TH E etud e 16 9 SUMMER MUSIC SCHOOLS. American Conservator^ Kimball Hall, 243 Wabash Ave., Chicago. TH E RfifiURU SUlWMEf * ^Of^R U SESSIO N of five weeks will be held, beginning Monday, Jane 26, 1899, and ending Saturday, July 29, 1899. Lectures and Recitals of special interest to teachers. Unrivaled advantages. Terms moderate. Special Circular or Annual Catalogue mailed free on application. JOHN J. HATTSTAEDT, Director. Founded in 1853 by Dr. Eben Tourjee. CHAS. P. GARDINER, President. GEORGE W . CHADWICK, A.M. , Director. SPECIAL MID-SUMMER TERM. We take pleasure in announcing that the services of Mr. A. K. Virgil have been secured to conduct a course of instruction in Pianoforte Technic. Mr. Yirgil has recently returned from abroad where he has successfully established Pianoforte Schools in London and Berlin, upon the Clavier Theories. The usual extensive facilities for the study of Piano-forte, Voice, etc., will be available. Send for special circular. FRANK W. HALE, General Manager, Franklin Square, ... Boston, Mass. SUMMER MUSIC SCHOOL IN CHICAGO, From June 15th to September 15th. ¥ ¥ ¥ ST any time between the dates named instruction can be obtained in Piano, Voice, and Theory from DR. ROBERT GOLDBECK. Those desiring to avail them-selves of this opportunity, please write at their earliest convenience to DR. ROBERT GOLDBECK, 627 FINE ARTS BUILDING, ) . FN. 203 MICHIGAN BOULEVARD,} CHLCAGO, UlinOlS . A Four Weeks' Course for Teachers From Thursday, July 6th, to August 3d, AT PENN YHN, N . V. , a delightful summer resort on Lake Keuka. CONDUCTED BY CHKs . iztf. LONDON . Mason's Touch and Technic, and courses in Psychological Pedagogy, Analysis, Phrasing, and Expression, and Lan-don's Course for Children. Send for circular of particulars to CfLRS. W. URJiDOfi, 1505 Jackson St., Lynchburg1, Virginia, till June 5th, after then address at Penn Yan, N. Y. ZTbe ZToronto Conservator? of /Ifcusic .. . DR. EDWARD FISHER, Musical Director. TORONT O CANAD A oee * Affiliated with Toronto and Trinity Universities. Largest Music School and Strongest Faculty in Canada. Bnnua l /llMC^Summe r IRorma l Sessio n Open s July 3 , close s July 29 , 1899 . LECTURES AND PRACTICAL CLASS WORK, designed for Music Teachers, advanced Music Students, and others who are unable, because of their engagements, to take the regular academic course of study, and arranged to secure a maximum amount of instruction during a brief term of study. Departments of Study and paeulty iov the Summe r Session. Pianoforte.—Dr. Edward Fisher, A. S. Vogt, J. W F. Harrison, Mies Maud Gordon, A. T. C. M. Voice.— Rechab Tandy, Miss Denzil. Theory.—J. Humphrey Anger, Mus Bac. (Oxon.), F. R. C.O. Organ.—A. S. Vogt, J W F. Harrison. Violin.—Mrs. B. Drechsler Adamson Public School Music and Sight Singing.—S. H. Preston. The Conservatory Calendar, Syllabus, and Summer School Prospectus sent free. <3ottscbalk %mc School MUSICA L AN D DRAMATIC . INCORPORATED . OPE N AL L YEAR . SPECIAL * SUJIP ^ SEASON . L. G. GOTTSCHALK and AUGUST HYLLESTED, Directors. Cata^gue mailed on application. Kimball Hall, Chicago, 111. StUVipEH JVHJSIC SCHOOIi In connectio n wit h Chautauqu a Assembly , MONTEHGLE , TENN . (SUMMIT OF CUMBERLAND MOUNTAIN.) SEVE N WEEKS 1 COURSE , BEGINNIN G JULY 10TH. 13 Recitals, Band Concerts, Chorus Classes, Lectures, Clavier Course, Private Lessons. ... Chautauqua Summer School of Music Chautauqua, N. Y., July 10 to August 18, 1899. DR. HENRY G. HANCHBTT, Director. DR. JOHN C. GRIGGS, Vocal Department. Wm. H. Sherwood, Chicago, 111. Ferdinand Dewey, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. F. T. Tobey, Memphis, Tenn. Sol Marcusson, Cleveland, O. F A C U L T Y . I. V. Flagler, Auburn, N. Y. ORGA N J. Harry Wheeler, New York City. TOIC E L. S. Leason, Vice-Dean, Philadelphia, Pa. HARMONY Chas. E. Rogers, BAND Goshen, Ind. INSTRUMENTS PIAN O PIAN O PIAN O VIOLI N Send for Circular to DR . HKNR Y G . HANCHETT , Director , 136 FIFT H AVENUE , NE W YOR K CITY. THE BIDWELL POCKET HAND EXERCISER THE ONLY COMPLETE AND PERFECT HAND-GYMNASIUM FOR PIANISTS, VIOLINISTS, and all others who require a flexible and well-developed hand. Endorsed by leading teachers and all who have used it. Produces a freedom and perfection of technic which cannot be attained by keyboard work alone. It prepares the hand for the key board and does away with a large amount of unmusical drumming. The keyboard as a hand developer is one-sided, slow, and of little practical value. Use the Exerciser and secure strength, flexibility, and freedom of action, with a perfect control of each muscle of the hand, and then adapt the hand to the keyboard by legitimate keyboard practice. Save your time, money, nerves, and temper, and develot your hands in a common-sense manner, and do not depend alone upon a keyboard for this purpose. The Hand Exerciser weighs two ounces and can be carried in the pocket. It is so cheap that every one can own one. Twenty minutes7 use each day before regular practice i* better than two hours extra keyboard work. It supplies 2 great need which can be supplied in no other way. Pianists can prepare their hands for concert in 15 min utes with the Exerciser better than by two hours of exhaustive keyboard practice. The Hand Exerciser is equally valuable for violinist* and all who require a supple and well-developed hand. Send for one at once and be up to date in your work. Sent by mail, with book giving full directions for using, for $2.00. DR. H. R. PALMER, Dean, New York City, Methods, Theorist, and Conductor. Tuitio n $10.00, which pays for all Classes, Lectures, Recitals, Concerts, etc., etc. Private Lessons Extra. For additional information address Chautauqua Assembly, General Offices, CLEVELAND, OHIO. THEO. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. CLARKE'S MUSIC TABLET. Pric e 2 5 Cts. , Net , Postpaid . A writing-tablet containing 100 leaves, 7 x 10} inches in size, ruled with the staff for writing music. A practical and useful article for both teacher and student, and especially valuable in the class-room for writing illustrations, giving some little additional exer-cises, etc., etc. The Synopsis of Harmony, which is included with this pad, by Dr. Hugh A. Clarke, of the University of Penn-sylvania, will be found of great service as a reference chart. The paper is of good quality, and to have one of these pads at hand will not only be a great convenience, but a matter of economy in the saving of high-priced manu-script paper. Published by TEEO. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
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