only by those who study with her personally.For further particulars, addressiE. A. FLETCHER-COPPAndHome A d d ress: 99 Francis St., Brookline, Mass. New York Address: 1125 Madison Avenvie.Kindergartners and M others!Are yovi interested ?New music to play for the children to m arch and skip.INSTRUMENTALCHARACTERISTIC RHYTHMSCOMPOSED BYC LA R A LOUISE ANDERSONParti. B oard; Price, $1.50 Part II. (New.) Paper, 1.00ADDRESSC. L. ANDERSON 703 Lvicas AvenvieWheelbarrow M otive L < m is , Mo.T H E O D O R E P R E S S E R , - PhiladelphiaE t S35: ± H j- MM --0 --H -WEET-WHITNEYj >MUSIC METHOD!TH I S system is the result of years of study and teaching beginners of all ages*It is the means by which a solid foundation may be built for a thor­ough musical education.Every idea presented to the pupil is a practical one, and of lasting benefit*By the use of songs, games, and attractive materials, the fundamental principles of music are taught in a simple and fascinating manner, thus avoiding most of the old-time trials for both pupil and teacher. The normal work is given by Miss Whitney and Mrs. Sweet, and special attention is paid to fitting young teachers for the work. "With the normal course each teacher receives a com­plete set of materials for teaching the work. Also a note-book, containing most minute instructions for sixty lessons for pupils.A booklet describing the method will be mailed to your address, free, upon application.A D D R E S SSWEET-WHITNEYC chool and College of Music, q f' d e n v e r.A first-class Music S chool in the R ockies, a mile above the sea-level. Superb Faculty, excellent equipments, and the finest climate in the world, especially adapted to students o f singing. ‘ Catalogues sent on application. Address,S A M U E L H . B L A K I S L E E , D e a n , D E N V E R , COLO.Musical EducationAn Easy Way T0AGETOthers have done it, w hy not you?Y oung women wanted in every State to secure subscriptions for an original and charming b ook, entitled“ THE FAIRY STORY THAT CAM E T R U E ”By Madame A. Pupin This book will be sold only by subscription, only by young women desiring to further their musical studies, and is published for their benefit. F or further particulars address, with stamp, Madame A . Pupin, Station “ 0 , ” = = New York CityCorrespondence Lessons inKINDERGARTEN MUSIC for teachersFor information and circulars please address.Miss J. A. JO N ES,505 Huntington Chambers, - 30 Huntington Ave., Boston
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