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T H E E T U D EJ U S T P U B L I S H E D____________________ # BY # _______________________G. S C H I R .M G R ._______________NE W Y Q R .K _______________TH E PIANIST'S SECOND AND THIRD YEARA collection of 41 pieces, carefully graded and fingered ByL. O E S T E R L EPrice in paper, net, $1 .00; in cloth, net, $2.00C O N T E N T SBach, C. Ph. Em ., Allegro Bach-Oesterle, J. S.,Th e Lute Beethoven, Allemande Behr, Albumleaf, Op. 300 N o. 2Chopin, Mazurka, Op. 63 N o. 2------Prelude, Op. 28 N o. 7------Prelude, Op. 28 No. 20Cui, C., Bagatelle Italienne Ellmenreich, A ., Sorrow and Consolation Exaudet, J., Gavotte Field, J., Cavatina: “ Re- viens, reviens ! ”Forster, A ., A t Play on the M eadow Gregh, L ., Quietude Handel, AirHartm ann, J. P. E ., Sunrise Jensen, A ., W a ltz , Op. 33 N o. 7------W a ltz , Op. 33 No. 8.Karganoff, G., Landler, Op. 21 N o. 5------Petite Valse, Op. 10 No. 2Kienzl, W . , Old Vienna ------Styrian DanceL ow , J., Rondo, Op. 303 No. 5------At the BrookMayer, Ch., Tarantelle M axson, F ., Innocence Mendelssohn, By the Cradle Merkel, G., Delights of May Northrup, T. H ., Spanish DanzaRaff, J., Fleurette, Op.75 No. 1 Reinhold, H ., At the W e d ­dingReynald, G., Pearly Dew Scharwenka, X ., Barcarolle, Op. 62 No. 4 Schubert, Allegretto Schubert-Heller, “ E v e r N e a r ”Schumann, Norse Song Schytte, L ., W itc h e s’ Dance, Op. 74------Soldier’ s PatrolStiehl, H ., Hungarian Album­lea fV ogt, J., Nocturne W eb er, Sonatina W ilm , N. v., A t the Mill, Op. 16 No. 8.Uniform with and intended as a continuation of “ The Pianist’s First and Second Y ear,” published before. The com piler has been particularly happy in the choice o f the pieces, w hich com ­prise selections from the old classics to the ultra-modern school of writers—from Bach to Karganoff, Scharwenka, W ilm , etc. Paper, engraving, binding, and presswork are of the highest standard.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHEPARD'S REED-ORGAN METHODA COMPLETE INSTRUCTION-BOOK By THOMAS G. SHEPARDPrice, $1.00 netMr. Shepard’ s b ook is sim plicity its e lf; and in that simplicity lies its strength. W ithout discouraging and wearying the be­ginner with a formidable array of five-finger exercises and scales, cov erin g page after page with wearisome m onotony, he com ­mences with the easiest rudimentary exercises, every note, sign, and step being thoroughly exp la in ed ; and after only nine exer­cises, gives a little m elody em bodying in the simplest style the technical results so far achieved.AUG. SPANUTHi Preparatory Piano TechnicsA COURSE OF FUNDAMENTAL EXERCISES FOR THE PIANIST’S DAILY USEFlex. Cloth, net, $1.25r This collection of exercises is in accord with the peculiarities of m odern technique. It appeals to the brain as well as to the fingers o f the student. A highly important point is the attention paid to the cultivation of the pupil’s harmonic sense.Part I deals with a variety o f five-finger exercises. Every fin­ger is subjected to an exhaustive drilling, and all manners of touch are em ployed. In Part II the scales are considered. Double notes also com e in for careful treatment. Part III is devoted to Chords, A rpeggios, Extensions, and Trills.Any of the above will be sent for examinationSend for a F R E E C O P Y of an Essay just publishedA STUDY OF PIANO STUDIESWe solicit Correspondence on all matters MusicalN E W W O R K SPUBLISHED BYThe J ohn Church CompanyCINCINNATI, C H ICA G O . NEW YO R K, LONDON. LEIPSICJUST PUBLISHEDv O PERA SONGS vVol. I. SopranoVol. II. Mezzo-Soprarvo and Contralto Vol. III. TenorVol. I V . Baritone and Bass P rice, $ 1 .5 0 per V olu m eList o f contents will be sent on applicationNEW PUBLICATIONS FOR PIANOReginald deKoven. Elves and GnomesPetite Marche Fantastique, . ................................................$0.50In^Minor Mode. Preludes for Piano, Op. 165No. i. P r e lu d e ,................................................................................50No. 2. P r e lu d e ,................................................... ............................30No. 3. P r e lu d e ,................................................................................3.0No. 4. P re lu d e ,................................................................................40No. 5. P r e lu d e ,................................................................................40No. 6. P relu d e,...................................................................... ... .40No. 7. P relu d e,.................................................................................40No. 8. P relu d e,................................................................................ 5°James H. Rogers. Suite MignonneNo. 1 . P re lu d e ,........................................................ ... .....................3°No. 2. G a v o t t e ,................................................................................30No. 3. A r i e t t e , ................................................................................ 3°No. 4. T a r a n t e lle ,......................................................................... 5°W. C. E. Seeboeck. Six Little PiecesNo. 1 . Valse P e t i t e , .................................................................... 3°No. 2. Little Scherzino, . .......................................................... 3°No. 3. Boat S o n g , ........................................................................ 3°No. 4. Slumber S o n g , .................................................................3°No. g. M a z u r k a ,............................................................................30No. 6. Russian D a n c e ,.................................................................30Gerrit SmithAlpine R o s e ,....................................................................................... 5°Colum bine,...........................................................................................5°Wilson G. SmithValse Lente, Op. 86, ........................................................................60Cradle Song, Op. 85 (after W o l f ) , ...............................................40Just published : Numerous other sets of teaching pieces by well-known composers.Suites for PianoIn Venezia. N e v i n ,.................................................................1.25Silhouettes. W . G. S m ith ,..........................................................75Colorado Summer. Gerrit S m ith ,........................................1.25New Organ WorksOrgan Book. James Rogers, selected from the worksof modern composers, ...................................................Pedal Studies. Anton Andree, with two-parts contra­puntal accompaniment for m a n u a ls,.........................Pipes and Pedals. Containing original compositions by well-known c o m p o s e r s ,.................................... ... .Vocal MusicLiza Lehmann. Album of 5 French S o n g s ,..................1.25Ethelbert Nevin2.00 1.501.00An African Love Song,At R e s t , .........................M ighty L ak’ a Rose, . To A n n e ,..........................C. B. HawleyYour Lips Have Said You Love Me. Tw o keys, .A Song of Life. Two k e y s ,............................................Love and I. Two k e y s , ...................................................Hamilton GrayIn Sunlit D ays. Two k e y s ,.................................... ... .Horatio Parker. Songs, Op. 51No. i. Love in M a y , ........................................................No. 2. June N i g h t , ...........................................................No. 3. A Spinning S o n g ,.................................................No. 4. A t T w ilig h t,............................................................C. ChaminadeColette. Two k e y s ,..........................................................’ Tw as an April Day (C’etait en Avril), ..................Reginald deKovenA Fairy D a n c e , .................................................................Cupid’s Kiss. (Le B a is e r ),............................................Dainty D o r o t h e a ,..............................................................Not by the Sun will I Vow my Vow . (Romanza), .Rosalie. (Chansonette), . . .............................The Sandman’ s Song. ( L u lla b y ) ,.............................Homer Tourjee. Songs for Children1. A Dolly L u lla b y ,..........................................................2. W h a t the W in d Says, . . ......................... ...W here the Dark Comes M o s t , ..............................W h ere the Bird’s Nest S w i n g s , .........................A Very Sick D o l ly ,........................................ ...If Santa Claus K n e w ,...............................................The Night V o i c e s ,......................................................Blue Eyes, True E y e s , .................. .........................The Groo-Groo Man, ...............................................At the Bottom of the Sea, .....................................50•30•30•30•50•50.50••50.60•75•50.60•50.40.40•30.30•30•30•30.40.303-4-5- 6.7- 8.9- 10.A Vniqvie Book, “ L A U R E L W IN N E R S ”Portraits and Sketches of M odern Composers will be sent free with our catalogue upon request. T o responsible teachers w e will send on examination any of our publications at special prices.T H E JOHN CHURCH COMPANYCincinnati, Chicago, New York, London, Leipsic.Educational WorksO fG R E A T V A L U E .PIANO INSTRUCTORS.First Steps in Piano Study. Theo. Presser................ . $ 1 .0 0Beginning at the beginning and progressing slowly ; the most suitable for young pupils.Foundation Materials. C. W . Landon............................. . 1.00PIANO TECHNICS AND STUDIES.Selected Studies (2 vols.). A. Loeschhorn................... each 1.00Touch and Technic (4 parts). Dr. W m . M ason........ each 1.00The Standard Graded Course of Studies, in ten grades,ten volumes. W . S. B. Mathews................................each 1.00The School of Four=Hand Playing, in three grades,three volumes. Theo. Presser*T~~4Studies and Study Pieces (3 vols.). A. Schmott, . each 1 .0 0 Special Exercises in Scale P l»y m g (2 vols.). W . G.Smith.................. ................................................................each 1.00PIANO CO LLEC TIO N S.L ighter Compositions for Piano. F. Chopin................... 1.00Album of Miscellaneous Piano Compositions. Ed.Grieg............................................................................................ 1*00Sight Reading Album (2 vols.). C. W . Landon ...... each 1.00Studies in Melody=Playing (2 vols.). H . C. Macdougall,each 1.25Standard First and Second Grade Pieces for Piano.actionGoTo:42,W actionGoTo:42,.actionGoTo:42, actionGoTo:42,S. actionGoTo:42,B.actionGoTo:42, actionGoTo:42,Mathews....................................................................actionGoTo:42, actionGoTo:42,1*00Standard Third and Fourth Grade Pieces for Piano.W . S. B. Mathews.................................................................... 1.00Standard Fifth and Sixth Grade Pieces for Piano.W . S. B. Mathews.................................................................... 1.00Modern Student (2 vols. of study pieces).................... each 1.00ORGAN W ORKS.Reed Organ Method. C. W . Landon................................... .. 1.50School of Reed Organ Playing (4 vols.), 4 grades. C.W . Landon....................................................................... each 1.00Graded Materials for Pipe Organ. J. H. Rogers..............1.00PRIMERS—RUDIMENTARY WORKS.Writing=Book for Music Pupils (Complete). C. W .Landon................................................................................................50Piano Primer (Paper). H. R. Palmer.............................................60(Also published in boards and cloth.) ^HARM ONY AND COUNTERPOINT.Student’ s Harm ony. O. A. Mansfield................................. 1.25Key to Student’ s Harm ony. O. A. Mansfield.........................75Harm ony. A Text-Book. H. A. Clarke................................ **^5Key to Harmony. H. A. Clarke....................................................50Theory Explained to Piano Students. H. A. Clarke ... .50 The Theory of Interpretation. A. J. Goodrich................ 2 .0 0HISTORY AND BIOG RAPH Y.Lessons in Musical History. J. C. Fillmore........................1.50History of Pianoforte Music. J. C. Fillmore........................1.50First Studies in Music Biography. Thos. Tapper........ .. 1.50Pictures from the Lives of Great Composers forChildren. Thos. Tapper..................................................... .. 1.25Celebrated Pianists of the Past and Present. A. Ehr-lich............................................................................................... ..2.00W ORKS O F REFERENCE.Pronouncing Dictionary of Music and Musicians.H. A. Clarke............................................................................. L 0 0Dictionary of M usic and M usicians. Dr. H. Riemann.. 4 .5 0 (1000 pages. W e especially recommend this work.)LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO THE PROFESSION.Metronomes, Satchels, Rolls, Blank Paper and Copy Books, Reward Cards, Ruled Chart Paper, Music Teachers* and Pupils* Lesson and Account Books, everything of use to the teacher of music at the lowest price possible. _______________ _Any or all of the above will be sent on inspection to those sending reference in order to open an account on our books.Send for any or all o f the following catalogues, free for the asking iSHEET MUSIC BY AUTHORS.SHEET MUSIC DESCRIPTIVE.BOOKS DESCRIPTIVE.MODERN METHODS AND STUDIES.PIANO COLLECTIONS, GIVING INDEX. METRONOMES, SATCH ELS, ETC.BUSTS AND PORTRAITS OF MUSICIANS.We claim to be the quickest Mail-Order Music Supply House for Teachers, Schools, and Conservatories in the country.THEODORE PRESSER.Music Publisher, Dealer, Importer, PHILADELPHIA- PA..
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